Here's a new vid interview with Todd Bradley talking about SUP paddles.
I'm not sure I agree 100% and it seems a bit like he's sticking the boot into Kialoa and Werner.
But it's still worth a watch.. He's like Yoda..The Grand Jedi Master of SUP..
Hey DJ...just interested...which bits don't you agree with 100%? One thing I think we'd all agree on is that Todd has a pretty nice backyard hey? That's his property which looks amazing.
I'm not sure I agree with the whole dihedral concept and can't help but wonder if it's more a marketing thing..The more the dihedral the less the power in the paddle (IMO) and so no dihedral means max power. (maybe)
Don't know how you get to that , the dihederal directs the water flow avoiding cavitation and you need to remember you are not ripping the paddle back through the water but pulling the board past the paddle , the paddle travels very little in the water , so the more disturbance you create the more the paddle will slip and slide in the hole giving less leverage.
He puts a lot of infuses on the paddle lifting during the stroke.. I think I'd rather it having a 100% effort pulling me forward rather than also lifting.
This relates to keeping all your power at the front of the stroke
It's alot to take in DJ just be the sponge and absorb as much as you can , even if you don't agree with it all .I have been working really hard on my stroke over the past couple of months and it's something I'll never stop working on.
I've come to realise my 15 year old outrigger stroke is wrong for the Sup and TB just woke me up to that , the long and strong outrigger stroke is for a displacement vessel not a planing hull , I proved this last night when I did a 6km river paddle on my 9'10" in crap conditions the stroke that kept the board up an going was short and sharp as soon as I lengthened it out and tried to put on the power the board sunk in the water. Grab a small board and give it a go and you will see what I mean , then what TB is talking about will make more sense.
No disrespect taken DJ. I know what you meant. Todd has always been very technical and analytical on his take of paddling and equipment. That's what makes him one of the World's best steersmen in canoe paddling. Personally I'd love all the big paddle manufacturers to put out a vid each explaining why their paddles are the best and why they believe they work. I noticed Todd never once mentioned C4 or Pohaku paddles in his vid but we all know who he is. I always enjoy his explainations of things be it paddles, street directions or how to cook a steak. Thanks for your reply to my question.
Who isn't trying to market some part of SUP these days ,but if todd can't then nobody can he is the driving force behind the rebirth of the sport that all you people now enjoy and some claim to know more then the real leaders in the sport .Todd can talk about paddles and tec. because he can paddle SUP,CANOE,PADDLEBOARD ,and read the water and find the fastest passage through even the roughest water.Which along with good TEC. is the real lesson to be learnt to make your way down wind faster ,so best advice is watch the good guys and most of all get out there and put in the miles and miles and get off the computer ,there is no easy way
His paddles have a nice thick shaft, and look to be round for better grip with a larger diameter shaft.
I agree with wuduku.
What people have got to understand is that C4 are the leading force in all SUP equipment research and development as well as supporting alot of big SUP events. How many events does Paddle Surf Hawaii, Kialoa or Werner etc support? Bugger all cause they just sit in the shadows and follow in C4's wake and rely on tossers like yourself to discredit C4 so they can get sales. C4 were making SUP paddles long before Kialoa and Werner. The way you carry on DJ makes alot of people in the industry sick and you have become abit of a laughing stock with your outragous comments and misleading information. Sorry mate but you do come across as a know it all and I suggest if you don't agree on something keep to yourself.
BTW, Todd doesn't just have invested interests in C4, he is C4 and as I look out his front window over his lovely front yard (not backyard) I notice the wind has started to back off so I'm off for a late arvo paddle.
WOW!! what's with all the angry people today.
The vid was all right and the good thing with something like sup is that everyone is still learning and really it feels like we are just at the beginning of this adventure. I don't think it has been around longer enough for any one to be an expert, sure there are people around that know more than others but there's still so much to learn. I don't think shooting down DJ for making a comment is going to help anything as far as i can see 99% of his posts are just good fun or helping people out, I'm sure if he did not post that vid then it probably would have never made it on to this forum.
Just wait until they put laptops in to the deck of SUP's then everyone can bitch at each other when they are out paddling.
I do agree, the best way to learn is to get out on the water and just paddle try to find people that are better than you and watch and learn and ask some dumb questions.
C4 is looking like they have good stuff going on lets just hope they can get there aussie **** happening.
Well a few of you are giving David plenty of grief for having opinions and stating them.. and yet when I read what he has written I see it punctuated with. "IMO", "Maybe"'s and "I'm not sure about much really"....
I simply read it as him strongly contributing to a subject and admitting he is "not" the guru, and, might I add, if you can read, he gives this title (Guru) to Todd Bradley.
So, to you very critical ones who don't mitigate your comments: firstly, when you read something, try to really 'read' it. Secondly, try to understand a forum is a place to voice opinions, not just post the views of the anointed gods.
For your enlightenment: One (of several definitions) of a "Forum"
"A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website."
I am done, fire away boys
Everyone is entitled to have an it or not.......I thought that's what a forum was all about.
Those that are here to promote various brands & don't like what they hear........too bad
Keep 'em coming DJ..............and anyone else for that matter
This forum has recently gone a little quiet because of exactly what has happened in this post, a valued contributer has been abused and ridiculed for stating his opinions. D.J. did nothing wrong and I'd actually back him up, I didn't agree with everything stated in the video either but like the rest of us, Todd's entitled to his opinion too! And to anyone out there who thinks we all "wait in the shadows" and follow in C4s' wake, you are seriously delusional.....
Also for those who feel inclined to attack others, try reading, comprehending and putting your brain in gear beforehand....
Hi toadwhisperer, well judging by the pm's of support i got i don't think i'm a laughing stock and if people do think that well thats life. I am just saying my opinion and come on guys if Todd didn't re-invent the sport who would of??? and what would you be doing now??
I just want to make it clear to everyone on this site that it is not cool to play products off against each other on the internet. Take young Jakes post for example with his broken shaft, 886 people read that post and 886 people are going to go away thinking C4 did nothing but in the end he got a brand new paddle delivered personally by wuduka from hawaii and the least he could of done was get on this site and thank Todd and C4 for helping him out but unfortunately we are still waiting.................
Fire away
I live about three and a half hours west of Torquay. There are 5 sup riders here. Information and advice concerning SUP surfing is a bit thin on the ground down here. This forum is a great source of info and I appreciate the comments and advice given by the contributors, including DJ. I don't agree with every bit of advice I read, but take it all with a grain of salt, weigh it all up and make up my own mind. I know I've just bought a great new paddle following the advice of a number of contributors, and when I go to buy a new sub I've got far more of an idea than I would ever have without reading the posts and replies on this forum.
Disagree with the comments by all means but don't attack the person making the comment.
"Fire away"? No problem you hypocrite.
I reckon C4 make pretty good boards, it's a pity they don't seem interested in marketing them in Melbourne.
Pffft. Some of you hard core strokers take yourselves way too seriously - so damn full of your own self importance. I mean, really what is so wrong with having an opinion?
It really amazes me how you can make a throwaway comment on this forum and some of you guys act like that you have been set you on fire. Take a chill pill.
Why do you say aloha? Are you hawaiian?
I too have been in DJ's position and felt like the forum has tried to eat me up due to a misunderstanding.
I am sure DJ was not disprespecting C4 at all.
He is offering an opinion, which we are all entitled.
People died to allow us free speach.
Especially at a time like this, respect each others opinions.
So back off Simon. DJ is entitled to his opinion, right, wrong, indifferent.
Your intittled to yours and I like to hear them. Just don't bag others.
Oliver you might like to remember that to some of your so called "hard core strokers" this sport and the production and sales of it's equipment is a job that they rely on to feed themselves and their families, so I guess they do take it seriously.........
Even though dj does not surf & has never claimed to he is wealth of knowledge on this forum and I for one value his imput Another thing as was mentioned once before it might be time to split this forum into" surf, fun and mellow times" & "serious, hard core paddlers who get so uptight" because then if the post was only about distance paddling I wouldnt bother reading it
Keep up the good work dj
I'm still trying to work out how exactly it was even possible for this thread to turn sour. The OP didn't even bag any products?!?
He provided a video, said its a good watch
He said hes not entirely sure about the dihedral concept and that he believes technique is the main factor
I actually think its a good little advertisement for C4
Instead of a reseller bagging the guy why not share some similar videos? or explain the new concepts are how they benefit us in more detail?
Video was good DJ, I liked the paddle technique demo more than anything!
Cheer's Laurie, I come back from being away for 6 day's and when i started reading this post i thought what the hell is happening to this forum.... where's the stoke gone guy's it's all still new so let's just enjoy it.
Won't be clicking on this post again
If he makes people sick then maybe those people should balls up and say it themselves!!!
I do agree the guys from Melbourne are a bit weired but that's just a Melbourne thing i think
I know Jake loved the new paddle and really appreciated getting the paddle replaced but don't forget the **** he had to go through to get it was not like he took it back to where he got it from and they gave him a new one, and if it wasn't for the help of sue then he would still be waiting. I remember some one offering him a shaft but at the same cost he brought the paddle for whats the point of that. I'm sure Jake will send a thank you to Todd directly through the Sue's site when he gets a chance.
By the way it was my idea for Jake to put his problems on this site kind of like going to a current affair and funny enough the problem was fixed just like on tv.
Come to think of it i think he thanked sue for the paddle and she was the one who stood up and helped him out.