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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Todd talks about paddles.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 12 Nov 2008
VIC, 299 posts
12 Nov 2008 11:03PM
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When someone contributes as many posts as DJ does there will be people who dont agree with some of them, people have taken shots at him before and he's copped it on the chin and kept posting. Unfortuneately people will probably take shots at him in the future as well, and hopefully he keeps on posting then too. He's got huge amounts of enthusiasm for the sport and is a good ambassador on line and in person. Keep up the good work DJ.

Also, I have seen DJ surfing SUPs and he's not too shabby.

QLD, 7076 posts
12 Nov 2008 10:14PM
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Whether you use your Sup for distance racing , surfing or river cruises that video has something in it for everyone , now that all the sh!t has settled everyone should look at the video again and try what he says , it really works take special note of the last 40 secs.

I know this thread got way off track but that video is the best paddle/stroke instructional I've seen. Get out there and try it and lets us know how you went.


WA, 24860 posts
12 Nov 2008 10:01PM
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Well said Jacko

NSW, 698 posts
13 Nov 2008 12:11AM
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Its a full moon.


WA, 24860 posts
12 Nov 2008 10:31PM
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lol rod

WA, 92 posts
12 Nov 2008 11:02PM
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Hey DJ

Keep the handy info and videos comming. As a newbie I appreciate you and all the other guys positive input.


136 posts
13 Nov 2008 5:38AM
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Wow...just joined here and the 1st post I read is DJ taking it on the chin. DJ of all people. And for a post that wasn't even objectionable! I think someone needs a chill pill...

DJ...your one of the folks I'd most like to share some time on the water with. Keep postin bro!

As for the vid and Todd's opinions. I agree mith most of it but it IS marketing. nothing wrong with that but you can also make an argument for other opinions as well. Werner...who also has a dihedral...and a turned more power at the entry. Getting the rest of your body involved (bending at the waist) brings stronger muscles into play. Paddles and paddle strokes are all very personal. What works for a 5 ft 120 lb woman with short arms will be very different than what works for a 6-6 250 lb guy with gorilla arms.

I made a similar comment about Jim Terrels vid for the Shaw and Tenny paddles. You can take 10 experts selling 10 different paddles and get 10 different vids telling you why theirs is best....its marketing people....don't forget that. Get all the info you can...including posts like DJ's and desenting opinions and then test what you can and make up your own minds what works for you.

VIC, 17517 posts
13 Nov 2008 9:01AM
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Welcome to the Breeze Bob.. .. Its really great to have you on board here.. Your brother Bill has also jumped from being a Zoner to a Breezer from time to time.. It seems like we've known each other for such a long time and become good friends.. I remember when we first met on line and those beautiful wood paddles that you made.

I really hope we do get out on the water together one day.. Maybe for the CCBC or the BOP.. I'll keep buying those lotto tickets.

You're a lot like me Bob and although we read and hear so much about all this SUP stuff that we love so much..and might know more than some..we would never consider ourselves as experts or know-it-alls.

Thanks everyone who's offered support for me during this post but for me it's not that big a deal.. We all have our own thoughts and opinions.

I don't know why Simon has it in his head that I have it in for C4 and in some of my past posts I refer to C4 as the Ferrari of stand ups ( ) and not long ago I talked a really good friend into buying a C4 paddle because the opportunity came up and I'm often asking my local shops to try and stock C4.

Anyway... I hope to see Simon at the Mambo and I'll ask him face to face what he really thinks.. .. I've seen pics of Simon that he posted and he rips in the waves.. Maybe we'll get to share a wave together at Merimbula.


QLD, 798 posts
13 Nov 2008 8:43AM
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Yes welcome Bob..and I love your Profile Photo !! You sure it's not just a rock?

NSW, 667 posts
13 Nov 2008 12:37PM
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Echo Jacko's comments, Ben Dover was extremely grateful for the new paddle, I am positive that he thanked C4 and the person responsible at C4 for resolving the issue. I am also 110% certain that he thanked Sue and Danny (especially Danny) for bringing it back from OS. To infer that he was in anyway ungrateful is total BS and a slight to him.

As for splitting the site into Racing and Surfing, I believe that the sport is called Stand Up Paddling and covers both disciplines not one or the other. It is all encompassing. As a surfer I have gained much knowledge from those discussing the downwinding (and one further thing I have learnt, they do downwinders on bigger boards for a reason, paddling a 10'8 from Greenmount to Currumbin is not that much fun )

VIC, 17517 posts
13 Nov 2008 1:15PM
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We should be able to say what we think without fear or others jumping down our throats..and we all think differantly.

It'd be a boring place if we all thought the same.

Now.. is this a frog or a horse?..


1672 posts
13 Nov 2008 11:30AM
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I have an Idea for c4 for marketing in vic, how about they sponser me a full quiver of subs and i will get them out in the surf for them

VIC, 17517 posts
13 Nov 2008 3:22PM
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You get my vote Brooko..


NSW, 55 posts
13 Nov 2008 3:24PM
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C4 could do with some marketing help in Australia. Simon seems to have taken the brand from invisible to toxic with this current thread.
Maybe getting your product out there with some demo days and good vibes rather than personal attacks may help.
There seems to be plenty of product pimping on here but I think its OK as most is informative and not much bagging of rival products.
I enjoy DJs posts, hes an obvious Naish fan and I guess would be getting a good shop deal on boards ( JB should be giving him that new Glide) but it all seems transparent to me and he seems to get a lot of stoke from bringing people into the sport he loves.
Keep the posts coming DJ.

440 posts
13 Nov 2008 2:17PM
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nev said...

I enjoy DJs posts, hes an obvious Naish fan and I guess would be getting a good shop deal on boards ( JB should be giving him that new Glide) but it all seems transparent to me and he seems to get a lot of stoke from bringing people into the sport he loves.
Keep the posts coming DJ.

I agree, maybe some people need to do less of one type of stroking and more of the other, long live the stoke.

138 posts
13 Nov 2008 10:22PM
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wow !

when I saw the video, it was recently posted by DJ, I thought this would be an interested thread, I'm only waveriding, but I pay big atention to the quality of my strokes as this is how I can escape from the big sets, get out of a rip, paddle to another break,...
I've been learning a lot here thanks to the long distance paddlers ...

Things such as "bring the board to your paddle and not the paddle to your board" changed my life, I'm now using a shorter paddle, do shorter strokes, I'm going faster, and I've improved my surfing (it feels better with shorter paddles)

And now when I logged in I see 2 pages of discussion, I was expecting something interesting about the pros and cons of dihedral paddles, discussions about flat or hooked blades ...

But no...

DJ, thanks for posting this video and thanks for all your other posts.

WA, 7489 posts
13 Nov 2008 10:42PM
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Going the opposite way eric. I purchased a Select paddle, really stiff and old school size, heaps of power. Really good to paddle out the reefs and great for catching heaps of waves, feels like I can get the board on the plane just paddling. loving it. Different folks, different strokes. Gotta love the SUP.

VIC, 17517 posts
14 Nov 2008 1:04AM
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Thanks eric.. but I can see after re reading my post maybe I should not have said that it seems like Todd is sticking the boot into Kialoa and Werner because that's not really what I meant..also the 100% thing was maybe out of line.

Todd was really just explaining why C4 have a dihedral on their blade (Kialoa's are flat) and why they don't have any hook in the blade (like Werner).

That's all fair in my book..Whether you choose to agree or disagree is up to you.. and maybe I should keep my opinions to myself.

Newcastle SUP has contacted me to explain and I appreciate that and I also understand where he's coming from.. I'd also apologize to Todd if he thinks I did or said the wrong thing.. I sometimes have the foot-in-mouth problem and sometimes rush into typing something with out thinking it out.

I've changed my mind a few times about what's right and wrong with paddles and paddling technique and it's still early days with stand up paddle and maybe time will tell what's right and wrong in the end.

My Kialoa's cost me a lot of money and I love them and for that reason I rave about them..but that doesn't mean I think other brands are rubbish.

I've just heard that C4 is about to take off big time down under.. and I'm rapt for them.. ..(and Todd)


136 posts
14 Nov 2008 6:33AM
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aussiewahine said...

Yes welcome Bob..and I love your Profile Photo !! You sure it's not just a rock?

Hehe...yes I'm sure it's not just a rock...actually found it in my backyard (treefarm) hit it with the lawnmower. Years later a archeologist was doing a dig along a soon to be constructed roadway behind my house and they came across a settlement...burial site with ceremonial axes, spears, etc..amazing workmanship..actually finely polished and sharp (the tip is broken off on mine). She dated my axe at between 5,000 and 8,000 years old.

Someday DJ...I'll have to hit the lottery too.... If I do I'll see you at the Mambo.

The real truth about paddles is that they are even more personal than boards. I tried every paddle at the board and paddle showcase....some I hated....some I loved. (The C4's were among those I liked for what its worth) But others had exactly the opposite opinion and it didn't necessariy relate to size or strength or experience. There are definite pearls of wisdom to what Todd has to say but as I mentioned, counterarguments can be made.

The argument for a straight blade vs a bend for example. I've heard the argument made that because you are paddling a planing board you don't want a bent blade so that it will lift the nose sooner/more. Personally I like the bent blade better...go figure.

I paddle a werner spanker. Of all the paddles at the showcase I liked it and the malama the best. Both are very similar in shape and size. Malama has been hand crafting extraordinarily beautiful paddles for over 30 years, albeit most of those for outriggers. I think he knows something about building paddles. The C4, Werner Spanker and the Malama are all similar in many respects, shape, bent, dihedral, but the werner and malama have turned tips which i think give them more power at entry.

In my not so humble opinion...each of us really needs to see what works for us as individuals...too many variables for one recommendation to apply to all.

NSW, 698 posts
14 Nov 2008 10:25AM
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Yes DJ

NSW, 698 posts
14 Nov 2008 10:26AM
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OOPs about werner and kialoha


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Todd talks about paddles." started by DavidJohn