just picked up another new stick the day before my birthday yewwwwww
check out the red "GLAMAZON" finish job on this baby
10'2 x 29 x 4 1/2
the kids give it a big cheezy thumbs up or is the little grom just showing us the fresh boogie she just picked??????
yo doggie
this one is by far the nicest finish i've ever seen on a sup
i really wanted pink but beggers cant be choosers
the idea was for it to be a bit of a gun
had it out in 6ft lefts the other day and it held a pretty solid line so i'm keen as to get it out in some big stuff
just cant seem to get a good day surfin without being up the night before playin in my bands and partying on with the crew till dawn......hahaha.....
Love the pulled down rails and rocker profile, think this one might be a keeper Doggieman.
Good allrounder size for many different waves.
How's the arse going mate??.
Just got my stitches out and still a bit of a hole
****e i like the look of that board , the lines are awesome love the rails and the slight concave deck , i rekon is the go.Like the size too ,could have done with that board over the last few days.