The others are probably at dinner or something with rune , invite gypsy drifter to the long board site
this is a longboard forum is it???? i certainantly have heard enough of sups get back on your own forum.
Wind will be perfect - we just need the swell to settle a bit. I will head down that way 2moro and see how its looking. Really cracking tonight at Palmy and L/L - way too much white water for my old body but maybe by Friday it'll be ok.
bb,i'll be at maccas 2 moro 0830am i'll be on astro board red rails yell out if your there.frothing at the mouth for a surf,how about you mac??? FROTHING
asea - reckon it will be stomping along the beachfront there. Gunna check PBA early to see whether I can get out - doubt it though.
Doggie - this is where I surf most fridays (really)
And this is my home break - about 200mtrs from the front door.
Indeed sir - it is. In the background the official McDunny.
If friday surf is crap interested in doing dinner with rune on fri or sat ?
Yeh If I recall correctly,you captain a ferry on the harbour sounds great but you've got to find that balance.