headed up the beach today, about an hr drive on the sand from noosaish....to double island point. Fen took these shots at the end of a 2 hr sesh that we had to call to an end to head back before the tide cuts you off....and while my legs could still walk :)
if you ever get a chance this is a beautiful place and a perfect sup / longboard break...looooongest rides and today knee to waist high sets with push.
lovin it!
Wow, I'd never heard of this place before! You should take more pictures and tell more people about it!
plenty of people know...place gets flogged over xmas and hols....but this bay is a no camp zone which keeps it safe...and you need a decent truck to get in .
You should go round further i've had some drainers round there on my 6.2 shorty, It's always bigger too..Very sharky though
As for getting stuck at high tide you can always park where the track comes through near the toilets and paddle up.
This place certainly aint no secret spot either
Nice work Jas, looks like you were picking off some nice little rollers up there! Sneeky little sesh mate good work. it pays to jump in the car and scout around a bit sometimes.
hey thanks for shots it reminded me of when i sailed up that why in 1998 and surfed that place is a really nice place of the world