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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

who's going to win the doctor

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 7 Jan 2012
NSW, 68 posts
9 Jan 2012 10:41PM
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Oh that is a shame, he will be gutted, he was really looking forward to it and he has done a helluva lot to promote the sport here in Sydney, Train up for Maliko Dave.

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 7:38AM
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Uh oh forecast not good, will it change the predictions??

Hopefully Laurie is wrong

QLD, 3358 posts
15 Jan 2012 10:05AM
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hilly said...

Uh oh forecast not good, will it change the predictions??

Hopefully Laurie is wrong

I dont think so!!

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 8:11AM
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paul.j said...

hilly said...

Uh oh forecast not good, will it change the predictions??

Hopefully Laurie is wrong

I dont think so!!

What? Will not change the results or that Laurie's forecast is correct?

WA, 1085 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:02AM
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If its easterly they may reverse the race direction, but if its north, what options would there be?
Doesn't look pretty

angie pangi
QLD, 1780 posts
15 Jan 2012 11:20AM
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akhawk said...

If its easterly they may reverse the race direction, but if its north, what options would there be?
Doesn't look pretty

OUCH!!!! I can feel the pain already

See ya next week.

XX angie

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:23AM
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akhawk said...

If its easterly they may reverse the race direction, but if its north, what options would there be?
Doesn't look pretty

NW will be ugly

Edit - Rotto to Freo??

WA, 874 posts
15 Jan 2012 10:22AM
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Early wind forecast not looking good hope it changes Was looking for wind assist not hard slog

WA, 384 posts
15 Jan 2012 12:56PM
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My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 Jan 2012 3:28PM
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it's a long race to be slugging it out

WA, 7608 posts
15 Jan 2012 4:36PM
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supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

Just like last year?

VIC, 3982 posts
15 Jan 2012 7:47PM
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laceys lane said...

it's a long race to be slugging it out

Yeah there go my chances of winning. That's it, I'm staying home.

Outside of fantasy land, who of the favourites is the best "slugger"? If Bart de Zwart is still coming over, he'd surely be a good chance, given the 11 Cities conditions and result. Although Jacko beat him in this race last year didn't he?

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 4:51PM
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PTWoody said...

laceys lane said...

it's a long race to be slugging it out

Yeah there go my chances of winning. That's it, I'm staying home.

Outside of fantasy land, who of the favourites is the best "slugger"? If Bart de Zwart is still coming over, he'd surely be a good chance, given the 11 Cities conditions and result. Although Jacko beat him in this race last year didn't he?

Jacko beat Bart last year and if the conditions are as forecast will be a strong contender this year on a 12 6. No advantage for the big boards :-(

WA, 384 posts
15 Jan 2012 6:07PM
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Greenroom said...

supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

Just like last year?

Exactly are you in??

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 6:37PM
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supbelly said...

Greenroom said...

supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

Just like last year?

Exactly are you in??

Owen does not drink but I will get some lemon lime and bitters for him if he can drag himself away from MR. Looks like I will be there with you and Rowdy priming for the after party do not fancy another drudge like last year.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 Jan 2012 8:41PM
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hilly said...

supbelly said...

Greenroom said...

supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

Just like last year?

Exactly are you in??

Owen does not drink but I will get some lemon lime and bitters for him if he can drag himself away from MR. Looks like I will be there with you and Rowdy priming for the after party do not fancy another drudge like last year.

hilly i don't get it. a paddler told me last year was ok, a dw er, not very good but still a dw er!!!!!!

i want the truth, i can handle it

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 6:57PM
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laceys lane said...

hilly said...

supbelly said...

Greenroom said...

supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

Just like last year?

Exactly are you in??

Owen does not drink but I will get some lemon lime and bitters for him if he can drag himself away from MR. Looks like I will be there with you and Rowdy priming for the after party do not fancy another drudge like last year.

hilly i don't get it. a paddler told me last year was ok, a dw er, not very good but still a dw er!!!!!!

i want the truth, i can handle it

Everyone has a different definition of a downwinder I suppose. First 11k were sidewind 10knots then turn at the bouy and it was downwind but only 10 to 12knots. I like 20 plus which we get regularly see Monday below. Saturday at the moment looks crap but that may change.

WA, 384 posts
15 Jan 2012 8:30PM
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I gotta agree with hilly if it's not waves or 20knot DIRECT downwind, I'm not interested anymore.. Most of us over here arnt as keen as you guys from over east..

Yeh I know he doesn't drink but he still joined me last year.....I'm sure he would love a lemon lime and bitters

WA, 1313 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:15PM
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Hey belly what are the chance of getting your old man to take a few of us over on his boat, then you guys cab get a good on water view. Of course we would look after him with $$$$'s for petty and maybe even a case for the crew.

WA, 3489 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:23PM
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supbelly said...

My idea of not doing the race but insted sitting on the beach drinking while watching the finish just keeps getting better and better

I think I might be able to give you a hand Belly.

WA, 7492 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:38PM
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surf4fun said...

Hey belly what are the chance of getting your old man to take a few of us over on his boat, then you guys cab get a good on water view. Of course we would look after him with $$$$'s for petty and maybe even a case for the crew.

That's the plan when all these pesky eastern staters go home

WA, 1313 posts
15 Jan 2012 10:56PM
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Lacey, I think what Hilly is saying is that if you were willing to paddle 28km then it was good.BUT I'd you wanted to surf 28km with a little bit of paddling in between it wasn't so great. And fortunately or unfortunately which ever way you want to look at it we are used to the latter of the two.

WA, 1313 posts
15 Jan 2012 10:58PM
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I also think the straight west currently predicted could be a lot worse. Could be stronger bit at least the direction is right and it will make getting to the fair way bouy a lot easier.

WA, 1313 posts
15 Jan 2012 11:36PM
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hilly said...

surf4fun said...

Hey belly what are the chance of getting your old man to take a few of us over on his boat, then you guys cab get a good on water view. Of course we would look after him with $$$$'s for petty and maybe even a case for the crew.

That's the plan when all these pesky eastern staters go home

Well if he wants a trial run next weekened I know a few guys who would make it worth his while, plus it could be a good chance for you to bust out that fancy pants camera of yours.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 Jan 2012 8:21AM
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surf4fun said...

Lacey, I think what Hilly is saying is that if you were willing to paddle 28km then it was good.BUT I'd you wanted to surf 28km with a little bit of paddling in between it wasn't so great. And fortunately or unfortunately which ever way you want to look at it we are used to the latter of the two.

whats interesting is you boys and the vicco's want 20 knots to dw.

on the goldie 15 is enough. i guess we have ocean swell to kick us along as well as the wind swell

angie pangi
QLD, 1780 posts
16 Jan 2012 9:06AM
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Still not much change In the forecast :( I have fingers and toes crossed. I'm already getting visions of Hollands 11 city tour into headwinds again lol. All good, I'm always up for the challange :)
Come on boys don't be sooks lol :)

Xx Angie

WA, 7492 posts
16 Jan 2012 7:43AM
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angie pangi said...

Still not much change In the forecast :( I have fingers and toes crossed. I'm already getting visions of Hollands 11 city tour into headwinds again lol. All good, I'm always up for the challange :)
Come on boys don't be sooks lol :)

Xx Angie

It is coming around though which is a good sign. Does look better than nw. Hopefully Laurie can keep pushing them around

WA, 7608 posts
16 Jan 2012 8:52AM
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Yeah a lemon lime and bitter would wet the whistle nicely. Will let you know if Im in town.
Might be home or in Greenhead?

WA, 793 posts
16 Jan 2012 12:30PM
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Why look at Saturday only. Sundays looking better and they do state that they have a two day window.

WA, 384 posts
16 Jan 2012 1:11PM
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surf4fun said...

Hey belly what are the chance of getting your old man to take a few of us over on his boat, then you guys cab get a good on water view. Of course we would look after him with $$$$'s for petty and maybe even a case for the crew.

Hey Cam pretty sure my old boy is away for that weekend.. As Hilly said one day soon there will be a straight DW run from rotto with my old boys boat. Will keep you posted as to when..


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"who's going to win the doctor" started by laceys lane