nah, but i just about ran over one. i was just getting to elephant rock(its a zoo out there) when saw this thing in the water. as i got closer i realised it was a shark.
i aimed just to the side of it thinking i would scare it off with the bullet, but it didn't move so i had to lift my paddle off over the top, then it moved off and away slowly.
looked like it was sunning itself or something. about 3 to 4 ft long. first time i've seen one on the surface
beautiful colours. no photos, but it did happen
You must have scared it off, cause I was 100m behind and didn't see anything except lots of stingrays.
Juvenile tigers do have more pronounced stripes, though their sheer thickness would have given it away i'd say..
Fantastic side benefit of supping, such a privilege to see something like that. DJ and I saw a seal playing (fishing?) in the kelp yesterday and even that is great.
Had an early morning surf in January, saw a black wallaby on the drive, a koala in the middle of the dirt road, an echidna on the track to the beach and a whopper ray out in the water, by the end I was just shaking my head. What an awesome country we live in.