Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Anyone else into Photography?

Created by Teacake > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2013
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
13 Jan 2014 7:45PM
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This one is an absolute ripper. Great shot - I would be stoked to get one like that. Crisp and clean as whistle. Great work.

NSW, 100 posts
13 Jan 2014 8:36PM
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Cheers. He left just as I got there he was unreal on that board. Here is another.

[]mal surfer 3 by []ECC_13 , on Flickr

And a chick who was ripping it up.

[]surfer girl 4 by []ECC_13 , on Flickr

QLD, 5396 posts
13 Jan 2014 7:43PM
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hey Tom your photo reminded me of a shot i had taken 30 years ago
found some really old albums.
look i couldnt be bothered copying so they are iPhone jobs so not sharp
the negs are hanging around,i think
i didnt use the greatest chemicals back then.. no such thing as printers

82 stubbies Nikon FM2 and 1000m Zenith

QLD, 5396 posts
13 Jan 2014 7:47PM
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i think Shane Horan had the keel fin in that comp

NSW, 100 posts
13 Jan 2014 9:45PM
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Some classics there weiry. Great stuff.

QLD, 5396 posts
13 Jan 2014 9:02PM
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JasonR said..

Some classics there weiry. Great stuff.

classic..... antiques

Simon anderson

the gull

TAS, 1099 posts
13 Jan 2014 11:37PM
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That pool shot is interesting, remember how you did it weiry?

Jason, what do you think of the D7100? Yay or nay?


TAS, 1099 posts
13 Jan 2014 11:42PM
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I love this shot of yours! []

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
14 Jan 2014 12:29AM
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Teacake said..

That pool shot is interesting, remember how you did it weiry?

I imagine he slowed the shutter speed down and closed the aperture to blur it. He may have also reduced the iso as well to compensate for the shutter being open longer. I played around with this idea a few weeks back at a waterfall. Never quiet got it right - was a really bright day and I only had a few minutes before the bus came. Should have been using a much higher F number. 1/8 sec at F11 and F14 respectively. You live and learn.

NSW, 100 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:49AM
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Looks like a zoom in or zoom out shot with the pool balls.

The d7100 is a great price of kit. It's the newer version of the d7000 which it's the updated version of the d90.
A lot of people use the as a secondary camera to there main camera for weddings and the like. But it's also a great camera to have easy to use.

Not a bad effort ted the kiwi, smooth water falls are hard to shoot in the middle of the day you need an ND filter if you want to slow the shutter down other wise to much light gets in and you'll blow your high lights.
Morning or afternoon is your best bet if you want have a crack at slow shutters and don't want to spend $ on filters.

QLD, 5396 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:17AM
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On the money JR zoom in

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
14 Jan 2014 10:19AM
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ummm I shall give this a try then !

QLD, 5396 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:27AM
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More time on the original subject and a tripod helps ted

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
14 Jan 2014 10:28AM
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NSW, 100 posts
14 Jan 2014 12:41PM
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Teacake said...
I love this shot of yours! []

Cheers mate

TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 2:28PM
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An interesting concept the 'zooming'!

Water fall shots are hard as to get clear, here is one that I took in Samoa!

TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 2:29PM
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weiry said..

More time on the original subject and a tripod helps ted

Or set it to timer and rest the camera on something!

TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 2:31PM
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JasonR said..

Looks like a zoom in or zoom out shot with the pool balls.

The d7100 is a great price of kit. It's the newer version of the d7000 which it's the updated version of the d90.
A lot of people use the as a secondary camera to there main camera for weddings and the like. But it's also a great camera to have easy to use.

Not a bad effort ted the kiwi, smooth water falls are hard to shoot in the middle of the day you need an ND filter if you want to slow the shutter down other wise to much light gets in and you'll blow your high lights.
Morning or afternoon is your best bet if you want have a crack at slow shutters and don't want to spend $ on filters.

I want to grab one mainly because of the video as well, looks pretty good and smooth. The nikon AW1 also looks like ti would be a wicked camera! It is a toss up between the D7100 and the AW1 haha


NSW, 100 posts
14 Jan 2014 7:01PM
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It comes down to choice really. But I know holding dslr is a lot more comfortable than holding the smaller cameras.

10979 posts
14 Jan 2014 4:21PM
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Nice shots boys, specially Weiry.

QLD, 5396 posts
14 Jan 2014 6:43PM
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Teacake said..

weiry said..

More time on the original subject and a tripod helps ted

Or set it to timer and rest the camera on something!

whats the timer for

QLD, 5396 posts
14 Jan 2014 7:11PM
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TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:42PM
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JasonR said..

It comes down to choice really. But I know holding dslr is a lot more comfortable than holding the smaller cameras.

Looks better too! :D

TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:43PM
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SP said..

Nice shots boys, specially Weiry.


Weiry got some great stuff!

You got any SP?


TAS, 1099 posts
14 Jan 2014 9:44PM
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weiry said..

Teacake said..

weiry said..

More time on the original subject and a tripod helps ted

Or set it to timer and rest the camera on something!

whats the timer for

To eliminate camera shake when you press the shutter button, I do this as compensation for no remote shutter release. Works great!


QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jan 2014 7:42AM
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i am confused Tom we are talking about different things
i was talking about shooting while zooming, you will make more camera shake while zooming than pressing the shutter.
ive never liked the timer trick and cable release and i think they are only useful in macro and bellows app.

TAS, 1099 posts
15 Jan 2014 12:36PM
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weiry said..

i am confused Tom we are talking about different things
i was talking about shooting while zooming, you will make more camera shake while zooming than pressing the shutter.
ive never liked the timer trick and cable release and i think they are only useful in macro and bellows app.

Haha no wonder you were confused then haha

Meh, I only use it on long exposure shots, waterfall or not. Only because I don't have a remote shutter release haha

Too pov to buy one!


TAS, 1099 posts
15 Jan 2014 5:54PM
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Here is one we got today!

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Jan 2014 7:43PM
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nice tom

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 Jan 2014 9:41PM
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Teacake said..

Here is one we got today!

Wetsuit in the middle of summer ? Thats not a good reason to move to Tassie Tom


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Anyone else into Photography?" started by Teacake