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Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2013
WA, 24860 posts
28 Jan 2013 6:40PM
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of the weak as piss cant surf shortboarder red thumbing every post I make.

I know another guy who has not posted much the last week because he is sick of your sorry asre,man up and say it or ****off forever.

Sorry guys but enough is enough,this fkwit is dead.

13831 posts
28 Jan 2013 6:46PM
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It's farked mate

WA, 24860 posts
28 Jan 2013 6:49PM
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thePup said...
It's farked mate

more than ****ed I know I put myself out there but at least I say it as I see it unlike the weak softcock.Love to see him around ......

8266 posts
28 Jan 2013 7:34PM
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Not a big fan of the thumb system. It allows for people to make a simple click on a topic without sharing any constructive insight into whats being discussed. If the reds stop forum contributers from posting that sux even more. Coz without forum contributers there is no forum. It would be better if there was at least a "so&so" likes or dislikes this post. But personally I think it is of no benefit coz it promotes laziness & in this case cowardice

WA, 312 posts
28 Jan 2013 7:57PM
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There should at least be a view able record of who agree's with your post. We are grown men after all. So we can at least be honest with each other, like or dislike.

VIC, 130 posts
28 Jan 2013 10:59PM
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Dont worry about it mac there's plenty of us that like your posts.
Cheers Mate

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Jan 2013 11:45PM
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supmego said...
Dont worry about it mac there's plenty of us that like your posts.
Cheers Mate

+ 100

WA, 15849 posts
28 Jan 2013 8:49PM
Thumbs Up

62mac said...
thePup said...
It's farked mate

more than ****ed I know I put myself out there but at least I say it as I see it unlike the weak softcock.Love to see him around ......

I agree 100% Mac

WA, 6913 posts
28 Jan 2013 9:03PM
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Time to move the reds away for good i say. They don't bother me but if we are losing members because of them i say ditch them

WA, 196 posts
28 Jan 2013 9:42PM
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+1Mac keep it up.
You guys here are a lot more interested and interesting than say channel 666.
There are only so many DW GoPro videos you can watch without reaching for the Endone.

QLD, 7932 posts
29 Jan 2013 5:36AM
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Basecurve said...
+1Mac keep it up.
You guys here are a lot more interested and interesting than say channel 666.
There are only so many DW GoPro videos you can watch without reaching for the Endone.

thats funny. endones fix all

NSW, 2110 posts
29 Jan 2013 7:47AM
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push da red fumb push da red fumb fkn numpty

@Chrispy if everyone was on endone the world would be a better place

4214 posts
29 Jan 2013 4:51AM
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What's Endone ?

NSW, 2110 posts
29 Jan 2013 8:03AM
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Scotty88 said...
What's Endone ?

Pain relief of choice in hospitals around the world break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

4214 posts
29 Jan 2013 5:18AM
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boofy said...
Scotty88 said...
What's Endone ?

Pain relief of choice in hospitals around the world break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

Better then morphine ?

NSW, 2110 posts
29 Jan 2013 8:21AM
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Scotty88 said...
boofy said...
Scotty88 said...
What's Endone ?

Pain relief of choice in hospitals around the world break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

Better then morphine ?

No not better than morphine endone is a tablet have had both for various reasons,injuries

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
29 Jan 2013 8:23AM
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boofy said... break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

wow - that is a big call - must be a massive high

QLD, 7932 posts
29 Jan 2013 7:27AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
boofy said... break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

wow - that is a big call - must be a massive high

meh,then again i have some condition that makes my tolerance level very high and hard to medicate. now the oxy they had me on for the fin chop....well them bad boys are just bad news

VIC, 8020 posts
29 Jan 2013 8:39AM
Thumbs Up

chrispychru said...
Basecurve said...
+1Mac keep it up.
You guys here are a lot more interested and interesting than say channel 666.
There are only so many DW GoPro videos you can watch without reaching for the Endone.

thats funny. endones fix all

That quote is an instant classic! ... 666-GoPro-Endone!!!

13831 posts
29 Jan 2013 7:14AM
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Geez whatever happened to the good old Pot , you know gange

NSW, 1317 posts
29 Jan 2013 10:56AM
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chrispychru said...
Ted the Kiwi said...
boofy said... break both your legs and you can try some Scotty its worth it

wow - that is a big call - must be a massive high

meh,then again i have some condition that makes my tolerance level very high and hard to medicate. now the oxy they had me on for the fin chop....well them bad boys are just bad news

endone and oxy are the same drug (opioid)just different as to how fast /long they affect you, i am with you though, my memories are all bad any time you have to take any of those bad boys...normally a world of hurt ....

NSW, 1132 posts
29 Jan 2013 1:33PM
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Been using the Tracks forum..

no reds or greens....I am the only one that posts anything

no reds or greens....

just brilliance by the one and only poster......

NSW, 3487 posts
29 Jan 2013 1:48PM
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Yes dude, you may be the only one, but you must remember, you're unique amongst tracks readers, you're literate, in your case, it's not just the pictures, it's for the articles.

Which come to think of it, is the exact opposite to the reason I gave to the missus when she discovered my porn stash

13831 posts
29 Jan 2013 11:03AM
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obct said...

Which come to think of it, is the exact opposite to the reason I gave to the missus when she discovered my porn stash

Beer fine! ..... 6-pack (full strength none of that cats piddle in here)- for not sharing the love with the brothers too

NSW, 1132 posts
29 Jan 2013 2:09PM
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How many beer fines is it when you get an invite to a site from a legend in the art world......PUP???? and fail to take it up................

1011 posts
29 Jan 2013 11:58AM
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Some people attract reds some greens, I think it spices things up and makes it interesting.

Mac has gone out of his way to help me a number of times with advice and even sent me a fin for nothing when I was having a bad run of luck with a particular board. So IMO he deserves some good karma.

Would be nice to see the occasional thread about surfing as well

Get this up ya

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
29 Jan 2013 3:05PM
Thumbs Up

surferstu said...

Would be nice to see the occasional thread about surfing as well

Why? No one cares about those threads

13831 posts
29 Jan 2013 12:13PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
surferstu said...

Would be nice to see the occasional thread about surfing as well

Why? No one cares about those threads

good on him Ted - stoked for him big time .... I just can't get the link to do it sadly


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Enough" started by 62mac