Finally got to do the deck of the new Baked Ted over lunch today - similar to a firewire baked potato but just a little different I do not have a lot of colours to play with yet but I guess the collection will build as more are built....much happier with this glass job but still a few fundamental errors on my part. Nowhere near as many as last time though so I am slowly learning. Having lots of fun though so thats the main thing.
Thanks assured there is no production line Mac I just have to get these finished before I lose my garage shortly Off away tom so no more will get done on them for at least a week which is sad but should allow the resin to cure nicely
I would hardly think so Vanders - I am un-economic at the present point in time.....The gF just came home, took one look at it and said she doesn't like it - clearly issues there that need to be resolved
Ted, I liked that shape that much that I went to the shed and cut out my own version! haha I helped a mate glass board on the weekend and I think I'm going to go with the same tints cause I like how it came out!
Nice work Dr Funk ! I am very unhappy with myself at the moment as I have yet to finish the of them is 97% done and the bat tailed monster just needs a hot coat and a sanded finish - so probably need just a few more hours. Sadly I just can not seem to find the time at the moment. From next Wed my life returns to normal after 11 weeks of carnage on the work front. There will be some surf days and shed days coming up. In preparation for this free time I ordered a new blank for my next one just yesterday morning after getting inspired by a board at the weekend
What dims did you go on your one? Looks like a great job. Are you putting futures boxes in?
This one is finally finished. Will get some decent pics on the w/e - running out of sunlight and had the wrong lens on and with my grubby hands did not want to be mucking around. The other one will be finished after dinner - final sand and polish stage.
The good news though is that we have some swell tom so this one will be getting an early workout. First board I have done from start to finish on my own and pretty happy with it. Lots of issues / problems / learnings for the next one. Big thanks to Dr Funk who set me on the path to popping the colours on a sanded finish instead of polishing - much appreciated ! I passed on your wisdom to Tux.