Well Chuck you just dropped a couple of notches in my book that is so 1985 the only thing missing is leggings and a G-String over your leotards.
Nice video and great production , old idea mate been there done that.
I'd like to see someone on a single ski do that with big lay over turns.. .. but imo that's probably never gunna happen... I don't get the stocks thing.
Heh Piros is your Sup movie coming to Melbourne, there was talk of it being shown late last year but never happened, maybe it would be a good idea I am sure there would be some eager suppers wanting to check it out on the big screen
NAH ! I dont get it.
Surfing on most craft is about carving your own lines be they smooth
or violent.
This "stuff" appears to me like he just wants to get away from the wave.
Fight or Flee.... this looks too much like Flee.