Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Time to get checked

Created by ScarbsSUP > 9 months ago, 17 Jul 2013
WA, 354 posts
Site Sponsor
17 Jul 2013 9:18AM
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Seeing as there isn't a lot of racing going on at this time of year, it may be a good time to drop into your favourite Skin Cancer Clinic for a skin Check. I had my not so regular check up and they naturally froze a bunch of Keretosis and small BCC's off of my scalp, hands, shoulders and also found this little (large) Basal Cell Carcinoma on my left arm just below my elbow. Being blonde (see grey ) and fair skinned and having my history of being a water baby all my life with high exposure to Australian sun, I am deemed a high risk for skin cancer.

I am supposed to go every 6 months but with my active and busy life I manage to try and get there every 12 months. In reality, I go about every two years but intend to change it to my yearly visit. I want to live to give my girls away when they get married so it is important. I know the markings on my body well and am well versed in monitoring changes in my skin due to my high risk. It can happen to you too.

This started as a small lump (like a deep pimple) and developed into a scab which wouldn't heal. It grew to nearly the size of a 5 cent piece and had to be excised. The resultant excision was 4cm long and about 2.5cm wide in an almond shape. All skin to the fat layer was removed and closed with 7 or 8 stitches. BCC's are not usually deadly, but need to be removed. Don't muck around, a single Melenoma can be the end! DM

WA, 846 posts
17 Jul 2013 10:44AM
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Whoah, good spot Darren. Good reminder to get checked.

WA, 1313 posts
17 Jul 2013 11:23AM
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I get checked every time I go to Sydney which is once or twice a year, its just the habit that I have got into. Last time I went they said unless I have anything of great concern that I only needed to come once every two years as I am under 30!

VIC, 5000 posts
17 Jul 2013 2:48PM
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I haven't been yet, your post has prompted me to make an appointment now, Cheers.

QLD, 2286 posts
17 Jul 2013 4:58PM
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Good post ScarbSUP.
On Tuesday I had no fewer than 35 (yes 35) Solar Kerotosis burnt off my arms and chest. This is not a one off it happens to me several times a year.
I have also had numerous operations, such as yours, to remove SCC's and BCC's from various parts of my anatomy. As well as this I use creams on my face to kill more of the little buggers.
Thankfully I have had no Melanomas and regular checks will keep it that way.
This comes from being a surfer and paddler for most of my 58 years, despite wearing wet shirts and sunscreens since they became available. This damage happens quickly and without you knowing it is happening. It will appear twenty years after the sun damage occurred.
So a word from the older and somewhat wiser. well in this regard anyway.
Get checked regularly.
Do as your doctor tells you.
Use a good quality water and sweat proof sunscreen all the time.
Wear a good quality wet shirt (rashie).
Spread the word to all water users you assocaite with.
But never, ever, ever stop what you love doing just be sensible in the sun. I am.
Thanks again.
Enjoy and stay wet.

QLD, 529 posts
18 Jul 2013 6:31PM
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Yep, good post. I get checked every year and have had BCC's cut out and burnt off etc. Last year just after I had my regular check up, a lump appeared on my cheek. I stupidly thought "no worries I'll get it removed at my next check up" Big mistake! It was an extremely aggressive SCC and had advanced a lot by the time I got it checked. It took two operations to remove it and you can see the results below. Don't wait to get checked out. Do it now.

VIC, 1174 posts
18 Jul 2013 9:20PM
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Get checked every 12 months if you surfed when you were young and are over 50 especially if you have'nt got a partner. There is also a good cream called Kenacomb otic to put on them until you GET them removed ASAP. doctors will prescribe it and it will soften them up and make them go smaller. My dermotologist suggested I moisturise after surfing to reduce the likelihood of developing painful BCC's. Moisturise or DIE!!!!!!. By the way Thomo I'm sending you some socks to get mended!! Seriously though we've all got to be careful cause we just didn't know!! Remember Royal Hawaiian Tropical cooking lotion? Worked well, smelled beautiful and probably will be the death of us. Thomo STAY ON TOP OF IT PLEASE!! You're too nice a bloke to have to have your good looks affected. Just say it was a shark bite Go Maroons!!!!!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Time to get checked" started by ScarbsSUP