Forums > Surfing Longboarding

A few photos from yesterday

Created by Hooksey > 9 months ago, 22 May 2011
WA, 556 posts
22 May 2011 12:59PM
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Taken from south of Perth where all the grumpy old men surf

I've uploaded a few more to the Book here:

(seems that when uploading these photos the quality has decreased)

WA, 24860 posts
22 May 2011 3:56PM
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Thanks for sharing Hooksey,did I see doggie on a sup in one of those photos

VIC, 8020 posts
22 May 2011 6:38PM
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62mac said...

Thanks for sharing Hooksey,did I see doggie on a sup in one of those photos

Yeah, I think I spotted Doggie on a SUP too ;)

NSW, 3487 posts
22 May 2011 7:19PM
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Yep, that's definitely him on the yellow sup.

You can easily see the OMG look on his face because he knows he's been sprung.

I suspected it all along, what's the old Shakespearian saying?

"methinks he doth protest too much"

WA, 24860 posts
22 May 2011 7:16PM
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Serious response required doggieYou see this fad called stand up paddle boarding is also known as the braker of many a friendship

WA, 15849 posts
23 May 2011 9:18AM
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62mac said...

Serious response required doggieYou see this fad called stand up paddle boarding is also known as the braker of many a friendship

Wasnt me but I did drive past there on my way to a much better break and I recon you could have walked to Rotto on all the SUPs that were out there + all goats and mals.

WA, 24860 posts
23 May 2011 9:58AM
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Thats it,nah it really was you on that sup[}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
23 May 2011 11:43AM
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62mac said...

Thats it,nah it really was you on that sup[}:)]

Nope, wasnt me I was dropping in on longboarders south of there


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"A few photos from yesterday" started by Hooksey