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Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 22 Dec 2009
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Dec 2009 1:39PM
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eight weeks on my dc 8'8 and happy as a pig in ####. best board so far. speedy, drivey, loose and just the right amount of slide when needed. haven't put the nose under yet. we have a different new design on the pc, but quite happy to surf this sucker for a while. SO NO NEW BOARDS IN PRODUCTION i've been just starting to get into d/wer's and learn't a lot from coffs - longer paddles, improving paddling- more speed and efficiency, and it is dog eat dog- no room for politeness. i have noticed my feel for a wave when surfing is way better and i can only put it down to d/w ing, the way you have to chase ramps/runners or anything i believe improves surfing

QLD, 166 posts
22 Dec 2009 8:44PM
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Hey Mark,

Looking at getting a board shaped by DC and was wondering about how the board floats you and what size I can go down to. I am 6'3" 92kgs. Does DC have demo boards? When I get the funds together in the New Year, I will visit his shop for a chat. Any advice would be great.


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Dec 2009 10:15PM
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surfydad said...

Hey Mark,

Looking at getting a board shaped by DC and was wondering about how the board floats you and what size I can go down to. I am 6'3" 92kgs. Does DC have demo boards? When I get the funds together in the New Year, I will visit his shop for a chat. Any advice would be great.


yeah, best bet is to try a few sizes. the 9'4 has been a hit with a lot of guys around your weight or more. easy to add or take away volume and play with the lenght too. mine has a bit of reduced tail shape and thinner tail rails- doable and i'm ok on it. dale kept his 8'8 os board standard and thats really comfy for me

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
23 Dec 2009 8:47PM
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Hey Lacey,
first time out on the new DC8'8 this morning and was a great test in some solid east
coast vicco open beach break.
Really happy with the stability of the board although I had a 7 and half inch cutaway
centre fin today but hope to drop in size as my balance improves,
also found I can paddle onto waves from way out on the shoulder just like the bigger supb's so didn't lose much here with the shorter board,
with some time off over the next few weeks hope to get plenty of waves on the new board,

VIC, 505 posts
23 Dec 2009 9:38PM
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Nice looking board Camo. I'm sure you are gonna love it.

The waves on the beaches must have had a bit of push... Brendan, my son Will and I had some good waves on the reefs a bit west of where you were. It was a pity Brendan had to get back to work because it was a bit easterly early, but went north and dropped off later in the morning. Will and I ended up having two surfs. After 5 hours of 300 m rides we were totally stuffed. I'm very pleased I took the whole day off!

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
23 Dec 2009 10:12PM
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Yer Rosscoe, it wasn't closing out though so had a fun session,
good it cleaned up for you guys as there was some east in the wind today,


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Dec 2009 9:15PM
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camo hosk said...

Hey Lacey,
first time out on the new DC8'8 this morning and was a great test in some solid east
coast vicco open beach break.
Really happy with the stability of the board although I had a 7 and half inch cutaway
centre fin today but hope to drop in size as my balance improves,
also found I can paddle onto waves from way out on the shoulder just like the bigger supb's so didn't lose much here with the shorter board,
with some time off over the next few weeks hope to get plenty of waves on the new board,

i saw that board, its a beauty, very nice finish. after my surgery on mine and dales board as standard, he told me he has decided to taper the tail rails like yours. try sunnies all round when you get it sorted


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"news flash" started by laceys lane