Just curious to see what training people are doing and how often.
I'm a fan of 2 interval sprints sessions a week trying to clock 6.5-7min kms (when I can get there) and 1 long distance session on the weekend minimum 12km. Add in some weight training when I can and stretching every second night. Be good to hear some other ideas and what people are upto.
sounds like you have it sortedKelly talks about different pacings at trainings 11 to 12s 14s to 18s something like that any way , i havent worked it out yet , so i just try to keep up
I ditched the gym about 3 months ago opting for a more grassroots old school workout , come up with the spartan 300 workout and got a 16 and 24 kl kettlebells , one word AWESOME
at around 5pm every day I do rapid bicept crunches.
this involves lifting a container holding .375 kg not including the container
I find this training excellent for the mind as well as the bicepts and elbow
I have also given up the gym
other than on the board as much as possible, I have begun doing turbulance training at home and have purchased an Indo board, great for core and balance
Try and SUP surf most days followed by the 'rapid bicept crunches' using a 375gm container as described by SandS - most evenings. Works a treat!!
Whats a rapid bicept curl? for the uninitated among us.
Goatie my querie is how is it done?Also if its for the older guys,i would be a prime candidate
No good for me,my hands are too small
I'm not to keen on the soft midsection that also comes with the long term routine, let alone those head aches you guys are talking about.
Never heard of Turbulence training before, but that 300 hundred workout dam thats a hard workout to try and beat in 20mins, still makes my body shake with fear when thinking about it.
I do a weight free version and it takes a bit longer than 20 mins , but results are good , don't let you tube freak you out
I'm more of a wave rider and not into racing (yet but just bought a 14'er) but do try to keep fit, as well as the occasional previously mentioned 'bicep curls' I paddle, kite and ride my bike as much as I can.
Also like tortise I have recently bought 16 and 24kg kettlebells and find that they seem to give you a fast all over workout.
A set or two of 24kg kettlebell swings every morning really gets the metabolism going.