Nah, I'm no law abider... OK;
- I generally always drive under the speed limit, but I still manage the odd fine!
- I carefully slide home the back way at roughly 0.05 sometimes.
- a 1 hour carpark is 1:30, because the 'chalker' takes 15 mins to even get to your car, and another 1:15 to get back to it again...
- my dog is ALWAYS off leash and not registered (but chipped, and safe breed - Labrador), and if there is ever a "problem", I do the 'Harold Holt'. I've out ran the lazy council guys about 6 times.
- yes I give long winded answers / statements / rhetoric / and often it might be a boring statement of fact
- I point blank refuse to work 9-5 for anyone! I will work, but it won't be on your stale old 9-5 terms
- I fronted up to court to plead honest guilt for my repeated slow submissions of tax returns, and The Judge gave the ATO and me an equal "bake". Told me to make sure I don't come back, and told the ATO not to bring such trivial offenses before him again. I was self represented.