i would like to say good job to the clown on the psh that thought it would be a good idea to take his paddle board out at blue bay on sat,
he couldnt surf and had little to no control over his board he was falling off infront of the guys in the takeoff, the grommets where scared
how he didn't kill any of the young kids out there was a fluke
i dont mind paddleboarders, but idiots like this should have a long hard look at themselves, its only a matter of time before some kid ends up on a slab at the hands of a clown,
easy solution find a uncrowded bank to your self and keep away from kids
if you have a problem with this comment maybe you are one of the clowns i am talking about, just think how you would feel if your kid was in the lineup
my kids should be having fun when surfing not scared cause of some kook
While I share you concern for safety particularly with kids around, I reckon you could possibly spare the sarcasm to make your point. Especially in the thread title. Did it occur to you that the intended target of your frustration won't even open a thread titled "good job" even if he posts here? Indeed, I believe no Seabreezers would behave in the way this kook has done at Blue Bay, but all we can do is keep tapping them on the shoulder and guiding them up the beach.
yeah i agree there a few terrible guys in sydney who ride big boards and dont have a clue what there doing its heavy stuff i had a run in with one such man on a Psh at the bower in manly these guys really need to do there time in uncrowded lineups to get it down before they go anyway here people these acts really give the sport a bad name and make it harder for everyone else in the line up
Funny you should mention it - my son was nearly taken out on several occaisons by old kooks learning to ride minmals and shortboards at Middleton on Sunday morning - these kooks paddle in the middle of kids boogie boarding and there's fibreglass weapons going everywhere. Dropping in and going for a straight hander - running over mum and the kids
Talk to the rider don't blame the board - there are dickheads on shortboards, jet skis, mals, surf skis and paddle boards young and old everywhere in shorebreaks across the country doing damage!!!
Hey alc81
Sharing your pain brother. Took my young bloke to the local back beach yesterday and paddled out to a marginal peak with minimal crew, no mean feat on a summer sunday. Within 15 minutes we were bombarded with the usual numbers of beginners on short boards, incompetents on mals and of all things Clubbies on rescue boards. On one particular wave he was dropped in on by two mals, had to avoid a beginner on a softie who was hell bent on paddleing in front of him and as a final injustice had his board creased by a clown on a short board who just fell out of the lip onto him. I grabbed him and headed for the beach just shaking my my head at the cluelessness of the surfing public. Three to four kilometers of beachie peaks between us and Grove but these sheep had to hang with the herd!! We actually nearly got cleaned up in the shory by a loose clubby mal.
Now heres the rub, my young bloke rides a shorty, I ride a Stand Up. In the four years he has surfed he has never run anyone over, he has been taught from day one the importance of safety in the surf. In the thirty five years I have surfed I could count the number of collisions I have had on one hand. All of them were unavoidable ie someone dropping in or wipeouts in and around the barrell. On SUPs I can honestly say I have never gone close to hitting anyone. My point is, the asshole you came across on the weekend would have been lethal on a shorty, mal, kneeboard , boogie board or a rescue board. Clueless is clueless mate, how about educating the clowns on an individual basis as opposed to coming on to a Stand Up forum and tarring us all with the same brush.