Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Da Boys at City Beach Shop and Yallingup in 1965

Created by fin pop > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2013
fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 1:21PM
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I received these Pics by email from a friend, I am wondering who the people are! Can anyone tell me who they might be!

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 1:34PM
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Far left Murray Smith, second pic?

Btw that shop is still there.

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 1:55PM
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Thanks for that Doggie

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:03PM
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That shop is in Yallingup, looks the same but has a verandah at the front. Its across the road from caves house.

Im not sure its Murray but it looks alot like him.

4214 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:12PM
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Matt, Jack, & Leroy

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:20PM
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Just sent the pic to my Dad, he might have some idea

4214 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:33PM
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Moe, Larry, Curly ?

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:35PM
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Cheers doggie...i zoomed in on the post office sign and it says City Beach?

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:40PM
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Hahaha... could be Scotty

4214 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:42PM
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fin pop said...
Hahaha... could be Scotty

Love those old pics.
Got any more ?

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:45PM
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fin pop said...
Cheers doggie...i zoomed in on the post office sign and it says City Beach?

Could be right but it looks just like the shop at Yallingup.

The second pic is at Yallingup, these guys are to the south of the main break where the first car park is now.

WA, 2221 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:49PM
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doggie said...
fin pop said...
Cheers doggie...i zoomed in on the post office sign and it says City Beach?

Could be right but it looks just like the shop at Yallingup.

The second pic is at Yallingup, these guys are to the south of the main break where the first car park is now.

yep top left of pic looks like its just south of the bubble at yalls

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:53PM
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No...i wish i had more, my friend sent them over from Byron Bay in an email today. So i might have to send an email to see if he can tell me any more!

WA, 2221 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:55PM
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doggie said...
That shop is in Yallingup, looks the same but has a verandah at the front. Its across the road from caves house.

Im not sure its Murray but it looks alot like him.

cant be yalls store the hill runs the wrong way. i should know I was the resident chippie at caves house for 3 years and lived in the old bowling club shack over looking the beer garden. Pitty they knocked it down in the redevelopment. Some big sunday sessions were had!!!

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 3:02PM
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Bender said...
doggie said...
That shop is in Yallingup, looks the same but has a verandah at the front. Its across the road from caves house.

Im not sure its Murray but it looks alot like him.

cant be yalls store the hill runs the wrong way. i should know I was the resident chippie at caves house for 3 years and lived in the old bowling club shack over looking the beer garden. Pitty they knocked it down in the redevelopment. Some big sunday sessions were had!!!

Spot on Bender I was looking at the building not the lay of the land.

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
18 Jan 2013 3:06PM
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Yep it looks like the hill at Yalls for sure... hows the water billy and munching into a tin of spag!

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2013 3:09PM
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fin pop said...
Yep it looks like the hill at Yalls for sure... hows the water billy and munching into a tin of spag!

Gold, not as simple as that anymore tho.

WA, 196 posts
21 Jan 2013 10:25PM
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Great photos
The shack was known as Mario 's and located just up from where the soul less concrete south City Beach kiosk that was built to replace it now sits.
Was pretty young but remember table soccer juke box musk sticks and cobbers in abundance.
If you would like to ID the locals pretty sure I could find out for you as they are of my brothers vintage
City Beach had a thriving youth culture in the 60s and 70s.Just another sterile beachside suburb now.

379 posts
22 Jan 2013 11:14AM
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Southside city beach used to get really good until cyclone damaged groyne and they put a wierd bubble on it and it stopped the bank setting up off the end of the groyne.

Floreat groyne wave from the few times i have checked it also seems a lot shorter due to efforts to hold the sand.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Jan 2013 8:01PM
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bloody hell mac gets around in these old photos. one day he's supping in the 1800's going the native look, next day, next photo he shows up in yallingup 1965.

WA, 196 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:59PM
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Indodreaming said...
Southside city beach used to get really good until cyclone damaged groyne and they put a wierd bubble on it and it stopped the bank setting up off the end of the groyne.

Floreat groyne wave from the few times i have checked it also seems a lot shorter due to efforts to hold the sand.

So that is what happened to the wave south side of the groyne?
Was always a wave there and blokes like the ones pictured surfing every am and pm.
Probably the same geniuses that altered the groyne designed the artificial reef at Cables.
And we wonder why there are 50+ guys out scratching around for waves at Cottesloe most weekends.....

379 posts
22 Jan 2013 7:15PM
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Yep use to see a great wave there once the northly started in winter.

Summer lefts (until 6am when the beach inspector kicked us out and winter on south side for the rights.

Same cyclone damaged the tower and when repaired they changed the lights so these were never as good for the night time surf.

Only once did I ever see banks on either side of the groyne so that there was a left and right mirroring each other.

I reckon the artificial reef was done to shut us up. There you are you got one and it didnt work. Would have been a different story if they put it where it gets all swell like anywhere north of Swanbourne.

WA, 24860 posts
22 Jan 2013 7:35PM
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laceys lane said...
bloody hell mac gets around in these old photos. one day he's supping in the 1800's going the native look, next day, next photo he shows up in yallingup 1965.

don't be so mean bitch

13831 posts
22 Jan 2013 8:25PM
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WA, 196 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:18PM
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Indodreaming said...
Yep use to see a great wave there once the northly started in winter.

Summer lefts (until 6am when the beach inspector kicked us out and winter on south side for the rights.

Same cyclone damaged the tower and when repaired they changed the lights so these were never as good for the night time surf.

Only once did I ever see banks on either side of the groyne so that there was a left and right mirroring each other.

I reckon the artificial reef was done to shut us up. There you are you got one and it didnt work. Would have been a different story if they put it where it gets all swell like anywhere north of Swanbourne.

Ah night surfs and beach inspectors at City Beach.
Those blokes would always do well with local babes while we all looked on smoking Marlboroi in our flanno shirts on the groyne.(aged 12)
Don't get me started on Cables again!Needs a 4 m swell to break and that happens 3-4 times a year.
During spring tide when very other bit of reef in the metro area is fully exposed , artificial reef is submerged deeper than Atlantis.

379 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:47PM
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Used to sneak out for the night surf. Used to get it after a belting SW all day waiting for the easterly. Often by morning it was all gone but the 12 to 2am session was amazing.

One day mate ran me over and I had to explain how I had a tennis ball size lump on my arm after going to bed healthy. Gee mum fell out of bed.

As to the artificial reef I would love to see another one further up the coast with some decent input from surfers.

379 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:50PM
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Cables Artificial Surfing Reef

Latitude: 32°S

Aspect: west

Foundation: limestone bedrock

Wave climate: estimate, 80% of days greater than knee height, 11 days per year overhead (WA M&H)

Swell direction: Cables is more open to northwest, though westsouthwest swell is predominant

Wind patterns: morning land breeze easterly offshore, predominant sou'wester side/onshore

The worlds first Artificial Surfing Reef was built at Cable Station, Perth, Western Australia in January 1999. Locals call it Arto's.

Site selection was assisted by M Crawfords 1988 master planning approach that included a critique of every Perth surf spot. Initial concept sketches were provided by Andrew Pitt and published in Tracks Magazine in November 1991 'Underwater Surgery' (3pg pdf 7.8mb). Andrew's plan and cross section sketches were used in a promotional video that assisted with the funding applications.

download the article, 3pg pdf, 7.8mb

The goal of the project was to create a more consistent surf spot within the Perth metropolitan area. The Perth Artificial Surfing Reef Committee specified design criteria that 'surf should work with swell sizes ranging from 0.5m high to 3.5m....'. The reef was constructed with more than 10,303 tonnes of quarried granite at a cost of several million dollars. Funding was provided by the Western Australia Department of Sport and Recreation. The reef was installed over uneven Tamala limestone bedrock. The solid reef armour has proven resistant to wave attack, all credit and respect to the engineers who built it.

The quality of the wave breaking pattern at Cables is not in dispute. See the following You Tube link for surfing at Cables and Perth. Most surfers agree Cables is one of the better surf spots in the region - when and if, its on. Lack of consistency is the issue. Unfortunately, the reef delivers few surfable days per month. After construction, reef performance was monitored by Stacey Bancroft in 1999. The key performance indicator was 'surfable days', simply defined as 'the presence of people out surfing'. Yes or no. The monitoring indicated less than 14% of days through the Autumn/Fall season, less in Summer, though more days in Winter. The ongoing validity of the figures is now questionable because the reef enjoyed 'novelty status' popularity in the first years of existence. Though Bancrofts methodology is pure brilliance because of its simplicity.

Cables locals claim the reef is not surfable with wave height under chest height. That's a problem when you consider Perths small wave climate: ranging from usually less than waste high in summer, to under chest high in winter. Outer reefs and Rottnest Island restrict much of the available wave energy. Cables most open swell window is to winter north west swells, though westsouthwest swells are predominant on the coast of Western Australia. Short period (wind) waves under 6 seconds occur approximately 20% of days per year, dominate summer and are typical of waves under waste high. Strong side-onshore sou'west winds dominate year round.

Wave height should not be an issue; just a design constraint. Clearly the reef, in its current form, has failed to meet the design brief 'surf should work ..from 0.5metres..' Essentially, the reef is too deep for the available wave height climate.

Andrew Pitt undertook a dive survey at Cables and estimated the shallowest section of the reef to be 1.5m deep at the lowest low tide. Other sections of the reef are deeper, the tide mostly higher.

Cables reef needs some fine tuning. To increase the number of surfable days per year, maintenance works should include: capping the reef to make it shallower (more small days) and extending the nose of the reef ridge further seaward to draw in more swell and increase wave height (more of the 'swell magnet' effect).

Conclusion: clearly define design objectives and be sure the final design will meet the objectives.

by Andrew Pitt © 2012

Illustration: Cables Surfing Reef - Plan and elevation sketches, as published in Tracks magazine November 1991 "Underwater Surgery for Better Waves"

Andrew Pitt (B.Larch UNSW) is the principal Surfing Reef Architect

at Surfing Ramps and provided initial concept sketches for Cables Reef

Cables Reef lineup, the reef is 300m offshore. Photo courtesy

Cables Reef: granite boulders (now) covered in algae. Photo Andrew Pitt

by Andrew Pitt © 2012

379 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:55PM
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Never surfed it but this is our artificial reef in all its glory

fin pop
WA, 14 posts
22 Jan 2013 11:37PM
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Basecurve said...
Great photos
The shack was known as Mario 's and located just up from where the soul less concrete south City Beach kiosk that was built to replace it now sits.
Was pretty young but remember table soccer juke box musk sticks and cobbers in abundance.
If you would like to ID the locals pretty sure I could find out for you as they are of my brothers vintage
City Beach had a thriving youth culture in the 60s and 70s.Just another sterile beachside suburb now.

Thanks for the Info Basecurve, any ID on the locals would be good...just to put names to the faces. I thought one of the guys at shop looked like my cousin Robert Keenan who was the WA State Champ around that time. Cheers


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Da Boys at City Beach Shop and Yallingup in 1965" started by fin pop