My little trip to south Oz.
it all began after coming off the back of a massive week long bender at port stephens hanging out with the "australian defence forces surfing games" crew
then backed up with the Nsw sup titles
7 days of spraying crap at crew over the mic
mate i had a
thx to all the defence forces crew for putting up with all my crap...
what an impressive site all the boards on display at the comp site at one mile beach.
Then i packed up the Surftech Sup Circus and set off to the cabbage tree bay demo day with all the local sup frother crew. What a great bunch of happy faces. Greeting me as i pulled up on the sand and opened the doors to unveil a massive trailer full of boards ready to demo up a storm.
Some of the local cabbage tree bay misfits coming out of the woodwork.....hahahaha......frothers
From cabbage tree bay straight to the sydney fish markets where i hooked up with a big rig and set sail for sth oz, to spread the love of sup to the masses. And for this trip i needed a truck just to carry my make-up bag. and hair curling irons. Yewwwwww!!!!!!! getting my inner truckie
along the way on a long trip to adelaide via melbourne i took the chance to leave my mark behind at the stawell bakery...and i signed my name and a message of love on the "wall of approval"...
On arrive in the city of churches... the spawn of satan "Dogman" needed to be housed somewhere safe and where else wound he feel safe other than "WILD DOG CREEK" my new boarding kennel.... the local fleas were pleased to see me.....
and i even found a rustic board rack to house a few of the weapons i brought over to shred some of the waves sth oz have to offer.....
No rest for the wicked.... the scene of the sth oz sup titles U-TURNS and the judging tent where all the action went down.
warming up the comp with some hot air via the mic.... no one escapes a good spray from the acid breath Dogman... pictured here with the sth oz female champion Bridgette..... fresh out of the water i pulled here in for a quick chat about the conditions on the water and to try n get a few tips for the upcoming losers round heat with dogman (the ultimate loser where the crew got the chance to drop in on me for double points...everyone was a winner!!!!!
pictured with the open mens finalists....nice surfing gentlemen.... "here you go doctor bob" "ill scratch em for you buddy"....thats what friends are for hay!!!!!
pictured with the female finalists..... nice work ladies....woop whoop!!!!!!!
"talking up" 4years in a row sth oz open mens sup surfing champion mags...... some one has gotta take him out...his head is already looking like an oversized beach ball.... the guy was shredding!!!!!!!!! well done magatron
after the day was done and dusted i was whisked away to a "PRIVATE PARTY" were the conversations were funny and for some people (Kristy Page) a bit of an eye opener.... and yes i was on my best behaviour as always
this was the result the next morning.... thx to the doctor for the loan of a wettie and a ride with spongebob.....sorry that i soiled both buddy.... pictured here having a bit of a quiet moment with spongebob....move over ladies i need some room to work
after a quick morning surf it was off to silver sands beach to spend a lovely arvo with the SA Sup Crew laughing as all the crew tested out the naish one design blow up dolls. and small bop coarse was setup and a few novelty races followed. Fun and games continued....
Armed and dangerous with pumpkin soup in one had and a coopers in the other.....hectic!!!!!
After hanging out with Kelly Slater n tow surfing with him along the west coast a few weeks before, "Grub" was super amped n keen to hang out with a real legend.... THA DOGMAN.... rocking it hard and frothing out!!!!!!!!
Over the next few days it was time to get to work.....sampling the local delights and score a few waves... mags n i headed southward to the Dribbleton area where we scored some nice banks on a few of the open beach breaks.... with a bit of office work to do via the phone i decided to multi task and feed my face and talk shizzzzz on the mobile interrupterer......... baulfours pie and green frog combo.....nice work sth oz
it had been a long day....then on the side of the road i spotted a gem thru my beer googles/rum googles..... by far the heaviest heaving slab in the area...mate this wave was off the hook!!!!!! a thick pitching lip with a long playful wall.... i could resist in pulling the car over and having a crack at it...... it was "thirsty work" i give you the tip
trying to negotiate the mid section freight train barrel....
the end section was a walk in the park... cockroach stall for the closeout..
feeling good and ready to rage it was time to hit the abnormalville SLSC for a bit of karaoke and a chance to let my hair down..... this local was doing it tough and needed the kiss of life to be resuscitated ..... it was weird that in a club full of clubbies no-one knew how to do mouth to @rse resus...... being an expert i took it on..... i know PIROS would be proud of me
later on i used a few of my best pickup lines on a few of the ladies and picked up this glamour....the local lads were a bit jealous... and they had a few harsh words with
the following few days the waves went to crap and at gun point i was forced to work in the local kitchen sweat shop and preform a few duties around the horse stables on the farm at WILD DOG CREEK. Here i am wielding a weapon of grass destruction....
walking thru a cabinet supplies warehouse mags stumbled over this sign on the wall.... mate i find some gems along my travels this one was all-time...... red bull gives you wings but just don't give a dogman a 6pack of it before lunchtime children
after working in the wild dog creek slave labour camp for a few days and surfing a few waves along the way it was time for the dog to spread his wings (and grow octopus arms) and hit the town....... enter an invitation to hang out with the girls and here is the result.....yewwwwwwww thx for a great night girls burning a hole in the dancefloor to the band "lowrider" yewwwwww!!!!!
the birth of a new sup frother Kate Tilley via a bit of spiritual enlightenment ala doggie style.... big thanks for all the lovely smiles from the crew that came along to the "puppy school of sup shredding" hosted by the "SA SUP CREW" and "1SUP1" online sup services......cant wait to go back down that way soon to check on everyones progress....... remember its all in the sound effects so "get vocal" people
a happy moment..... when the trusty ute was packed up with loads of beer n a few boards and the keys put into the ignition and your on the road and headed to destination unknown.......yewwwwww lets roll magatron!!!!!
next part of the story coming soon
so keep it in ya pants people
to be continued
no video's from this trip ...piros
we entered the land of "NO PROS OR GO PROS" heavy vibe going on in the desert atm....
the second leg of my trip was a cracka
Doggy Style through and through !!! Can't wait for chapter 2 as little bird told me you snapped 2 leg ropes on the first day ;)