Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Bells & Winki Web Cam

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 13 Mar 2012
VIC, 8020 posts
13 Mar 2012 10:34AM
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Really nice this morning... Just heading out now for 3 hours!

Click the link, and wait for it to load up, and zoom out. Low Tide all morning... Prime fun today!

Bells & Winki are furtherest away. Top of screen.

VIC, 8020 posts
13 Mar 2012 1:25PM
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Strong mobile reception at Bells now. Telstra are a part sponsor of the Bells Easter Pro, and seem to have fixed the dead spot.

Awesome waves! Got a lifetime keeper wave. will remember that one for a long time.

Seabreeze just trickling in now.

WA, 24860 posts
13 Mar 2012 10:30AM
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Onya Simondo

Must have been a good one mate

VIC, 8020 posts
13 Mar 2012 5:12PM
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Yeah, it was a nice one. I was waiting out the deepest, and there was a really sneaky Rogue Wave sitting behind the first two sets. I let Set Wave 2 go, having that feeling that Number 3 was going to a nice one.

When I laid my eyes on her, she was already standing very tall... I sprinted about 10 metres further out, and spun around for a nice easy 3-4 stroke take-off, taking off on a moderately steep one... Roughly only double overhead, I was on the McTavish G2 Gun, 8'6. It walled up a treat through The Bowl, and continued to wall up through the inside, and I finished down near the Winki-Pop steps at the other end of the beach.

A very satisfying wave!

Riding this;

Felt like this!

I came screaming off the top like that too... Roughly this size...
In my dreams, I was MP today!
^ that is actually MP at Bells.

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Mar 2012 4:21PM
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mac is right,dont believe those cams. it looked tiny when i saw it. stoked for you grom man

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
13 Mar 2012 5:24PM
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Nice one Simondo - nothing better than the mid day mid week surf whilst most others are at work. Then to top it off with a super duper wave that you will remember for a while is great. Now you just need to go home to a few lovely cold ones and a bit more for a totally top day that will be hard to beat.

VIC, 8020 posts
13 Mar 2012 5:28PM
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Cams - yeah, between sets, Jan Juc Beach can look quite tiny. Bells & Winki pick up a good chunk more swell than Juc... When conditions are looking OK, I keep refreshing the cam, while I have 2 cups of coffee. Saw some nice sets rolling through on the cams.

High tide with a seabreeze now. But there is still some nice lines coming through. Should be OK tomorrow too.

Thaks Ted, good advice!

VIC, 8020 posts
13 Mar 2012 5:35PM
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This was Bells today, after my surf. It was backing off, and the seabreeze was starting to trickle in. Nice swell lines. Not big, but just really fun and half solid. Plenty of push today.

Average quality iPhone pic. If I rounded the corners, it would look like a 70's photo!!

10979 posts
13 Mar 2012 2:39PM
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Like the MP photo... Glad you got a few, that gun looks nice is assume you are keeping it when th new one arrives

WA, 505 posts
13 Mar 2012 2:42PM
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Simondo said...

This was Bells today, after my surf. It was backing off, and the seabreeze was starting to trickle in. Nice swell lines. Not big, but just really fun and half solid. Plenty of push today.

Average quality iPhone pic. If I rounded the corners, it would look like a 70's photo!!


QLD, 7932 posts
13 Mar 2012 4:43PM
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VIC, 8020 posts
14 Mar 2012 1:49PM
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Jeepers, had some nice waves yesterday, and even nicer today... Over 2 hours in the water, and I barely stopped moving... Constant waves, and very good ones. 3-4 waves per set, and sets of sets on tap!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
14 Mar 2012 1:54PM
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Looking like fun - I will be down there again one day soon to take a few of those waves off ya! I can not wait to get out at Winki again. Still recall a lovely summers arvo session out there about 7 years ago. It was insane. What a super wave.

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Mar 2012 4:12PM
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Looks similar to yesterday. Seabreeze started to trickle in at 12 noon. Still plenty of nice ones coming through when I took these pics after the session.

Pic 3, there's a guy in the pocket, on the inside, and it's well overhead on the inside section.... Looks like small surf in the pics though... Don't get me wrong, it's not big, just really fun, and plenty of grunt to scream down the line at full throttle !!

Also notice the big long swell lines...

Oh gee, look at the time, it's beer o'clock !

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Mar 2012 5:21PM
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Re: Save Bells Beach.
Maurice Cole is behind the group.
As much as anything else, it is probably the main avenue for the community to voice their opinions...

There's nothing really wrong at the moment... Toilet Block is the main problem, but they have have been running a new sewer or water line down there recently... Alternative is just to pay for more regular pump outs I think...

But if you leave it 100% up to council, they will try and make surfers pay for parking via meters... In a semi remote location like that, I would guess a parking meter system might cost $200k to set up... and it will last about about 3 days before ever meter is vandalised... I would be the one co-ordinating the parking meter vandalism efforts!!

Buses aren't too much problem, but the main problem is probably the strain they put on the toilet block...

From an EPA perspective, I would think the creek in the valley is pretty polluted, including some toilet block septic/sewer overflow sometimes... But guess what, the sand is super course and acts like a big natural sand filtration system... and gets a minor backflush / backwash at high tide... So no major problem... Plus the currents and surf would mix and spread any "issue" quite rapidly... (probably)...

QLD, 7932 posts
14 Mar 2012 4:26PM
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geez grom man. i cant even have a good crap when its cold. then again some the juice i have seen down there,i would block your dunnies by myself

10979 posts
15 Mar 2012 7:49PM
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Thanks, you seem a bit calmer than the article i read but still good to see people protecting a spot like bells.

So we just sign the petition anyway?

NSW, 7269 posts
15 Mar 2012 10:55PM
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I thought Bells was a surfing reserve.

QLD, 7932 posts
15 Mar 2012 10:58PM
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so did i mate. people in government should be held accountable for what they do. lol just realised how stupid i am to believe that, another punch to my own head

NSW, 7269 posts
16 Mar 2012 12:31AM
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I've been down there once. We were visiting friends in Melbourne and drove down for a look. It was in the dead of winter on a grey freezing cold day and it was going off at about 6 - 8 feet and offshore with Winki a bit smaller. I'd love to surf it but I don't know about winter . Bloody freezing. one day.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Bells & Winki Web Cam" started by Simondo