Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by BigSpazz > 9 months ago, 14 Aug 2012
NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:42PM
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Basically i come across and receive thousands of emails with interesting and funny stuff, so i thought we should have a forum spreading the love around

NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:43PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:43PM
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Jeremy Foley and his co-driver go off at Devils Playground at exactly the same spot Bobby Regester did last year. Both were taken to the hospital, one of them had serious but not life-threatening injuries. Jeremy then posted a message on his Facebook. “Yuri and I are ok. A little beaten up but nothing major. Thank you so much to everyone for the kindness and support! What a wonderful feeling to feel so loved!”

NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:45PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:46PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:48PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:48PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:49PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:50PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:52PM
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NSW, 946 posts
14 Aug 2012 3:55PM
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NSW, 946 posts
15 Aug 2012 8:29AM
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10980 posts
15 Aug 2012 11:27AM
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NSW, 946 posts
20 Aug 2012 12:41PM
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It's stupid enough to brag about a crime you've committed, but to actually film yourself doing something stupid usually ends up being an epic fail for the 'viral star'. 23 year old Ronnie 'Ron Gotti' Wynn of Vancouver thought it would be fun to have a girl videotape him as they rode around a residential area to create the 'masterpiece' titled 'Ron Gotti Shooting Guns Again'. In Ronnie's possession were two guns, a .45 and an Airsoft HK assault rifle replica. Also tucked comfortably in his tough guy's lap…a Hannah Montana blanket. Thug life baby…

NSW, 946 posts
20 Aug 2012 12:53PM
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VIC, 8020 posts
20 Aug 2012 5:40PM
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Random Joke - I completely stuffed up my first wave today!
Fresh Coat of Wax... I must have been really "lax" at the application at "The Front Foot Landing Zone";
Heel and Ball of foot landed on old slippery way, and there was a fresh wax stripe down the middle under "the arch" not providing grip!

Result - Exit Stage Sideways! Front foot slipped from under me...

Cold Feet in cold water can be slippery!

NSW, 946 posts
22 Aug 2012 11:33AM
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NSW, 946 posts
22 Aug 2012 12:44PM
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NSW, 946 posts
22 Aug 2012 1:26PM
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Grab a pint and light a ciggie because Buster Martin is changing everything you ever thought you knew about living a long life. This 101 year-old chain-smoking, beer-guzzling, marathon running plumber is sharing his secrets for living forever!

VIC, 8020 posts
22 Aug 2012 5:40PM
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A kid in Dad's car!! (The M3).
The engine sounded sweet!

VIC, 8020 posts
22 Aug 2012 5:51PM
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^ Big Jumps - 5 minute mark, the Ski-Jumper could have gone even further if he could have kept his mouth shut... Better stream line!
But you'd be so amped, you'd be screaming the whole way knowing you had nailed the take-off and only needed to maintain control, and make the landing!

NSW, 946 posts
27 Aug 2012 4:47PM
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NSW, 946 posts
28 Aug 2012 9:26AM
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NSW, 946 posts
29 Aug 2012 11:14AM
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butthole tattoo

NSW, 3487 posts
1 Sep 2012 6:17PM
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WA, 24860 posts
1 Sep 2012 4:19PM
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You want a joke ok,I'll go find Asea

NSW, 946 posts
3 Sep 2012 11:34AM
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Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Sep 2012 12:35PM
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Richie McCaw goes into the All Black changing room to find all his team mates looking a bit down.
"What's up?" he asks.

"Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game Richie. We know it's important but we've just beaten Argentina and South Africa in consecutive weeks and let's be honest it's only Australia. They're crap and we simply can't be bothered".

Richie looks at them and says "Oh well, the way I've been playing recently, I reckon I can beat these Aussies by myself. You guys go down the pub."

So Richie goes out to play the Wallabies by himself while the rest of the All Black Team goes off for a few jars. After a few beers they wonder how the game is going, so they get the barman to put the telly on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads "New Zealand 7, (McCaw - 10 minutes - Converted
Try) - Australia 0 ".

He is beating Australia all by himself!!!! Anyway, the telly goes off and
a few more beers later the game is forgotten until someone remembers "It must be full time now, let's see how Richie got on". They get the telly put back on.

"Result from Eden Park: New Zealand 7, (McCaw, 10 minutes) - Australia 7, (Sharpe, 79 minutes)".

They can't believe it. Richie has single-handedly got a draw against Australia!! They rush back to Eden Park to congratulate him. They find him in the dressing room, still in his gear, sat with his head in his hands.
He refuses to look at them. "I've let you down guys. Sorry, but I've really let you down." moans Richie.

"Don't be an idiot; you got a draw against Australia, all by yourself. And they only scored at the very, very end!" says the rest of the team.

"No, no, I have" says Richie, "I've let you down..............I hope you can forgive me but I got sent off after 12 minutes"

10980 posts
4 Sep 2012 10:40AM
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Yeah, I'm sure that's funnier if your a kiwi....

But it I did giggle a bit..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Sep 2012 12:59PM
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Hows yr hangover? Those steinlarger pures have a good ability serve you one of those - the normal rule is only have 2 or 3 not 10 of those before switching to yr high volume beer of choice !

10980 posts
4 Sep 2012 11:12AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Hows yr hangover? Those steinlarger pures have a good ability serve you one of those - the normal rule is only have 2 or 3 not 10 of those before switching to yr high volume beer of choice !

Wish I knew that earlier.. But your right, it gives you a hangover and a half, haven't had one like that in years...
even a few of the other boys mentioned they pulled up not that great. But definitely lesson learnt. no more than 3.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Funny/Random/Jokes" started by BigSpazz