Yesterday I finally got to demo the new 14' Coreban Dart.. Maybe they should have called it The Cadillac..
It was the easiest downwind board that I've used.. It was big, wide, and comfee to paddle.. It was like the Cadillac of DW boards..
In some ways it was better than my new Naish Glide.. and in some ways it was worse.. It would be perfect for someone wanting to get into downwinders but doesn't want to do a lot of falling off..
Here's my vid from paddling it yesterday in about 20 knots of wind.
Might have to confess a little Dart envy, that board goes very nicely .
Hehehe the "THWACK" when you paddled that young bloke's butt startled me and I was 30 feet away...the noise was so big I thought you'd whacked his sail! He wasn't happy....
Another great vid, DJ.
I find the Dart a lot of fun and surprisingly fast in all DW conditions - it is easy to maintain a high average speed. But get the Dart in 30 knots+ and in open seas rather than a bay and that stability and easy handling starts to make even more sense. It'll put a smile on your face when other boards are making you want to start a EPS bonfire. The full carbon one in particular is extremely light for its size and that gives it good acceleration onto the bump.
It's really nice to have a DW/open ocean board that you know will cope with anything or anyone. Particularly important if you paddle in cold conditions for at least some of the year. Coreban have done an excellent job in creating something unique for the downwind market: It is IMO hands-down the easiest and most forgiving downwind board on the market today.
The "Big Easy" looks like a whole heap of fun, though we are very fortunate here in Victoria that we don't have to worry about water temp as it is warm and inviting all year round.
For a while there I thought DJ was paddling up to his own personal mooring at the marina, just going to tie the Dart up and head into the clubrooms for refreshments.
I know DJ only a little but I don't think he does sarcasm. You can take what you read at face value.
Ah , where would we be without the good old Gaffer Tape DJ - good one & it must be close to production stage now mate
Hey DJ, From the first two photos it looks like if you got that little Suzuki going fast enough it might fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ET.