I had a very relaxed long weekend, but the surf was a bit of a mixed bag.
I didn't think I would get a wave this morning but I ended up finding some excellent little pealers at a beachy and had a ton of fun on the noserider.
I went back to roughly the same spot this arvo and had a very weird experience, it was roughly in front of the south narrabeen surf club. I got caught inside and as I paddled back out a sucky one caught me off guard and ripped the board away from me.
As I was floundering around in the foam ball I felt something brush against my leg and I thought " there's no way the leggy is that big and slimy and that's way too deep for the board" I thought I may have had someone behind me so when when my head broke the surface, there was no one and no other board, then whatever it was brushed my leg again and it was just as big and just as slimy as the first time.
I paused monetarily to purge my bowel, then jumped on the board and got out real quick.
My best guess is that it was a ray, a freaking big one because I did once see a monster ray on that stretch of beach some years back.
I would advise everyone not to surf there for a week or two, it will take that long to clean up, considering the size of the involuntary dump I took there.
I carried 2 boards 2100km and half caught one wave in 4 days. Did not bother putting the board in Friday morn at Arrawarra Point, and Maroubra on Sat morn was difficult for a noob like me on such a big board. I waited for a lull, paddled hard, against breaking waves, turned quickly and was only 15m from the shore line. But it was a good workout. Great weekend despite the lack of surfing.
Beam my up Scotty I want to surf that place,great photo and I know you would have another hundred or so,so post them up mate
Lucky I did not see obct's "reaction" floating around , but I must say the Sydney water tastes different
No surf for me over easter we headed up the coast fishing & crabbing, let me say the barra & crab from stanage bay are bloody beautiful
Don't have any pictures, spent too much time surfing. Hit up the Big A all 4 days and had a 2 hour surf at crescent and a feed at the pub on the way home. Got home at midnight feeling a dot shattered and we're out of coffee.
No surf no pics bloody rain on shore easter sucked , got smashed this morning at da point lumpy no wind , morning big fella
well i spent my weekend in the bay trying not to kill every tourist, the bluesfest was on and i swear at times i thought the festival might have moved to the pass. Never in my life have i seen such dangerous circumstances at the pass, my missus (kitchen tiger) got a short boarders fin into her new MacT Ray Gleave, i saw a female shortboarder do a cut back and smashed the point of her board right into an older ladies longboard, also some poor bloke take a fin to the side of the head and enough blood coming out of him to entice every shark on the east coast, the biggest bumhole tensing moment was when a shortboard did a cut back (of course as close to the persons head as possible) and the point just missed his cheek and the bottom of his board ended up hitting him in the face. Lucky as if the tip would have hit him it would have easily ripped half his face off. There was times at the pass even at 6:30am that it was not possible to catch a wave, every time u turned to paddle there was at least 50 people just sitting there and would not even attempt to move. Also a thousand learner surfers who for some reason think its a good idea to learn to surf at the point at the pass GRRRR
anyhow hope everyone had a relaxing Easter, i did out of the water surprisingly. I realise it was my stoooopid fault for surfing there with soo many people in town but hey i love that spot.
also 62Mac here is Bear(ben) and his missus new surfboard label under Bear's label
www.kyupdesigns.com/ they sound abit up themselves to be honest
Easter Monday was my only surf after heading off at 6000 i received a call saying forget LM too small nice beachie at mermaid so a quick diversion and i paddled out to shoulder high sets and long rides to the shore.Only lasted 90mins out of nick.Needless to say i was spent the rest of the day only to be wakened by happy hour.Where did THE PRESSO surf or should i say which days
Very uneventful weekend for me surf wise anyway .... spent more than the two days in the back yard but the wife was verrrry appreciative fixed my spa and had some nice long soaks after some very hard work shifting 3m2 sand by barrow.
Couple of hours in the water Sunday morning but that was it.
I had a ripper of a w/e. Lots of waves from Thurs through to Sun but did not boother yesterday. The holiday weekend crowds were annoying at times. I paddled out on Saturday to a nice chunky reef with a mate and we had it to ourselves for about 30 mins before a bunch of Sydney-siders saw us and came out as well. They were good natured though and struggled to read the shifting peaks which made it bearable. We had our first cold westerly wind yesterday and with the dropping swell I decided to spend the day fixing 2 old boards that were smashed up, cleaned the back yard and did some vacuuming. Joy. I love long weekends and think that I need more of them!!!!
Some nice pics there SP - I thought that Boomers might have been pretty good Sat / Sun before that Southerly came through. I love it up there.
Hey SP, when your in the area next try the fish and chips at the takeaway at Blueys, best Ive had in years.
Didn't drive back down that far Tankchamp wind had a bit of north in it for most of the weekend but I'd say there was probably a few there early in the mornings before the wind got up.
Stuk, yep good food but they are hopeless with orders, time before this I ordered A burger and they forgot the meat pattie they also have really good coffee.
ASEA, yeah its a weird time of year, the water temp is still over 20 degrees but the air temp this morning was around 10 so the water is fine just the wind chill that makes it cold.
Not Easter but I just found this one.
The board on the far right is Chrispy's 8ball,not sure who was the pilot Pup or Chrispy.