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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

12ft Longboard Glassing options?

Created by BigSpazz > 9 months ago, 25 Mar 2012
NSW, 946 posts
27 Apr 2012 10:29AM
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towball said...

O well we'll keep looking , you'll have to do some brown nosing with da bear Of course you go to the wrong shop to get ya boards
BigSpazz said...

ahhhh yes such a great photo of me, i have my favourite BIG MENS boardies on from LOWES, along with my flap cap with chin strap don't want to loose that awesome hat any time soon.

haha no wasnt surfing yesterday had footy training :(

ha i might go suck up to him tonight, flutter my eye lids

NSW, 7269 posts
30 Apr 2012 6:18PM
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Hey Spazz here's that Tak DT4 thats on sale that I'm thinking of getting if I make it out again. 11'x 24 1\2 x 3 5\8. its got a 1/2 inch cedar stringer.

NSW, 3487 posts
30 Apr 2012 6:34PM
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Even I could get a wave on that dirty big mofo.

NSW, 7269 posts
30 Apr 2012 7:20PM
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obct said...

Even I could get a wave on that dirty big mofo.

I really want that dirty big mo fo.

WA, 15849 posts
30 Apr 2012 5:25PM
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smh said...

obct said...

Even I could get a wave on that dirty big mofo.

I really want that dirty big mo fo.

That is a big dirty mofo fo sho

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Apr 2012 8:31PM
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More photos please! Agree that the board looks great. Really classic. Really sweet option for a 12 foot Redline. Those cloth lay-ups would have also looked awesome. It's hard to go wrong actually!

Stringer looks sweet as too.

NSW, 7269 posts
1 May 2012 11:21AM
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Simondo said...

^ DT4 would be good with biters too.

The one the link has side biters.

Also check the DT Gun!

I think I'd leave it as a single for an 11 footer. Anything 10 foot and over is usually a single fin. noticed on that website that the gun is a single as well. Nice boards. The glass jobs and tints are every bit as good as McT.

NSW, 7269 posts
1 May 2012 12:06PM
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It won't be cheap doggie. They have a 5'10 on sale.

WA, 15849 posts
1 May 2012 10:10AM
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smh said...

It won't be cheap doggie. They have a 5'10 on sale.

Perfect outline tho, mite have to save up

10980 posts
1 May 2012 11:03AM
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smh said...

Hey Spazz here's that Tak DT4 thats on sale that I'm thinking of getting if I make it out again. 11'x 24 1\2 x 3 5\8. its got a 1/2 inch cedar stringer.

Buy it, just buy it... . That is a great looking board.

NSW, 7269 posts
1 May 2012 1:27PM
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Yeah it is a nice board SP but I'm a bit wary about getting anything just yet until I'm surfing again.

10980 posts
1 May 2012 11:41AM
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Yeah, lot of cash to drop ifyoure not sure, just looked at the price.

The also have this 12ftr second hand by Munro.

NSW, 7269 posts
1 May 2012 4:32PM
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Yeah I saw that Munro but 12 foot is probably a bit longer than I'd want. It's been on there for ages.

NSW, 946 posts
2 May 2012 1:31PM
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smh said...

Hey Spazz here's that Tak DT4 thats on sale that I'm thinking of getting if I make it out again. 11'x 24 1\2 x 3 5\8. its got a 1/2 inch cedar stringer.

WOW! dood that is a sexy sexy board i dunno whether i would surf it or hang it on my wall :) super nice....

no pressure at all to get it

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 May 2012 3:25PM
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BigSpazz said...

SP said...

Yeah, lot of cash to drop ifyoure not sure, just looked at the price.

The also have this 12ftr second hand by Munro.

ahhh i was ment to go look at thing ages ago, totally forgot deff going to have a look this arvo :)

Thats one massive board - 4 and 1/4 thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shaped by Brett Munro

Length - 12'0"
Width - 23 3/4"
Thickness - 4 1/4"

Artwork - khaki tint deck and bottom
Fin Setup - 10" fin box and FCS sides

6657 posts
2 May 2012 1:35PM
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hawaiian log design

NSW, 7269 posts
2 May 2012 9:05PM
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BigSpazz said...

smh said...

Hey Spazz here's that Tak DT4 thats on sale that I'm thinking of getting if I make it out again. 11'x 24 1\2 x 3 5\8. its got a 1/2 inch cedar stringer.

WOW! dood that is a sexy sexy board i dunno whether i would surf it or hang it on my wall :) super nice....

no pressure at all to get it

Yeah she's pretty sleek. It doesn't even look like an 11 foot board. I will get one of these sooner or later

NSW, 946 posts
7 May 2012 9:58AM
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few more photos from MacT

NSW, 946 posts
7 May 2012 10:01AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

BigSpazz said...

SP said...

Yeah, lot of cash to drop ifyoure not sure, just looked at the price.

The also have this 12ftr second hand by Munro.

ahhh i was ment to go look at thing ages ago, totally forgot deff going to have a look this arvo :)

Thats one massive board - 4 and 1/4 thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shaped by Brett Munro

Length - 12'0"
Width - 23 3/4"
Thickness - 4 1/4"

Artwork - khaki tint deck and bottom
Fin Setup - 10" fin box and FCS sides

went and had a look and i think i will be going back to put a deposit down on it, amazing board, light only 4 & 6 oz glassing instead of my heavy beast, it has a rolled V bottom and a lovely shape sorta like a MacT invovlement or a Noosa 66. It was shaped by Brett Munro for a customer who paid a deposit but never showed to collect it, has been surfed by the shop owners 3 or 4 times and is basically NEW:):)

so im hoping it will be mine shortly

NSW, 7269 posts
7 May 2012 10:37AM
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Put some pics up if you get it Spazz.

VIC, 8020 posts
7 May 2012 11:00AM
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^ Those splayed stingers do look good on the square tails.

NSW, 7269 posts
7 May 2012 1:20PM
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Simondo said...

^ Those splayed stingers do look good on the square tails.

Just bonzer

NSW, 7269 posts
7 May 2012 1:23PM
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I wonder how long that purple board is. Looks like a Tak scorpion with a big single.

10980 posts
7 May 2012 2:18PM
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smh said...

I wonder how long that purple board is. Looks like a Tak scorpion with a big single.

This one is 5'11, think that one in Spazs photo is 5'9, although bit blurry when I zoomed in.

They look fun. Guy up here was doing a few like it, think they were 20 and a bit in the nose 22 wide and a pretty wide tail, maybe 16. He was doing them as 2 plus 1 fin setups.

NSW, 946 posts
16 May 2012 9:55AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

BigSpazz said...

SP said...

Yeah, lot of cash to drop ifyoure not sure, just looked at the price.

The also have this 12ftr second hand by Munro.

ahhh i was ment to go look at thing ages ago, totally forgot deff going to have a look this arvo :)

Thats one massive board - 4 and 1/4 thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shaped by Brett Munro

Length - 12'0"
Width - 23 3/4"
Thickness - 4 1/4"

Artwork - khaki tint deck and bottom
Fin Setup - 10" fin box and FCS sides

i did it, i bit the bullet and put a deposit down on the board :) yew yew

10980 posts
16 May 2012 8:47AM
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Good stuff big Spazz..
I'm sure you know the rules by now, photos please.

Your quivers not so much a quiver of boards as a fleet of ships, bigSpazz Shipping

NSW, 946 posts
16 May 2012 11:33AM
Thumbs Up

SP said...

Good stuff big Spazz..
I'm sure you know the rules by now, photos please.

Your quivers not so much a quiver of boards as a fleet of ships, bigSpazz Shipping

i totally forgot to get some, i will be poping in to show the missus and i will get some then:) such a nice board, rolled v bottom


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"12ft Longboard Glassing options?" started by BigSpazz