Hi Dogman,
I was trying to get over there for this event. But no one seemed to know how to get in to it so i pulled the pin on trying. Fun waves though.
yo appsy
looks like fun little waves
would have been good for ya to get over there and show'em how to dishpan it....lol....haha
the crew are surfin real nice in the vid
have you got my deck grip ready yet as i'm sick of looking down at my messy wax job and not looking down at my fellow boy band members
if ya into heavy metal music you should come up this way as tomorrow night i'm playing at a massive reunion gig with a band i used to played in 15yrs ago, the singer died 2 yrs ago so we have 2 singers to cover his role and the rest of the band are singing backup(not pretty)
my throat is smashed from growling and my legs want to divorce me from trying to pull off the fast double kick drum licks i once could nail eazy as