looking towards a new board, but being a heavy bugga (130k ) i've had a few issues...heard that a cork deck insert may help, has anyone heard of this being tried?
just get yourself a starboard avanti 11' x 36" x 4.6" will float you like a cork and stable as a planet.
i agree with piros, demo a hull paddler if you can, lots of volume to float those big hawaiian guys plus they are stable, paddle well, and with a bit of practise can surf very well
I think Piros is on the money, at 120Kgs i demo'd the PSH Hull Paddlers 10'2 and found them very stable, didnt fall off in flat water, and wasnt anywhere near surf, however i did find that it didnt have a lot of glide and I wasnt ready for a pure surfboard.
I think it has been tried ,as has Spheretex and Soric. the Cork I have seen is a core material that will stiffen and strengthen the area it is used in. Amorim was the brand and it was available in 1,2 and 3mm thicknesses, and it would probably be a higher density wet out (weight) than PVC foams but lighter than equivalent thickness coremat type products. I think the EVA grip also helps spread the load of a persons weight on a relatively small foot area which is where I would want coring/stiffness/strength
here are some links to some facebook photos of Kamanu composites in Hawaii using cork in an OC1
www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.144631698904368.19671.108472339186971 www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?fbid=145634152137456&set=a.144631698904368.19671.108472339186971&type=1&theater