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Trick or Treat??!! - a Halloween Special (not SUP)

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2010
VIC, 8020 posts
31 Oct 2010 8:32PM
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The barrage of door knocks has slowed... but I love watching the kiddies freak out at my barking labrador ! But it's all tail waggles once the door is open...

My sister made these cup cakes today !! She's a legend ! I haven't spoken to her today, but it looks like she's made some dry icing sugar mix, rolled it out, and laid it over the top.

QLD, 127 posts
31 Oct 2010 8:42PM
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nice looking alternative to lollies. Our street had heaps of kids doing the rounds. Even some adults dressed up and had some fun too...

VIC, 3516 posts
1 Nov 2010 9:50AM
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Hey Simmondo,

lovin your sisters work there, Nesha came home totally wired from way to many lollies, but hey you have to be a kid at least once in your life.


VIC, 8020 posts
1 Nov 2010 1:33PM
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Got the heads up from my sister... Normal cup cake, choose your favorite... Cut the top off if need be, then place a Chocolate Royal ontop, to get the dome head. Icing is sold in blocks at supermarket, near icing sugar, roll it out, cut it out, lay it over.

Phill, too funny!!
Froggo, yeah I noticed some parents getting into it too.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Trick or Treat??!! - a Halloween Special (not SUP)" started by Simondo