Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Travis's new C4 race board.

Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 15 May 2011
VIC, 17435 posts
15 May 2011 8:31PM
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You can check it out here.. It's very different to Danny's 404 and Connor's board was also very different again.. Who knows what's the best shape these days..


41 posts
15 May 2011 7:10PM
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the guy on

825 posts
15 May 2011 9:25PM
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If my memory serves me then Danny was first to the outside buoy 3 times out of 4 in the BOP while Travis was first at inside buoy 3 times out of 4 - and most importantly on the last lap as well.

Seemed like Danny had Travis covered for raw pace, but battled to find/stay on runners as well as Travis, wonder if their boards had much to do with this.

Having said that I'd think Travis won the mental battle as Danny had to fight hard to get ahead only to lose the lead coming in every time......must have been devastating seeing all that good work go to waste.

Fascinating stuff....


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Travis's new C4 race board." started by DavidJohn