Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 30 Jul 2013
WA, 24860 posts
30 Jul 2013 8:00PM
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WA, 9675 posts
31 Jul 2013 4:40AM
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WA, 24860 posts
12 Aug 2013 6:22PM
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Rumour has it there was some crazy tinting going down today at Clearwater,I also heard it was filmed on a GoPro,I've seen a pic looks like Mr Birthday boy has really stepped up in the Lacey/Art department.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
12 Aug 2013 9:30PM
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is it that drop in, rock hopping guy's newie from saturday

WA, 24860 posts
12 Aug 2013 7:37PM
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laceys lane said..

is it that drop in, rock hopping guy newie from saturday

that's him mate

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 Aug 2013 9:43PM
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I need more.......I did not see any drops in all weekend

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
12 Aug 2013 9:52PM
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i know art when i see it and this art is the best going around.

must have photos posted please.

so mac, are you still playing hoops

QLD, 1820 posts
12 Aug 2013 9:56PM
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better than murky? that must be it

WA, 24860 posts
12 Aug 2013 8:01PM
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laceys lane said..

i know art when i see it and this art is the best going around.

must have photos posted please.

so mac, are you still playing hoops

No hoops mate,I had the call today,where's your artwork the board is shaped and ready to roll.

QLD, 3808 posts
13 Aug 2013 1:41AM
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WA, 24860 posts
13 Aug 2013 3:00AM
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Come on Vanders your birthday party at Maccas is over stop teasing

13831 posts
13 Aug 2013 8:26AM
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mmmmmm mister vanders we loike your shizz ..... velly velly nice velly velly nice

QLD, 3808 posts
13 Aug 2013 12:19PM
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Thanks pupsicle, there's another beer I'll buy ya in a couple of weeks.

WA, 24860 posts
13 Aug 2013 10:45AM
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vanders1 said..

Thanks pupsicle, there's another beer I'll buy ya in a couple of weeks.

are you getting a seabreaze WA party going on while your there or is it a secret

13831 posts
13 Aug 2013 1:47PM
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hey V .... looks like we have a red thumb cocksucker up in Perf Osborne park

WA, 24860 posts
13 Aug 2013 2:03PM
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thePup said..

hey V .... looks like we have a red thumb cocksucker up in Perf Osborne park

Keep it on the low Pup Osborne Park is a secret right its in WA

13831 posts
13 Aug 2013 2:07PM
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It's between you and me young cock


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Clearwater" started by 62mac