Here's something I've been developing: a below-hull feature which increases stability significantly, allowing for the use of much narrower hulls, and significantly more speed. The picture is a very narrow Surfski - something I couldn't even sit on without tipping before the addition of said feature. It's kinda fun to cruise at what is currently considered race pace. Now perhaps boat designers can toss the notion that width=stability when designing canoes, kayaks, and SUPs.
Sorry, international patents are being filed so I can't furnish pictures of the design yet. Rest assured it's unlike anything you've ever seen.
Now were talking. I watched Kelly Margetts paddle a prone paddleboard onto a plane standing up, problem is only he could stand on it.
Question though, how is the performance in rough water or is a flat water innovation?
It's actually very good in rough water - especially when compared with flatter planing hulls, as they tend to roll with the wave. This acts as a dampener to rolling forces be they from waves or body position.
funny enough, last week i thinking about ship type features-the stuff you don't see that's under water.
i will be interested to see what you've come up with.
Wouldnt be a keel would it? Often seen skis cruising along and thought , only if you could sand on it!
None of the above. Think leverage, profiles, and minimal wetted surface and see what you come up with. It's not something you've seen before. Kind of exciting, as it broadens the horizons of what can be done on the water.
Nah it's a full on sub. Apparently bought cheap during the GFC. Feeding the crew gets expensive though
Too funny...I should have thought of something as simple as a shirt - it would have saved lots of time and fiberglass dust.
The triangle idea is thinking creatively and is closer than nanosubmarines.
I am guessing something like what fishing trawlers use, stability down riggers but on smaller scale, something along the lines of a winged keel with open top type buckets/pods which act as sea anchors as the board tips.
As the board rolls up the pods act as a sea anchor, open top allows water to "flow" out on the down roll. The pods wouldn't have to be big so pretty stream lined/low drag for paddling .
well thats my guess.... but I do like the idea on a mini collins class sub filled with wallabies prop fwds for ballast....Go the Irish
Is there any chance that it could be an extremely good sense of balance? Would that be difficult to patent?
How do you go pivot turning the ski around a bouy? No point in going fast in a straight line just to be taken on the turns.