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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Baked Ted #2

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2013
WA, 6913 posts
16 Sep 2013 3:14PM
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Looks great

WA, 1382 posts
16 Sep 2013 3:38PM
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jbshack said..
Looks great

+1 JB

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Oct 2013 3:32PM
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Finally got to do the deck of the new Baked Ted over lunch today - similar to a firewire baked potato but just a little different I do not have a lot of colours to play with yet but I guess the collection will build as more are built....much happier with this glass job but still a few fundamental errors on my part. Nowhere near as many as last time though so I am slowly learning. Having lots of fun though so thats the main thing.

WA, 1382 posts
2 Oct 2013 1:39PM
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1195 posts
2 Oct 2013 1:59PM
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Hot Po-TED-o!

WA, 24860 posts
2 Oct 2013 2:24PM
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I can see the production line pumping.nice work Ted

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Oct 2013 4:52PM
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Thanks assured there is no production line Mac I just have to get these finished before I lose my garage shortly Off away tom so no more will get done on them for at least a week which is sad but should allow the resin to cure nicely

VIC, 3829 posts
2 Oct 2013 4:53PM
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Looks awesome bro good work on the colours looks like I better pull finger from ass

QLD, 3809 posts
2 Oct 2013 5:04PM
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Looks the goods mate, you'll be off siding Teena in no time, well done!!!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Oct 2013 5:55PM
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I would hardly think so Vanders - I am un-economic at the present point in time.....The gF just came home, took one look at it and said she doesn't like it - clearly issues there that need to be resolved

1195 posts
2 Oct 2013 4:06PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
I would hardly think so Vanders - I am un-economic at the present point in time.....The gF just came home, took one look at it and said she doesn't like it - clearly issues there that need to be resolved

Trap for young players: In my limited experience, women go a bit funny when blokes seem to look more forward to a surf trip with their mates than anything their partner has suggested for a while. I am sure you are far more appreciated/appreciative - and perhaps wise enough to take her with you, Ted .... but otherwise it might not be the board....

10980 posts
2 Oct 2013 5:21PM
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Sweet looking board Ted, great work...

How wide is that tail?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Oct 2013 8:02PM
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wavelength said..
Trap for young players: In my limited experience, women go a bit funny when blokes seem to look more forward to a surf trip with their mates than anything their partner has suggested for a while. I am sure you are far more appreciated/appreciative - and perhaps wise enough to take her with you, Ted .... but otherwise it might not be the board....

Well thats very perceptive of you.....right now I am sitting at the breaky bar drinking a beer after just getting home from a second good surf for the day.......and the good lady is packing up the food stuffs for the w/e ahead. We are off camping on Thurs arvo for 4 nights of joy with the boys !! She does the food - I do the camping gear - we call it the diversion of labour.

SP - just been out to the garage and its 13 inches from point to point on the bat tail - if you go 12 inches up its 18 across. Its the complete opposite to a board with a pulled in tail

Tux - I am looking forward to you finishing your other one - get on it

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Oct 2013 8:27PM
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WA, 9675 posts
3 Oct 2013 4:58AM
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wavelength said...
Hot Po-TED-o!

Sh1t hot po TED o great stuff mate,looking super nice

WA, 6913 posts
3 Oct 2013 3:12PM
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chrispy said..

wavelength said...
Hot Po-TED-o!

Sh1t hot po TED o great stuff mate,looking super nice

Its a great feeling to ride a new board for the first time. But to ride a board you made that would be special. Almost child birth special

QLD, 5544 posts
4 Oct 2013 6:51AM
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Ted you're all talent

WA, 24860 posts
4 Oct 2013 5:58AM
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this topic should be removed to the SB room

13831 posts
4 Oct 2013 10:26AM
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Ted you should have great pride in how she turned out ripping deed this one brother

10980 posts
4 Oct 2013 6:06PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

SP - just been out to the garage and its 13 inches from point to point on the bat tail - if you go 12 inches up its 18 across. Its the complete opposite to a board with a pulled in tail

I think sir mix a lot wrote a song about boards like that....

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
15 Oct 2013 3:22PM
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Ted, I liked that shape that much that I went to the shed and cut out my own version! haha I helped a mate glass board on the weekend and I think I'm going to go with the same tints cause I like how it came out!

QLD, 5396 posts
15 Oct 2013 2:34PM
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How cool is that

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 Oct 2013 3:45PM
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Nice work Dr Funk ! I am very unhappy with myself at the moment as I have yet to finish the of them is 97% done and the bat tailed monster just needs a hot coat and a sanded finish - so probably need just a few more hours. Sadly I just can not seem to find the time at the moment. From next Wed my life returns to normal after 11 weeks of carnage on the work front. There will be some surf days and shed days coming up. In preparation for this free time I ordered a new blank for my next one just yesterday morning after getting inspired by a board at the weekend

What dims did you go on your one? Looks like a great job. Are you putting futures boxes in?

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
15 Oct 2013 6:30PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Nice work Dr Funk ! I am very unhappy with myself at the moment as I have yet to finish the of them is 97% done and the bat tailed monster just needs a hot coat and a sanded finish - so probably need just a few more hours. Sadly I just can not seem to find the time at the moment. From next Wed my life returns to normal after 11 weeks of carnage on the work front. There will be some surf days and shed days coming up. In preparation for this free time I ordered a new blank for my next one just yesterday morning after getting inspired by a board at the weekend

What dims did you go on your one? Looks like a great job. Are you putting futures boxes in?

So hard to get boards finished hey. you get the creative parts done and then once its onto the sanding all the motivation fades!

Its 5'3" X 22 X 2 2/3. It's a hull up the nose through to inch deep channels in the tail. I took the template from one of my simmons and pulled the tail and the nose in a bit. I'm going with FCS plugs cause all my fins are FCS. really excited by it though and cant wait to get it finished! I have a 9'6" blank ready to go next.....I've had it for ages but shaping a mal seems like a lot more work......I've even thought about chopping the blank in half and making 2 shortboards!! haha probably the wrong forum for that comment....haha

13831 posts
15 Oct 2013 6:47PM
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Great effort DFunk ... thanks for the pic posts

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 Oct 2013 8:15PM
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This one is finally finished. Will get some decent pics on the w/e - running out of sunlight and had the wrong lens on and with my grubby hands did not want to be mucking around. The other one will be finished after dinner - final sand and polish stage.

The good news though is that we have some swell tom so this one will be getting an early workout. First board I have done from start to finish on my own and pretty happy with it. Lots of issues / problems / learnings for the next one. Big thanks to Dr Funk who set me on the path to popping the colours on a sanded finish instead of polishing - much appreciated ! I passed on your wisdom to Tux.

74 posts
24 Oct 2013 6:36PM
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Ted that is awesome mate you have to be proud of your efforts

WA, 9675 posts
24 Oct 2013 6:49PM
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I might have to tell SDR I have found a new shaper

13831 posts
24 Oct 2013 6:59PM
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mmmmm nice job Teddy boy

WA, 6913 posts
24 Oct 2013 8:56PM
Thumbs Up

Amazing job


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Baked Ted #2" started by Ted the Kiwi