Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 30 Jul 2013
WA, 24860 posts
30 Jul 2013 8:00PM
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13831 posts
30 Jul 2013 8:01PM
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You're a wanker hahahahaha

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Jul 2013 10:02PM
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Has been missing of late......

Ron - if you out there - hope the new job is going well and you have been getting some waves - please post some more board pics soon - we miss them!!

WA, 9675 posts
31 Jul 2013 4:39AM
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Yep some more board is always wanted from you Mr Goddard yeeeeeeew

NSW, 639 posts
3 Aug 2013 9:32PM
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my ears were burning....have'nt been on the breeze for awhile...this is one of my new loggers...the "lady finger" hope you all like it

1011 posts
3 Aug 2013 7:54PM
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^^masterpiece... love the fin and pin tail, what does the bevel/ edge on the nose do?

13831 posts
3 Aug 2013 8:05PM
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arkgee said..

my ears were burning....have'nt been on the breeze for awhile...this is one of my new loggers...the "lady finger" hope you all like it

Wow - I like that young man they'll move quick I reckon generous concave in that nose geez
great as always to see your posts too RG - cheers for the board porn

10979 posts
3 Aug 2013 8:29PM
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WA, 24860 posts
3 Aug 2013 9:25PM
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SP said..


Bullsh1t SP, ma8t that's fully sick bro,one day I'm going to get one of these

SA, 1739 posts
4 Aug 2013 12:47AM
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Amazing looking board mr. Goddard. I havent seen a goddard that I haven't liked. Sick boards

4627 posts
4 Aug 2013 3:17AM
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62mac said..

SP said..


Bullsh1t SP, ma8t that's fully sick bro,one day I'm going to get one of these

There's pigs flying round here
Very nice arkgee

WA, 9675 posts
4 Aug 2013 4:51AM
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Is that it? I waited how long and you post up one board. Lift your game Mr Goddard,I want more yeeew

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Aug 2013 11:25AM
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That is an absolute thing of beauty - the master craftsman is back !

WA, 24860 posts
4 Aug 2013 11:47AM
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All being well Mr Goddard will spot this post.

My question is can you explain the difference in tail shapes between the two pins below on a 1 + 2 fin set up?
What are the advantages of either,what do they do?

rounded pin


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Aug 2013 2:01PM
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mac it obvious.

ones artwork is pin tail white

the other one's art work is pin tail blue

its the art that counts

WA, 24860 posts
4 Aug 2013 12:10PM
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laceys lane said..

mac it obvious.

ones artwork is pin tail white

the other one's art work is pin tail blue

its the art that counts

and you wouldn't know art if it hit you in the head those timber boards you were slagging are pure art my friend,now hows your head
I'm asking Mr Goddard a serious design question not a ****** arty one okI intend to ask the same question with some other guy's I respect
tomorrow so until then stick the paint roller where the sun does not shine

NSW, 639 posts
4 Aug 2013 2:56PM
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its a hip thing Mac...if you like a bit of a hip in your a bit more curve between your feet...the blue one is the way to go...if you take the old..."measure the tail one foot up" theory...then that tail is quite narrow, but if you measure it up a couple feet you will find its almost an inch wider than the average rounded pin....its a planshape I have used for years...I used to look at photo's of boards where you could see the rear end of the deck, and noticed the water flow always had similar curve as it washed over the deck, no matter what the planshape was, so I tried to copy that be honest its never been a planshape that sells itself...most times I will sell them to people who have ridden one (and realised how good they go)...not off the shelf...IMO it is the true pintail...the rounded pin has more visual appeal to the average punter...but hey I am a pintail lover and think they all go for the rounded pin...if you want to draw your planshape out ie longer really have to go that way...better stop now I'm starting to confuse myself

WA, 24860 posts
4 Aug 2013 1:15PM
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Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my question.
I'm a little confused,see I find my pin 10 looser than my 9.6 rounded pin.
I've been told the rocker is the major factor between these two boards
and the tail has an effect also but you need both tail and rocker to work.

NSW, 639 posts
4 Aug 2013 3:25PM
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they all have to interlock cant have one without the other...thats why all surfboards go good....some better than others...trick is getting all those variables together...and then all those variables may suit me not you....never ending quest for the perfect your ten footer smoother or looser I find the blue pin smoother than the area pin thus I named it "silk" to take the misses out for sunday arvo drinks...this conversation could go on for years catch you later

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Aug 2013 4:36PM
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62mac said..

laceys lane said..

mac it obvious.

ones artwork is pin tail white

the other one's art work is pin tail blue

its the art that counts

and you wouldn't know art if it hit you in the head those timber boards you were slagging are pure art my friend,now hows your head
I'm asking Mr Goddard a serious design question not a ****** arty one okI intend to ask the same question with some other guy's I respect
tomorrow so until then stick the paint roller where the sun does not shine

hit the button there . mac its as mr goddard says the hip thing. if you look at hp 666's and particularly my dc most have a good hip whether its a square or round, area pin etc.

there would be no way you could get the turns with a straighter tail line. also inter designed with the right rocker to suit the hip

WA, 24860 posts
4 Aug 2013 2:37PM
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Thanks mate hope you enjoyed the drinks

I find the pin looser than the rounded pin.GT from mct is a massive fan of the pin single which is a evoII plan shape with the pin,I'm not convinced on the single so I was thinking the same type board with training wheels.

WA, 9675 posts
4 Aug 2013 2:49PM
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This a drunken response. To me a pin sinks deeper in the water which makes steep hollow waves great,on other waves it sinks in deeper which makes it great for drawn out turns. A rounded pin gives you a inbetween a rounded square and a pin. With a thruster go a square,but I love a rounded pin with my quads,ball and socket as people.would say. I think big hollow waves go a pin,on other waves if you don't like the square go the rounded pin,the tail will sink more which will make your turns less responsive,but more drawn out. Which on a longboard is the best you will get anyway. Lost my train of Thomasgut now

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Aug 2013 5:14PM
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chrispy said..

This a drunken response. To me a pin sinks deeper in the water which makes steep hollow waves great,on other waves it sinks in deeper which makes it great for drawn out turns. A rounded pin gives you a inbetween a rounded square and a pin. With a thruster go a square,but I love a rounded pin with my quads,ball and socket as people.would say. I think big hollow waves go a pin,on other waves if you don't like the square go the rounded pin,the tail will sink more which will make your turns less responsive,but more drawn out. Which on a longboard is the best you will get anyway. Lost my train of Thomasgut now

that makes good sense and agreeable- have another drink


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Aug 2013 7:15PM
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Mr Goddard - its great to have you back - top quality post and much appreciated from this end. Do you think that the wider egg type shapes then would benefit from a hip as such? I have noticed a few short boards recently with a pronounced hip.

WA, 9675 posts
4 Aug 2013 5:31PM
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Ted they would then end up lowoking lifeke a takayama scorpion.... Which I would prefer

NSW, 639 posts
5 Aug 2013 6:51PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Mr Goddard - its great to have you back - top quality post and much appreciated from this end. Do you think that the wider egg type shapes then would benefit from a hip as such? I have noticed a few short boards recently with a pronounced hip.

it's that variables thing again Ted...and how short?...bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question ....I think when they get real short you need a bit of a parallel look to your planshape still with some curve, if that makes sense....but its how you want your board to you want squirley little turns? or do you want to draw out your lines...different strokes for different folkes.....trick is knowing what works for you...and that can take years of experimenting...and that is whats so magical about our sport

you mean something like this Chrispy

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
5 Aug 2013 7:46PM
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I am presently trying to replace my 5'10" Firewire Sweet Potato. Have some foam in the shed presently getting a workout. So its going to be a similar type of shape to that board of yrs in the blue but with a diamond tail and a bit less foam at the nose. Deep concaves.

Funny thing is that 2 weeks ago I brought some pigments so I can do a resin swirl in blue and white

WA, 9675 posts
5 Aug 2013 6:47PM
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Oh Mr Goddard.send that beauty up for.a.test ride.and I will let you know. That looks like so much fun. What size is it?

QLD, 3808 posts
5 Aug 2013 10:23PM
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chrispy said..

Oh Mr Goddard.send that beauty up for.a.test ride.and I will let you know. That looks like so much fun. What size is it?

Can't you read that???

5'4 x 21-1/2" x 2-1/2"

13831 posts
5 Aug 2013 10:45PM
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geez what a delicious post up

WA, 9675 posts
6 Aug 2013 4:54AM
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vanders1 said...
chrispy said..

Oh Mr Goddard.send that beauty up for.a.test ride.and I will let you know. That looks like so much fun. What size is it?

Can't you read that???

5'4 x 21-1/2" x 2-1/2"

Can't you put the right board there! It's the red one thanks!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Goddard" started by 62mac