Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Training aid - no of paddle strokes per minute

Created by dcc55 > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2013
NSW, 74 posts
15 Apr 2013 9:20PM
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I was watching the various paddling rates of the competitors at the river race on Sunday.
Is there a personal audible timing device that will allow you to set the paddling rate you want to use in your training session?
For example the first 200 or 300 metres in a race you need to be paddling very fast or you're left in everyone's wash (speaking from experience!). It would be good to practise at this fast rate then change back to a longer distance rate.
Any suggestions?

VIC, 1298 posts
15 Apr 2013 9:45PM
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I heard a skull pair in an interview once and they were asked what their strategy was in the sprint they were competing in. The bloke looked at the camera and said the strategy was to keep everyone else in a position so that they could see them and if anyone looked as though they were going faster then them they would stroke faster. I reckon there is something in that for all of us

NSW, 80 posts
15 Apr 2013 10:24PM
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Found this on a kayak racing website , should be able to attach easily to sup paddle

NSW, 74 posts
15 Apr 2013 11:16PM
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Thank you, might give it a try.

824 posts
16 Apr 2013 1:48AM
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Pretty sure it works on an accelerometer which is precise when doing repetitive movements (like a canoe-stroke) - but the minute you have to change sides the movement pattern changes and you will lose a stroke or two.

I have one built into my Mobii Motion which is worn on the arm - I checked it against video footage and found it was 100% accurate if I just paddles on one side - but I was out by 10-15% when doing paddle-side changes.

The arm is different movement to the paddle itself though, so it may just still work.

If this one is sensitive enough it might work if mounted on the board.

WA, 441 posts
16 Apr 2013 8:40AM
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in swimming we use a timer this can be set to beep at a certain interval per minute. We use it to do stroke rate drills/lap splits etc good little tool. If you have an waterprrof case for your smart phone you can down load interval timers and get them to beep on a certain pace as well.

QLD, 2286 posts
16 Apr 2013 10:49AM
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In rowing/skulling they use a "Stroke Coach". it tells lots of info and beeps at you at a preset rate.
Search it on the web. It may be able to be adapted to SUP.

NSW, 149 posts
16 Apr 2013 11:59AM
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In dragon boating, one stroke I know matched various strokes per minute that she needed to music that she likes with a certain bpm. That way she just has to start singing a song in her head to check herself. You may have similarly heard that Queen's "another one bites the dust" is the correct bpm for CPR.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Training aid - no of paddle strokes per minute" started by dcc55