Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Westlakes Time Trials, SA

Created by Bleachy > 9 months ago, 9 Jul 2012
SA, 80 posts
9 Jul 2012 10:21PM
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Hi Guys,

After a few quiet nights on the water we have finally managed to get a few of the SA SUP Crew down to westlakes to do some time trials much like the ones that are happening over on the Sunshine Coast. Well at the moment we are just doing a straight up and down 4km and once we get a few more people on the water we will start mixing things up! Maybe one day we can set a national standard, for comparisons and some friendly competetion?? Either way I'll keep you all updated with our progress.

Just want to say a quick thanks to Swanie for giving me some tips on how to upload the results. (which has honestly taken me about 5 days!!)

Thanks to everyone who came out and I look forward to seeing you again this week! Let people know and bring friends, the more the merrier!



SA, 106 posts
9 Jul 2012 11:16PM
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Good job Jack... looking forward to this week!

SA, 40 posts
9 Jul 2012 11:33PM
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Thanks Jack! Have a few more coming on Wednesday. yay

SA, 124 posts
9 Jul 2012 11:42PM
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well done jack great effort.

SA, 80 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:48PM
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Thanks for all your help guys!

I think we may have to make Wed the official day from now on as that seems to be more popular. And I'll also need someone to keep it going while I'm on night shift. Hopefully when Matty comes back he can help as hes always on the Lake.

See you either tonight or tomoorrow night.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Westlakes Time Trials, SA" started by Bleachy