Forums > Stand Up Paddle General


Created by uk > 9 months ago, 10 Jan 2009
198 posts
10 Jan 2009 1:35AM
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Here in the UK its freezing,ive not been on my board for yonks cos its to cold to stand shivering in a carpark getting dry,but someone has offered me a drysuit this i thought may be the answer,but after research im not sure.I found this video and it just makes me laugh.theres some strange videos outhere

VIC, 17515 posts
10 Jan 2009 7:19AM
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Bummer about your cold weather.. If you get a dry suit remember not to pee in it..

You just need a wide stable board and wear lots of warm clothes and paddle in calm conditions....and don't fall in..

I do that here when we paddle on the Yarra river in the middle of Winter...(I only fell in once)..



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"drysuit" started by uk