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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Anyone else into Photography?

Created by Teacake > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2013
TAS, 1099 posts
22 Dec 2013 12:59AM
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kiteboy dave said..

Teacake I also have a D3100. I have a 35mm f1.8 prime which lives on it, mainly due to a lack of long lens, takes a great pic. Will post some here soon, on hols at moment..

35mm 1.8, is that the AF-S one? 1.8G I think it was by memory. I want a 50 or 35 prime but I first want the 70-300 IF ED AF-S lens. Mainly because of it's fast auto focus. Also want a 18-105 and macro. And a d7100, and boards, and car upgrades, and everything else a nerdy surfing teenager wants. haha

I look forward to seeing your photos!

Anyone know if you can view the EXIF data on seabreeze?

Thanks for your responses so far guys!

QLD, 5396 posts
22 Dec 2013 11:00AM
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Thanks Tom
All my lenses are autofocus with manual override, as you would know..the only thing wrong with the zooms
your limited aperture, hence 105mm prime is about $1200.00.
I did have a 1000mm lens back in the 80s and took it to the 81 82 stubbies got some great shots all on 35m film
back then. i use to sell photos with negatives,bad mistake,,i made doubles for my portfolio and sadly got rid-of
a lot of my gear in early 2000. i lost alot of passion for photography when it went see shooting film
gives you no room for error and you could only do so much in the me the art of composition and
light are gone to computer techniques and software.for example that last photo shot through the hand made glass
now you could just use software,IMHO thats taking the skill factor out of it.
its really good to see you have the passion Tom and its funny how your into same sh!t i got into.
now lets corrupt you with sex drugs and rocknroll

TAS, 1099 posts
22 Dec 2013 1:07PM
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weiry said..

Thanks Tom
All my lenses are autofocus with manual override, as you would know..the only thing wrong with the zooms
your limited aperture, hence 105mm prime is about $1200.00.
I did have a 1000mm lens back in the 80s and took it to the 81 82 stubbies got some great shots all on 35m film
back then. i use to sell photos with negatives,bad mistake,,i made doubles for my portfolio and sadly got rid-of
a lot of my gear in early 2000. i lost alot of passion for photography when it went see shooting film
gives you no room for error and you could only do so much in the me the art of composition and
light are gone to computer techniques and software.for example that last photo shot through the hand made glass
now you could just use software,IMHO thats taking the skill factor out of it.
its really good to see you have the passion Tom and its funny how your into same sh!t i got into.
now lets corrupt you with sex drugs and rocknroll

Haha the last bit isn't me, everyone tries to corrupt me! I am the kinda kid who, while everyone else is off partying, is at home building a PC or gaming, then the next morning up early surfing while everyone else is hung over! Extremely contrasting hobbies. Haha

1200 for a 105 Prime, no thanks haha But it does take a great shot.

I would agree that composition is incredibly important, but I think it still takes quite a bit of skill to get a fantastic photo using software. Yes a lot easier, but the fact remains that you must still have the great original image. Things like colours and shadows are easy to alter, but still have to have the good photo.

I enjoy the post processing just as much as the actual shooting itself haha. Can come up with some cool images. I love the one I posted earlier where the ocean is greyed out but that waves are all sandy. Was soooo happy with that one when I had first finished it.

I had a cool one the other day where I made the sky black, the ocean was still aqua, and then the two girls stood out in the middle of the photo like a beacon, was an awesome portrait shot. Also has kind of like vignetting I guess it could be called around their hair, looks awesome.

I really want to get a D7100, so bad!


QLD, 5396 posts
9 Jan 2014 10:29PM
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TAS, 1099 posts
10 Jan 2014 11:36PM
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Here is one I took the other day while playing pool at home:

Yet to look at your link weiry...


QLD, 86 posts
11 Jan 2014 3:30PM
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Fantastic pics and amazing equipment you guys have. Just use my Fuji Finepix HS20. Has a reasonable zoom and only shoot from the shore. Love sunrises and sunsets and anything that catches my eye from whats happening in the backyard to holiday pics and on the wagter shots of course. No fancy lenses or photoshopping. have a lot to learn..just enjoy capturing the moment.

QLD, 5396 posts
11 Jan 2014 4:59PM
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Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Jan 2014 9:19PM
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nice pic Weiry - I love a good sunset as well and a good feed

TAS, 1099 posts
12 Jan 2014 10:34AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

nice pic Weiry - I love a good sunset as well and a good feed

Are you still in Vietnam Ted? Or wherever you were?

Nice shots by the way guys!

Aquarian, you don't need good equipment to be a good photographer. One of my friends is a fantastic photographer and only uses a basic camera along with a go pro, no software at all. If you have instagram, check him out on @lukewebsterimages

Hope everyone is scoring some waves!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 Jan 2014 1:33PM
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Tom unfortunately the holiday is over - got back from Sri Lanka a few days ago after spending the last month there - headed there from Vietnam. Sadly back to work tom morning and after not checking my inbox since Dec 5 I am a wee bit scared at what awaits me

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Jan 2014 3:32PM
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very nice ted

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jan 2014 4:34PM
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Mmmm Kassia!
What a photo!

She's great to watch, no matter what her sexual preferences are!
Come to think of it, there's nothing wrong with watching 2 girls kissing... Is there?

2350 posts
12 Jan 2014 1:37PM
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For me, photography is like golf, I wish I was really good at it but don't want to put the hard yards in to get there.
I mean that's why cameras have an automatic button, right ?

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jan 2014 4:38PM
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VIC, 8020 posts
12 Jan 2014 4:39PM
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You almost hit 50 words there Scotty! ;)

TAS, 1099 posts
12 Jan 2014 4:41PM
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weiry said..

very nice ted

Nice weiry!


TAS, 1099 posts
12 Jan 2014 4:42PM
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Simondo said..


Sick shot! Wish I could perch on the nose that well!
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Simondo said..

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Jan 2014 3:43PM
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2350 posts
12 Jan 2014 1:43PM
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Simondo said...
You almost hit 50 words there Scotty! ;)

Attention span is good for typing - not so for reading.
Besides I don't read my own dribble anyway.
Btw, how's the neighbour going ?
Can you hook up a GoPro to that oversized remote control Tonka truck and send it over for some surveillance ?

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Jan 2014 3:44PM
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Nice crop Tom

WA, 9675 posts
12 Jan 2014 1:57PM
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NewScotty said...
Simondo said...
You almost hit 50 words there Scotty! ;)

Attention span is good for typing - not so for reading.
Besides I don't read my own dribble anyway.
Btw, how's the neighbour going ?
Can you hook up a GoPro to that oversized remote control Tonka truck and send it over for some surveillance ?

He is just doing the logistics on that as we speak...

TAS, 1099 posts
12 Jan 2014 8:20PM
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NewScotty said..

Simondo said...
You almost hit 50 words there Scotty! ;)

Attention span is good for typing - not so for reading.
Besides I don't read my own dribble anyway.
Btw, how's the neighbour going ?
Can you hook up a GoPro to that oversized remote control Tonka truck and send it over for some surveillance ?

Oversized tonka truck bahaha made my day!


TAS, 1099 posts
12 Jan 2014 8:22PM
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weiry said..

Where is this?


NSW, 100 posts
12 Jan 2014 8:58PM
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What gear you use Jason?

Nice shots!


Nikon d800 and d90, nikkor 16-35 f4. sigma 70-200 f2.8, sigma 150-500, nikkor 50mm 1.8, tamron 90mm 2.8.

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Jan 2014 8:14PM
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Teacake said..

weiry said..

Where is this?


snobs creek VIC

me at snobs creek

251 posts
12 Jan 2014 6:59PM
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TAS, 1099 posts
13 Jan 2014 3:51PM
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Nice gear Jason!

The D800 isn't too great without a tripod I have heard, true or not?

I really want a D7100 but got to save first! Haha

Nice shots guys, keep em coming!

Here is one of me that my brother took the other day


NSW, 100 posts
13 Jan 2014 4:36PM
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It's fine with out a tripod. It just doesn't have as high a frame rate as desired so you won't get as many action shots out if a continuos burst. But you can't really spray and pray with the d800 cause a raw file is about 80Mb so the buffer fills up pretty quick.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Anyone else into Photography?" started by Teacake