Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Call for new moderator...

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 7 Mar 2013
WA, 3848 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:55AM
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Hi All,

This forum currently has "issues" with trolls and the like, and I don't have the time available to properly manage the community.

All the other forums are fine, with minimal issues, but this longboard room has so much angst!!

So, to help sort this out, I'd like to put out a call for a moderator to help.

A moderator is not a "banner", or a dictator, but is someone who helps people get along, who mediates between members arguing. As you've seen, banning is the absolute last resort.

Put forward your nominations for somebody you think has
a) a thick skin,
b) is keen to help others get along, and
c) is a longboarder!


WA, 2222 posts
7 Mar 2013 10:13AM
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I'll do it!

Hang on, let me check the questions.

(a) Yep
(b) Don't care
(c) No

Oh well ...

NSW, 2110 posts
7 Mar 2013 1:53PM
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Well how embarrassing it has been reduced to this. FK we are all grown men, if we have to have one my vote goes for Lacey I know hes got a longboard hidden somewhere or Laurie seeing as your forum caused all this trouble cant you fly us all somewhere for a weekend of cage fighting to sort this out

VIC, 3829 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:08PM
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I would do it but apparently I have already rubbed a few noses the wrong way with my outspoken views on cats....

WA, 24860 posts
7 Mar 2013 11:10AM
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I'd be hopeless.

How about letting things settle down and see how that goes.

NSW, 946 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:31PM
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i could do this job, i have thick skin and the longest longboard of all

VIC, 3829 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:47PM
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62mac said...
I'd be hopeless.

How about letting things settle down and see how that goes.

Your from Qld Mac that immediatly put's you in the no bucket...don't balme me...blame luminarie's like Bob "Bash a Homosexual" Kater, Joh " Kickbacks " Bjelke-Petersen and Marty Bella

WA, 2222 posts
7 Mar 2013 11:49AM
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laurie said...

All the other forums are fine, with minimal issues, but this longboard room has so much angst!!

You could let me back in the SUP forum. I'll angst it up a bit. It'll be a maelstrom of red thumbs and tears. Then the longboard forum will seem tame in comparison.

WA, 483 posts
7 Mar 2013 12:09PM
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Legion said...
laurie said...

All the other forums are fine, with minimal issues, but this longboard room has so much angst!!

You could let me back in the SUP forum. I'll angst it up a bit. It'll be a maelstrom of red thumbs and tears. Then the longboard forum will seem tame in comparison.

Don't think you would have much fun in there anymore. It is all race boards and club stuff etc. Very little surf talk. All your old sparing partners dont seem to post much

NSW, 2110 posts
7 Mar 2013 3:10PM
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Legion said...
laurie said...

All the other forums are fine, with minimal issues, but this longboard room has so much angst!!

You could let me back in the SUP forum. I'll angst it up a bit. It'll be a maelstrom of red thumbs and tears. Then the longboard forum will seem tame in comparison.

Back in ya box ya twisted EMO kid, bet Doggie is turning inside out stopping himself posting to this thread

NSW, 2110 posts
7 Mar 2013 3:42PM
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^^ Ha I am happy to accept all red thumbs if it makes the forum a better place

NSW, 5510 posts
7 Mar 2013 4:00PM
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Boofy go get a longboard up ya

8266 posts
7 Mar 2013 1:30PM
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I'd be happy to do it, I'm neutral to all the latest drama

QLD, 7932 posts
7 Mar 2013 3:30PM
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boofy said...
Well how embarrassing it has been reduced to this. FK we are all grown men, if we have to have one my vote goes for Lacey I know hes got a longboard hidden somewhere or Laurie seeing as your forum caused all this trouble cant you fly us all somewhere for a weekend of cage fighting to sort this out

i agree boofy considering i spent the morning with another cool breezer checking out longboards(skaters),then sharing a cold ale and talking ****...i come home to this. trolls are trolls. people fill a trolls happiness meter by a zillion when folk get upset. plus the is not even smart enough to be a good troll.
i must say it is a bigger shame as i think the longbedroom IS the friendliest forum on the net.

4627 posts
7 Mar 2013 1:48PM
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Bring back Boarder Paul I think he'd be just great, Kiwi level headed just saying

1195 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:08PM
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MickPC said...

I'd be happy to do it, I'm neutral to all the latest drama

I reckon - if it happens that we need a mod - Mick would do a fine job. All his posts are positive. Interesting how many red thumbs he got just for volunteering. (cancelled out now) No-one loves the ref. Lacey would be brilliant - but it would be a shame to see any of the regulars restricted in anyway from enjoying just shooting the breeze (Brilliant play on words right there.)
Personally, I reckon that if the main offender has agreed to stay in the SB room and the rest of us agree to stay in here unless really truly genuinely interested in another room's thread (and if we go in, we stay positive and agree not to engage in any BS) ... then the solution provide yesterday is THE solution.
We don't need another mod - unless someone breaks the truce.
And I agree with the comments above - i ride SB, LB and 666 - and this room is the most fun and full of positives. It's also the most passionate and that comes out in strange ways sometimes.
As Fenech would say - love youse all. (Well, ALMOST all)

WA, 24860 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:37PM
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^ judging on the reds you received for a good post,I say they or he may not post but just red thumb the people he dislikes,hiding once again.He was being a smart arze again today in the sb forum with one comment,so he really will not change his ways.

I'm waiting to be red carded for this post,

8266 posts
7 Mar 2013 2:51PM
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^ That sounds like an endorsement Mac

Cheers Wavelength...personally I feel the place
could do with some mods & I'd be happy to do it

QLD, 7932 posts
7 Mar 2013 5:07PM
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^^^^not a chance you power hungry forum monster i think wavelength should get it after his post

WA, 682 posts
7 Mar 2013 5:21PM
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brought this to mind, could Mick be this forum's Ron Burgundy?

QLD, 5396 posts
7 Mar 2013 7:36PM
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I will do it, i will also give free meat pies for friday night footy and a slab of pish for every time NSW wins the origin
my hand will never enter my pocket

QLD, 3954 posts
7 Mar 2013 8:02PM
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Vote for me, for the same reasons as Pedro.

QLD, 5396 posts
7 Mar 2013 8:02PM
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why one person why not a panel

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
7 Mar 2013 8:30PM
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boofy said...
Well how embarrassing it has been reduced to this. FK we are all grown men, if we have to have one my vote goes for Lacey I know hes got a longboard hidden somewhere or Laurie seeing as your forum caused all this trouble cant you fly us all somewhere for a weekend of cage fighting to sort this out

can't be me, i don't longboard.

i've been impressed with mick.

like mac said, let the dust settle and see if a clean up is needed or the quick spit and polish was enough.

10979 posts
7 Mar 2013 7:06PM
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You forgot D) laurie. Good grammar. Here's a guide.

8266 posts
7 Mar 2013 7:12PM
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laceys lane said...
i've been impressed with mick.

Cheers Lacey

chrispychru said...
^^^^not a chance you power hungry forum monster

First the Greenroom...then the whole world Muhahaha

For with the power as Moderator, I will be able to...errrm...moderate I guess

10979 posts
7 Mar 2013 7:14PM
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Let's hope Mick is not to PC

QLD, 605 posts
7 Mar 2013 9:20PM
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BigSpazz said...
i could do this job, i have thick skin and the longest longboard of all

BigSpazz for PM

Be careful your subordinates don't get "board envy" with all this talk of extra long longboards

NSW, 2110 posts
7 Mar 2013 10:22PM
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MickPC said...
laceys lane said...
i've been impressed with mick.

Cheers Lacey

chrispychru said...
^^^^not a chance you power hungry forum monster

First the Greenroom...then the whole world Muhahaha

For with the power as Moderator, I will be able to...errrm...moderate I guess

You get my vote Mick remember moderation is great if used in moderation.

8266 posts
7 Mar 2013 7:25PM
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^^^ hahaha true that

Cheers mate

NSW, 2110 posts
7 Mar 2013 10:32PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Call for new moderator..." started by laurie