The popcorn was great much like your reviews,keep them coming there's another dozen boards in your shed
Thanks Simondo....that looks like a fair bit of fin there as well - matches the tail rocker - which there is loads of. So what waves range have you been surfing this baby in? With a bit of juice under your foot surely you would still be able to wind it up and make some sections?
I am loving your reviews - as Mac says surely there are another few to come
Heaps more reviews to follow... Still learning from the mistakes.
I have my next 2 reviews pretty much planned out...
In fact, in all honesty, I have about 10-12 which are worth doing!
That will carry us through until early Summer!
On the list;
McT Gun (G2)
Brewer 9'6 Nose Rider
McTavish Involvement
Billy Hamilton Stylist, and Hyper-form (that's 2 separate reviews!)
Keyo Egg - 6'3
Merrick Rob Machado Single Fin (G2 - Generation 2 Single Fin) - 6'6
McTavish Dream Machine 7'10 Step-Up / Semi-Gum (Quad)
Doug Rogers 8'0 Semi Gun, and 7'8 Funboard Quad.
(There's 10 without even opening the garage door for a memory refresher! - I mentioned before that I have a bad habit of not selling my boards!)
simondo, the drive thing you have mentioned a few times. perhaps its not the ideal board for your area which has traditionally be know to be a tricky place to have the right board. to me with your comments and details on the vid, it looks like it needs to be driven hard off the rail in some juicy hollower stuff. after all it is called a reef runner.
your thoughts