Hey all, am in the market for a new longboard having decided to hang up the short board and leave it up to the groms that seem to fly around everywhere these days. Wanted to get some artwork on the board but wondering if I will be making my shapers life hell with a design. How hard are those tints you see on boards i.e. the ones by those such as Creative Army etc I see you lads post on here every now and then?
Most glassers can do tints without too much trouble.
If you are ever in Vic, sing out and I'll show you around the reefs.
Long Point Break Heaven.
Ahk, then I can let my imagination soar.
Thanks mate, if only... Too bad a sickie won't get me there and back in time for the next shift
With plugging the McTavish site... But click around that for some tint ideas. I think the decals also need to look right. Like what Channel Islands do, they mix up the decals to suit the tints, etc.
anyone can tint a board but,
it just takes time to be a good 'tinter'. some many methods- how will the colours mix, how long you leave the tint in one spot after pouring on the board determines a lot. that determines on how you want it to spead, the colour strength etc etc.
stripes, marble look, two tone colour and the list goes on.
and remember they still have to work the resin into the cloth- knowing when and timing is everything
the best ever i've seen was a c4 custom that the then import left up at greenline when dave 'macca' owned greenline. really really tight small tint lines. like they did it with a comb- amazing.
dc saw it- insane was his words from memory
don't know why but never took a photo of it
No offence Lacey, but DC prefers to just spray paint his colours onto the outside !
What, I said no offence!
Get on the Cooperfish site. They're American boards but some of the tint and pigment work on there is pretty good. You can even go for a tint \ pigment combo with swirls and marble effect if you want something really different. Check out as much as you can before you order.
That is some awesome tinting on that Stand up paddle board mate! Wonder if the shaper will let me put my own tint on. THink it would be great fun - heck even to learn how to shape a board. Thats an interesting tail pad you've got on it though
Try the "show us your tints" thread on swaylocks dot com............last I looked it was up to 120 pages of tints!!! some incredible ones in there!