Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Vicco Voluntary Code of Practice

Created by PTWoody > 9 months ago, 10 Jan 2011
3952 posts
14 Jan 2011 10:13AM
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PTWoody said...

There has been a couple of incidents in the last year involving SUPs in Port Phillip Bay requiring water police intervention (in one instance a rescue from the shipping channel and in the other, to stop someone from doing something highly dangerous and illegal). As a result, the police recommended that SUPs be re-designated as vessels and required to carry all the same safety equipment. The nearest similarity they saw to SUP was sea kayaks. It would have meant we wear full length 3mm wetsuits and a PFD all year round whether we are in the surf zone or paddling out to sea or cruising a river. This legislation was being drafted when Marine Safety contacted Max at Surfing Victoria.

Thanks for clearing that up a little Woody. Do you know if this has been going on for weeks, months or days?

WA, 3848 posts
14 Jan 2011 11:07AM
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This thread ain't going to be deleted, it's good discussion.

It does needs to be discussed & addressed, whether you like it or not, because if you turn a blind eye, things get implemented and you'll be left wondering why.

Kitesurfing has gone through the flames in all these things, and beaches are getting banned left, right & centre. Volunteer orgs work real hard to save what they can.

This blue bit indicates where kiters are now allowed in mullaloo .. a lot of community discussion in the forums saved the bit they did get

"Like never before, maintaining kitesurfing beach access is up to us....

Many Thanks to WAKSA for their ongoing efforts in maintaining beach access. This issue consumed many hours of volunteer kiters working hard to ensure a few bad apples don't ruin kitesurfing for the whole community (both kiters & non kiters). The team at WAKSA put in mountains of effort, and over 80 kiters turned up at the council meeting to show their support."

Full story here:

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Jan 2011 7:59PM
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laurie said...

This thread ain't going to be deleted, it's good discussion.

It does needs to be discussed & addressed, whether you like it or not, because if you turn a blind eye, things get implemented and you'll be left wondering why.

I agree Laurie. 3 step process from Surfing Vic / Max is logical (and should probably be National, even if some of you guys don't want to be regulated). Would I be splitting hairs to ask for 500m and 2.5km? I have a preferred location at 500m and a course where 2.5km has me covered!

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Jan 2011 8:20PM
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Ali Cat said...

Hi guys, just another suggestion/food for thought whilst guidelines are being drafted...

What are other peoples thoughts about adding an extra category/sub-category for when a support vessel is accompanying paddlers?

Would it be reasonable to suggest that if a specific support vessel (eg. jet ski/boat) is accompanying paddlers and remains within say 50 or 100m of the paddler at all times then the rules for category 1 (<400m from shore) could be applied, provided the vessel carries all the necessary safety gear it requires (flares, epirb etc and including sufficient pfd's for the paddlers it is accompanying)?

I know if i was required to carry all the gear they are suggesting i probably wouldn't paddle as it takes half the fun away.


Point 3 could get the following added "(unless a support vessel is within 400m)"


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
14 Jan 2011 8:38PM
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my experience with dw ing usually means within 2.5 k limit- coastal runs. the bay runs in vicco are probably more

it's tough one all right
. i'm in the residental building caper mainly. if you make an effort with safety, the powers to be usually leave you alone is all i can say

VIC, 3982 posts
14 Jan 2011 11:47PM
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oliver said...

Thanks for clearing that up a little Woody. Do you know if this has been going on for weeks, months or days?

I believe they have been working on this for several months Oliver. I've only become directly involved in the last couple of days.

VIC, 1722 posts
15 Jan 2011 1:37AM
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PTWoody said...
I believe they have been working on this for several months Oliver. I've only become directly involved in the last couple of days.

Correct, Max has been working on this for months. I have spoken to Max a few times about whats going on and
the SUP Vic committee have offered their support. I agree Oliver that SUP Vic should be involved in a much larger way
and this event is our first chance to show we are willing to work with Transport Safety Vic. Whether we like it or
not SUP is and has been under the microscope due to certain incidents. If the worst case scenario was to come about
it WOULD no doubt directly impact SUP as we know it in Victoria.

PTWoody was spot on earlier...
If anyone seriously wants to have some input into this process, then get your backside down to the Surfing Victoria event next weekend.

Whether you have your say or not, let's not forget this will be a great event and the first open ocean DW event held
in Victoria. Entries close tomorrow arvo so get online and enter. Another great way to show Transport Safety we can
follow some simple rules and act responsibly would be by having a safe and successful event with the maximum number
of participant possible. I hope we see all the Melbourne crew down there!

3952 posts
15 Jan 2011 6:23PM
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I've joined the dots. Obviously SUP's are too unorganized in Vicco to get together and work stuff out. Just another one of those boring and irritating East vrs West melodramas.

When are you westies ever going to figure it out?

....We have the stronger paddlers. Go Cam.

WA, 24860 posts
15 Jan 2011 7:50PM
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Who started all this crap and who messed up in the bay

VIC, 17461 posts
16 Jan 2011 12:08AM
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62mac said...

Who started all this crap and who messed up in the bay

NSW, 513 posts
16 Jan 2011 12:42AM
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62mac said...

Who started all this crap and who messed up in the bay

I think it was this

and this

and this

VIC, 17461 posts
16 Jan 2011 1:29AM
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beerssup said...

62mac said...

Who started all this crap and who messed up in the bay

I think it was this

and this

and this

You're wrong.

All this has been coming for a hell of a lot longer than 8 months ago.


QLD, 1372 posts
16 Jan 2011 12:35AM
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At the rate Victorians are moving to Qld I can understand their Governments need to protect the population that has decided to stay a while longer.

That said, lets leave the nanny state laws out of Qld.

VIC, 3516 posts
16 Jan 2011 9:36AM
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As this situation was totally avoidable I find the emotive outrage expressed by some quite amusing!

As DJ says this has been going on for a lot longer than 8 months, there has been ample opportunity for intervention, even blind Freddy could see it coming. Ask your self why is it that it got to this point before anything has been done.

The only Nannys involved are the ones on this forum flapping thier gums rather than applying positive actions and input!

Paddles sports like OC1, canoing and kayaking have or are going through similar issues with safety, we are no different.

All surf Sups need legropes near shore an maybe additional equipment at offshore bombies.

Down Wind SUPs, well I will leave that arguement to those with more experience than me as it varies with conditions.

Table a document that shows what measurable action will be taken, by when and by who. Educate new comers through the SUP clubs and stores and it will all go away!

Pretty simple fix really

Or just continue to sit behind the keyboard make negative comments abuse the peak body who is trying to assist us avoid regulation, do nothing constructive and continue to crap on to ensure you get the so called Nanny State your so much against.


VIC, 3516 posts
16 Jan 2011 10:21AM
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paul.j said...

How stoked are all the skis, clubbies and so on who have been doing DW paddles for who knows how long are going to be when because of SUP they now have to wear legropes, life jackets, flares ect.
These guys have been doing this stuff for a long time with out the need for all this extra stuff!! look i'm all for being safe, so it's simple if you think you need it then wear it but if everyone keeps putting this siht on forums then government and councils are going to read it and it will all blow up in our face!!!

If you are having a problem at your home spot then just take care of it quitely and dont splash it all over the place and make a big deal out of it!!!



I couldnt agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


QLD, 1372 posts
16 Jan 2011 10:07AM
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It looks like I have hit a raw note and coped it though not intended. It was meant to be tongue in cheek. If you are in a situation of being Government regulated in Victoria then you need to to give guidance. In many areas you seem to suffer regulations more then we do (Lucky us).

When organizing events that have other people involved then regulation is required so that risks and your own personal legal liability are mitagated, however regulation for personal acitivy to the point that is happening is taking on the Nanny State perspective. No personal offence intended.

I have over 2 decades of personal experience in Education as a Physical Education teacher that has seen regulations grow to incredible levels. Our regulated document used to be 1cm thick and now if you printed it now it is over a foot thick (Hawaiian style ) and continuing to grow.

I still have a printed 1978 Syllabus book for PE Teachers that list 'tree climbing' at an acceptable activity with positive outcomes. You would never teacher that now (not saying I would want to). etc etc etc.

I have seen the regulations we have as being one of the reasons many things are not taught any more and also a contributing factor to children's lack of activity and ability to identify risk. So much so that we now teach risk identifications........... (Before anyone starts i am not complaining about education. It is just the way it is know)

Some of the rules you seem to have mentioned are made of common sense. The fear is it may lead to it being very prescriptive and doesn't allow for all situations and levels of ability or associated support.
When are we going to rely on the individuals common sense when participating in personal activity. It worked in the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60' etc etc etc.

I stretch my Sunday morning brain and can not think of a story in QLD where a SUP paddler, Kite Surfer, Wind Surfer, Ski Paddler, Surf Boat Crew etc etc that has come to grief here from not having these rules written by a regulative body.

Maybe my comment was made at annoyance of over regulation but where will it stop. And yes I agree with Jacko so enough said by me..

3952 posts
16 Jan 2011 7:14PM
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OG SUP said...

As this situation was totally avoidable I find the emotive outrage expressed by some quite amusing!

You're spot on OG. If the few people who knew about this over 8 months ago had not chosen to keep it a secret, it may have been avoidable.

The result - which is what matters - is probably the best possible outcome.

27 posts
21 Jan 2011 8:48PM
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Had a nice paddle this arvo on the Yarra. Thanks to DJ for the company/guide and giving me a go in the big Naish. Wow, those things are smoooooth. After DJ left I went downstream to the aquarium, and on the way back got accosted by a Parks boat and an angry little man who threatened to fine me for not wearing a PFD. I pled stupidity (from NSW) but he told me I'd get fined if he saw me again. I was of the impression there was no compulsory PFD requirement in VIC? Anyone know for sure what the rules are on the Yarra, so I can tell him to get stu**ed if he stops me again over the weekend?

VIC, 17461 posts
22 Jan 2011 9:04AM
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SUPMTB said...

Had a nice paddle this arvo on the Yarra. Thanks to DJ for the company/guide and giving me a go in the big Naish. Wow, those things are smoooooth. After DJ left I went downstream to the aquarium, and on the way back got accosted by a Parks boat and an angry little man who threatened to fine me for not wearing a PFD. I pled stupidity (from NSW) but he told me I'd get fined if he saw me again. I was of the impression there was no compulsory PFD requirement in VIC? Anyone know for sure what the rules are on the Yarra, so I can tell him to get stu**ed if he stops me again over the weekend?

I was once stopped by the water Police on the bay while paddling around a big War ship in Port Melb. and one Policeman said that I should be wearing one and the Policeman standing next to him said no I don't need one and that I'm ok.. and then they got into an argument among themselves right in front of me about it.. Sheesh! .. I just said that I'll look into getting myself one and paddled off.. It's very unclear to everyone what the rules are.


1 posts
27 Jan 2011 10:49AM
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Unbelievable the amount of mis-information that is being thrown around. It's a shame that Max Wells, from Surfing Victoria has got his facts so wrong. [}:)]
There is NO legislation to regulate SUP in Victoria.
As far as the main contact at Marine Safety VIC is aware, police HAVE NOT requested SUP to be classified as vessels.
Marine Safety had one incident that alerted SUP to their attention. As a result, they were keen to see what the industry standards are.
ASI have been providing SUP instructor and SUP school accreditation for over 2 years now. They are the industry leader and operate internationally. See their website at
Australia's new national Stand Up Paddle Association, SUP Australia Inc, has been formed to liaise with government departments such as Marine Safety VIC and provide proper and full consultation from people who represent the industry. Consultation information will be posted shortly on their website.

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Jan 2011 10:27PM
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I am a few arms lengths away from all of this....
I have not been introduced to Max Wells, but I know who he is.
Plus, I couldn't hang around for the post SUP Vic Titles discussions... So I am well and truly at arms length...

However I paddle a fair bit, I don't think me head is buried in the sand (too much....)... And all of sudden this is the first I have heard of Sup-Australia.Com. With an added slap in the face for Max Wells.... ??

It looked to me that Surfing Vic & Surfing Australia was the horse pulling the cart.... and now ???

Long story short, we should be working together.... (???)

Here's a fun side to SUP!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Jan 2011 10:59PM
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If I could just make a few points....

Simondo - that is enjoyable viewing but will not help the situation. SUP is not a dinosaur sport - see sky sports uk this week for what happens to that type of activity.

deleting things from the Internet does not work....once posted it will remain. So whilst u may like a post to be deleted just remember it can be found - counts double for social networking! Short sighteeness will get you nowhere fast.

Australia is a police state but we all choose to live here and in doing so we have accepted the rules that society by definition of our demographic state have decided are for the betterb of all. We may not like them all. We do have the ability to challenge them and change them though if that is what is required. It's a lot easier to be sensible about the process and sort it before it happens. It sounds to me like max should be given a gold star. I think some of you should show him some respect and help him not hinder him with your short sighted comments. Imagine a road network with no would be fun but not in the long run. Rules suck. But they allow society to function.

Anyway just a few thoughts......

VIC, 1722 posts
27 Jan 2011 11:57PM
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Simondo said...

Long story short, we should be working together.... (???)

here, here! There needs to be an EXTRA BOLD feature for posts!

VIC, 3516 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:27AM
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straightup said...

Unbelievable the amount of mis-information that is being thrown around. It's a shame that Max Wells, from Surfing Victoria has got his facts so wrong. [}:)]
There is NO legislation to regulate SUP in Victoria.
As far as the main contact at Marine Safety VIC is aware, police HAVE NOT requested SUP to be classified as vessels.
Marine Safety had one incident that alerted SUP to their attention. As a result, they were keen to see what the industry standards are.
ASI have been providing SUP instructor and SUP school accreditation for over 2 years now. They are the industry leader and operate internationally. See their website at
Australia's new national Stand Up Paddle Association, SUP Australia Inc, has been formed to liaise with government departments such as Marine Safety VIC and provide proper and full consultation from people who represent the industry. Consultation information will be posted shortly on their website.

I dont know Max well, but i have seen the results of his actions over the last 3 years in SUP. I also dont know what involvment Surfing Australia has had with SUP in other states but in Victoria they have fallen over backwards for us!

Assisted both SUP Vic and Bass Strait SUP form into clubs.
Assisted with hazzard management on events at no cost.
Supplied infrastructure including tents, PA etc again no cost.
Assisted with obtaining permits we could not have achieved without their guidance
Assisted with and even paid for insurance for one event.
Single handedly orgainsed and raised sponsors for us to run an indepentant State Title that was a huge success even on a pretty crappy day.
They keep stepping outside the box to make SUP inclusive and grow!

From what I have seen on every occassion Max has done exactly what he said he would do and put his (Surf Vic) money and staff on the line to achieve goals for SUP!

So I guess those actions gives Surf Vic and Max great street cred in my book, maybe I am wrong?

Straightup with the 2 Vic SUP clubs forming a joint working party to meet with and work with TSV the whole thing is a micron from being put to bed by all parties?

Jonathon SUP Vic found the existing "Human Powered Vessels" legislation currently in place in Vic and it just needs a few tweaks from what i understand. The joint proposal I saw tabled works for all concerned and as agreed by all parties present at the meeting is pretty much common practice by the clubs in Vic anyway.

As Simmondo and Brendon have said working together is the answer.

This has been splashed across the breeze for weeks and many people individuals and businesses have had significant input. To my knowledge we havent seen anything from SUP Aust Inc, how can you or your association add value?

Its all the commercial infighting and political CRAP that is taking the FUN out of the sport IMO, dont we just want to Surf, DW and Race?

DISC: on BSSUP commitee, Surf Vic Member (have to be to surf in surf not SUP comps), love SUP, hate the Politics.

Makes me want to go surf a Mal again and I never thought I would say that. Wonders off to buy some wax


VIC, 3982 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:40AM
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All very good points Phill and Brendan and Simon.

Max Wells has taken this as far as he is able and has done a great job, thanks in large part to his 20 years experience and vast industry based contacts working with Victorian state government ministries. Now he's handed over to a working group comprising the two SUP clubs here in Victoria and the main Victorian SUP schools to figure out a workable solution for all Victorians. As Jacko stated early in this thread, it's a local problem, we should deal with it locally. Any advice or assistance from interstate will be happily received but we in Victoria alone will ultimately have to live with the outcome. With that in mind, it's imperative that we be the driving force on behalf of SUP in Victoria, and come to a meeting of minds with the Victorian government agency responsible for water safety.

3952 posts
8 Feb 2011 5:55PM
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Bnaccas said...

Simondo said...

Long story short, we should be working together.... (???)

here, here! There needs to be an EXTRA BOLD feature for posts!

Maybe, there just needs to be a little more communication to members of groups such as SUP Vic, rather than a select few sitting on information for months, hoping the problem goes away.

One of the reason I became a member is to be informed of changes to the activity I enjoy doing. Unfortunately, a whole lot of stuff has just come blurting out in the forum in the past few weeks that I was totally unaware of. Obviously, with hindsight, it would have been better if SUP Vic kept their members up to date with some of this.

As for working together, I didn't even know there was another SUP Club in Victoria until this thread. Maybe I'll join the other SUP Club here in Vicco as well - between the two of them I'm hoping they will do a much better job communicating with their members in the future.

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
8 Feb 2011 9:05PM
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Hi Oliver,
there has been no changes as yet only discussion and recommendations at recent events by the organisers,
havn't seen you at any events lately so if you could come along to the SHQ cruise to Cerberus on Sunday at Sandringham we could inform you on what's been happening there,

3952 posts
9 Feb 2011 12:33PM
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Yes, the last two months have been pretty full on for me, I've been on holidays and have been pretty busy working since Christmas, so haven't had much time to do much else. Sunday should be ok for me though, I guess I can hear all the updates at the SHQ cerberus thingo.

VIC, 17461 posts
9 Feb 2011 5:20PM
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oliver said...

Yes, the last two months have been pretty full on for me, I've been on holidays and have been pretty busy working since Christmas, so haven't had much time to do much else. Sunday should be ok for me though, I guess I can hear all the updates at the SHQ cerberus thingo.

Hey Oliver.. I'm the el presidente of SupVic and I know nothing.. I'll let you know the minute I hear something..

btw.. Come down and meet Woogie at your local beach on Sunday.. .. You can do the chant..


VIC, 3982 posts
9 Feb 2011 5:27PM
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DavidJohn said...

Hey Oliver.. I'm the el presidente of SupVic and I know nothing.. I'll let you know the minute I hear something..

btw.. Come down and meet Woogie at your local beach on Sunday.. .. You can do the chant..


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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Vicco Voluntary Code of Practice" started by PTWoody