With an addiction to stand up paddle surfing I can never seem to find the time to mow the lawn.
Oh and by the way, I got a 2012 8'5 x 29" Starboard Pro today.
Single concave bottom feeding into a slight tail V with plenty of nose and tail lift.
The lawn will never get mowed now
HUH. I didn't think I'd say this for a few years yet but that SB looks pretty good
have they changed there RND people
Stoked for ya Greenroom
I haven't mowed a lawn for 20+ years thats a job for crims
My lady friend mows the lawn at our house and its one of those 1920 style mowers meaning it does not have a motor so the faster you push the quicker the blades rotate. I just tell her its good exercise for the gluteus
Or buy yourself a pair of geese and you will have the perfect lawn.
Don't want to boast....
But I'm particular about lawns and boards.
BTW, Starby looks great - back to the future almost with that old red / orange colour.
Nice board looks more surfable than the other models also that fence looks like the product call' super 8' made of asbestos, your better of surfing than working in the back yard now you have an excuse
I was expecting a story about shagging the neighbors wife
Good to see they have copied PSH colour design
Noice board sb have come a long way and they needed to
Sick looking board Mr Room . My first SUP was a 10'5" drive. They have come along way. If my PSH 8'9" ripper ever wears out i know what to get next.
Quad or thruster
Don't worry about cutting the grass Greenie, I thought you long haired hippies only grow it.
Looks good same liters as my board, a swap will have to be on next time you are up north
I can feel a road trip coming on I will try and motivate Belly to get out of the nest as well. Got a flash new camera to record it
See you down there soon greenie
Make sure you blokes come down during the week. I'm now on an 8/6 roster. It gets awfully lonely SUPing on your own in GT (play Jaws music here)
Miller is even making the move
I do like it, but, I still loooove my longboards. Simply can't beat the glide and I do love walking the board and hanging a toe or two