Just got off the plane from Bryon Bay via Gold Coast tonight . unzipped my paddle bag hoping to find 3 undamaged paddles BUT to find 1 Distance paddle perfect , 1 paddle, my carbon surf in 2 bits , last paddle, the Brides surf paddle in 4 bits .
all in different places . any one had a problems out of Gold Coast or Sydney.AND if any one can explain how this could possilly be an accident i would be very glad to hear it
Cliff, I feel your pain... Can the extreme cold temperature in the plane hold make the sticks brittle????
spewin clifton....nice looking sticks
were they all in the one bag?????
if so its wierd that they broke i different spots..........bring on the conspiracy theories.....................
all 3 in the one paddle bag, same as i allways do, flown plenty of times with no problems will not name airline as i have never had problems with them before .
Laird did it......
He even has a teeshirt to prove it.
Long time reader, first time poster.
Once on a flight from Sydney to Brisbane , i picked up my shortboard from
the oversize luggage door only to find i hole, big enough to put my head through
had been burnt into my board cover. ( i have a big head ).
While at the insurance desk, and the board cover still warm , the service lady told
me that " some times they lean tall things against the engines".
To which i replied " your F@#K#N kidding me"
Anyway , they replaced to cover but, thank God the extra towels i thru in
stopped the board melting , as the airline only insure your luggage
and not it's contents.
Spewing this paddle is broken..... BUT.
What was the final weight on the carbon glassed shaft on that wooden paddle?
What timbers did you use?
Looks expensive but if it added sufficient strength it could be a great way to go. Could use much lighter timbers and add the strength with the carbon.
Who would have thought that a jet engine got hot? It's a wonder these genius' don't lean on the engines and melt their skin down to the bone.
Hi cmc, weight on carbon paddle was somewhere between 850- 900 grams but it was my first carbon shaft and was a thick shaft, i found it a bit stiff and will go down to normal next time .the shaft was king billy pine centre and western red cedar side laminates , the western red cedar is lighter but it takes up a lot of resin , i have found after a few experiments you are much better off with traditional boat building timbers, in my area Houn pine, king billy and macracarpa, much better strength to weight ratio.
what a shame! you should name them!
when i fly with my waveski paddle i always wrap 'fragile' stickers around the bag. have had no problems yet touch wood!