Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

list of 12.6 x 30 boards

Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 14 Sep 2013
QLD, 5396 posts
17 Sep 2013 9:46PM
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NSW, 32 posts
18 Sep 2013 8:46PM
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vanders1 said..

I'd never even held a paddle until today but I can't let mac have all the fun without me & I thought I'd better try something other than my longboards, thanks Angie for you help & guidance.

I have the exact same board as my first board and have loved it, and I'm the same have only really ever used it on flat water and has been a lot of fun and recently been shaving good times off our 5km time trials. Going to start giving it a go in bumpier waters see how well it holds up.... though very tempted with the new 12"6' x 27.25

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Sep 2013 8:52PM
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i must be tripping. call an ambulance

13831 posts
18 Sep 2013 6:58PM
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Nimbin Blueys mate - seriously good gear this season by the looks

WA, 24860 posts
18 Sep 2013 7:04PM
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laceys lane said..

i must be tripping. call an ambulance

your not tripping mate V is keen to do a DW with you,I'm not


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"list of 12.6 x 30 boards" started by 62mac