12 1 laird
10 2 Phantom best surf sup i have ridden
9 02 rooster
906 fball probably not worth the hype.
902 WD cooly gold
135 lt starboard carve
123 kode
116 lt syncro
160 lt rooster
7 0 martin Wright fish
6 7 phil myers TOS weapon
6 8 DHD
6 6 free flyte Twinee
6 2 MR
14 Aircore DW board
10 11 PSH WR
10 PSH custom wood veneer
9 11 PSH HR (borrowed)
9 2 PSH WR
7 6 Colin Earle
7 2 Colin Earle
6 7 Wade Freeman kite board
6 4 Wade Freeman kite board
5 10 Airush kite board
Plus all the accesories kids soft boards, kites, paddles, covers, leashes, etc
Ducati Hypermotard 1100 SP Evo great when no swell or wind
Need a bigger shed
10'6 chinese popout
6'4 JS
6'4 Cutloose
6'0 Tolhurst quad fish
6'10 Cutloose
8'0 Power Plug mal
Only writing this down as I'll be interested to see what boards I'll have in a year or two's time. Maybe a couple of good quality SUP's and a few less surfboards......
There's some cool quivers there!
I've got the best quiver i've ever had-
8'6 Simon Anderson Fibreflex Sup
10'6 Laird Surftech
12'6 Starboard Ace
14'0 Carbon Starboard Race
6'2 Channel islands Flyer
6'4 Channel Islands Rookie Rd Pin
9'1 Billy Tolhurst Longboard
Nah doesn't have to SUP's only. Got my longboard & shortboard in there. Just realized I got one of my girlfriends bra in there too...
14 ft jm
14 ft fanatic fly
9'8' cabrinna
9'2' fanatic prowave
8'6 lsd
8'4 barry bennet mal
7'4 town and country mini mal
7'2 wayne lynch surftech
6'9 wayne lynch surftech
6'8' wayne lynch evolution
6'6 wayne lynch evolution
6'6' wayne lynch roar
9'6 gill d fin 63'
plywood tooth pick ski 50's
surfo 60's{ my original} and zippo board and a g board
and I still want more
Starboard K15 Woody
Starboard 14' Elite Race AST
Starboard 14' Ace Carbon
Starboard 12'6" Race Carbon
Starboard 12'6" Ace/New Carbon
Starboard 12'6" Ace/New AST
Starboard 8' x 26" Tiki
(also on order)
Starboard 12'6" Ace Pro Carbon
... and I have a SUP Sports 10'3" that lives in Santa Barbara CA.
Looking at that list, I have one unnecessary board. Anyone want to buy a Starboard Ace/New in AST finish? I should probably update the 14' Elite Race to an Open Ocean or Coast Runner as well.
Bought 'em.
12'6 suplove Stingray salt
11'2 starboard blend
9'3 psh ripper
8'10 suplove challenger
12'6 suplove Stingray flat water and 12'6 Stingray BOP in the not too distant future.
7'4 Starboard POD
10'3 Starboard Gun
14' Starboard Open Ocean brushed carbon
14' x 25 Starboard Ace (awesome)
Home made 9' SUP
Mountains of old windsurf gear
Surfboards, Bic 10'
7'9 and 7'2
14ft v1
12'6 switchblade
12 holo holo
10ft subvector
9'8 raimana
9'6 x2 subvector,
9'3 subvector,
9'0 batwing
8'6 custom
8'4 custom
7'10 custom
xxl isup
9'3 isup
8'1 isup
oh and 10ft classic forgot haha, um na just ride the 8'6 mostly and batwing when its big.
hey scotty, how u been dude?
yeah sure is!
should check out all our new boards!!!!!!http://newcastlesup.com.au/website/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=213:new-2012-range-landing-soon&catid=38:archives&Itemid=41