Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Giving up SB'ing to take up LB'ing, tips?

Created by newguy > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2012
654 posts
31 Mar 2012 11:00PM
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Jokes, April fools

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Apr 2012 1:05AM
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newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

learn to crawl before you can walk mate. your still learning to surf, so dont feel too bad. you will get to manhood at some stage in life and,maybe,just maybe you might have progressed from riding a lid by then funny you had to steal the joke from the gen forum...hahahaha a kook and cant be original.

654 posts
31 Mar 2012 11:43PM
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Well played Chrispy, well played Thought it fit this topic quite well copy cat or not and Imma kook and proud of it! If you want tips for original take offs or falling off ya board just give me a buzz

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:06AM
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newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:18AM
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boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof


NSW, 2110 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:25AM
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chrispychru said...

boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof


Love your new avatar mate I feel like that prob once a day

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:27AM
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boofy said...

chrispychru said...

boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof


Love your new avatar mate I feel like that prob once a day

mate sent it to me. he reckons that is how i am. i dont agree the post you did for the hand surfer,thats the guy i got mine from.

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:37AM
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chrispychru said...

boofy said...

chrispychru said...

boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof


Love your new avatar mate I feel like that prob once a day

mate sent it to me. he reckons that is how i am. i dont agree the post you did for the hand surfer,thats the guy i got mine from.

Cool Thanx

654 posts
1 Apr 2012 8:13AM
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boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof

HAHAHA. Geez, forget sharks or jet ski's, sounds like the best method against LB'ers would be your missus armed with a harpoon charging on an SUP

WA, 24860 posts
1 Apr 2012 8:20AM
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Sorry newguy you have a long way to go,see one should never mention the s-p word
without permission from god,if he is uncontactable pm asea.

654 posts
1 Apr 2012 8:38AM
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May Asea forgive me for I have sinned [}:)]

On a serious note guys, whats the crowd factor like along the east coast? May be moving over east for study. Back here, week day crowds almost don't exist and weekends can range from a few during early hours of the morning to the masses by lunch time.

I'm alright with a few people out sharing a peak but don't seem to do well in crowds. Over here I'll see blokes on either side of me paddle for a wave and I'll pull out. Yet when I get right of way they all drop in. Hence not too keen unless I take up Boofy's tips and become a killer whale

WA, 24860 posts
1 Apr 2012 8:54AM
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Asea has called for an AGM to discuss what action will be dished out.

Unlike you wave starved WA people we have mile and miles of waves to select from.
If you want you can share with a few or choose to get right into the pack and it can get packed.

Newguy HTFU and sort those who are snaking you,your follow shortboarding mates.
Go to the gym bulk up,get some tatts,learn how to box on,if non of that interests you
bite the bullet and paddle out on a longboard and watch your wave count multiple

Sorry I cant be serious for more than a second

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Apr 2012 11:03AM
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^^^^ Funny now seriously newguy if they are taking off left and right of you there is something wrong, you have to look at it from natures point of view those guys dont see you as a threat you are sort of like the sick antelope in the herd, you have to let out a bit of a howl or grunt as they surround you, practise your stinkeye in the mirror until you scare your self if you come over here head for Currumbin alley look for Lacey he will take you under his wing

QLD, 5396 posts
1 Apr 2012 11:22AM
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Newguy DONT go the longboard just yet, you will look out of place

WA, 24860 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:42AM
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God dam put some shorts on newguy this is a surfing forum after all

10979 posts
1 Apr 2012 9:53AM
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This is funny, except for the actual topic

New guy, kadil changed his Login this week to Kadilak, maybe you could do the same and be noIdeaGuy.

WA, 24860 posts
1 Apr 2012 1:05PM
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SP said...

This is funny, except for the actual topic

New guy, kadil changed his Login this week to Kadilak, maybe you could do the same and be noIdeaGuy.

Oh come on guys give him a break,no not his nosehe is still young and has a lot to learn,one day he will wake up and say,man I should have listened to those old farts on seabreeze years age

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 8:54AM
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boofy said...

newguy said...

Jokes, April fools

You are Farked from day one mate no longboarder would post up such a lame joke but here are some tips

1. You will have to stop thinking you are the most important being in the ocean.
2. You will have to cut all ties with Doggie he will bring you down.
3.Buy a swag for your missus you will be sleeping with your longboard now.
4.Get a second job cause once you have Lboardered you will need a whole quiver.
5. You are moving up the food chain now from sardine to killer whale so show some respect when you smash through a school of shortboarders only take out the sick ones
Cheers Boof

Dont bother longboards suck

WA, 24860 posts
2 Apr 2012 9:00AM
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Good morning doggie have a crap weekend

4214 posts
2 Apr 2012 9:45AM
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Grumpy old K9 isn't he ?

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 10:14AM
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Good one actually, two days of great waves

Longboards still suck.........................

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Apr 2012 2:08PM
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doggie said...

Good one actually, two days of great waves

Where did ya surf? A mate of mine was out at a certain fav left of mine over yr way and said it was pretty chunky - bigger than my comfort zone !!!! He said it was very very quiet.

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 1:03PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

doggie said...

Good one actually, two days of great waves

Where did ya surf? A mate of mine was out at a certain fav left of mine over yr way and said it was pretty chunky - bigger than my comfort zone !!!! He said it was very very quiet.

Went north to a certain beachie on Saturday and down to Mandurah on Sunday.
Was onshore yesterday but had some awesome fun, was about three foot

WA, 975 posts
2 Apr 2012 2:51PM
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NSW, 5510 posts
2 Apr 2012 5:04PM
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e0422713 said...

nice one

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 3:04PM
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e0422713 said...

I know that SPOT well, dont surf there much these days tho....

Nice pic e

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Apr 2012 5:07PM
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Nice shot.....heard it was 8ft on Saturday morning down that way. Ouch!!

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 3:15PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Nice shot.....heard it was 8ft on Saturday morning down that way. Ouch!!

Down Yalls and Margarets it was pumping!! Not sure weather to go north or south for easter, both will be pumping

NSW, 5510 posts
2 Apr 2012 5:17PM
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doggie said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

Nice shot.....heard it was 8ft on Saturday morning down that way. Ouch!!

Down Yalls and Margarets it was pumping!! Not sure weather to go north or south for easter, both will be pumping

DONT forget pup

WA, 15849 posts
2 Apr 2012 3:18PM
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asea said...

doggie said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

Nice shot.....heard it was 8ft on Saturday morning down that way. Ouch!!

Down Yalls and Margarets it was pumping!! Not sure weather to go north or south for easter, both will be pumping

DONT forget pup


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Apr 2012 5:39PM
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doggie said...
Not sure weather to go north or south for easter, both will be pumping

Stay home and off the roads and crowds I say

Hope you get some good ones!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Giving up SB'ing to take up LB'ing, tips?" started by newguy