Mctavish razor-hated the piece off ****
Mctavish 8ball-wish I still kept it. I loved surfing that board so much
Flow,hand made log by Ian Chisholm- stunningly beautiful board to look at,was fun to ride at first....I hate logs
CW high performance smile farking beast,I love this board so much.
Wanted my 8ball back
Boofys CW 10 footer
And a thinner narrower version of my CW hp
That Razor was not mine but Matts,the Razor was dropped for the UFO model in the range,I still maintain its a great board as the UFO for anyone coming from a shortboard to a longboard as Chrispy was at the time.
longboard surfboards - 9,1 Glen Darcy about 12 months - sold
- 9 1 Goddard Nimbus - keeper had about 12 months
9 6 McTavish Original Gun - about 6 months -possible keeper ?
SUps - 10 foot SUPlove single fin- about 6 months - sold
- 9 2 PSH ripper quad - about 6 months - thinking about moving it on and replacing it with a Jimmy Lewis KWAD (undecided )
-9 5 Jimmy Lewis Striker - favourite board ATM ,had about a month
My 9 foot & over count;
9'1 McTavish Original - Snapped, put back together, sold - bought new in about 2001...
- still have these ones -
9'1 Billy Hamilton Hyperform Surftech - bought in about 2008
9'6 Billy Hamilton Stylist - bought 2010 (ish?)
9'6 Dick Brewer Nose Rider Surftech - 2010
9'1 McTavish EvoII - 2011
9'4 McTavish Involvement - 2011
9'6 McTavish Occasional Pin Handshape - 2012
9'0 McTavish Speedshape Handshape - 2013
9'0 Dick Van Straalen Reef Rider - 2013
Too many... probably! Should sell the Stylist... Not getting ridden...
(666 excluded!)
9'6 brownie ( for sale )
10 ft brownie
9'2 tak in the pink ( for sale...thought was sold but back on )
9'4 tak in the pink
2 x sweet loves by josh constable being done this week ( oops just grew a 3rd nut saying that )
2 x 666
2 x ebay cheapys 9'2
1 x tak 7ft scorpion
aaand a surftech throw around 7'6
mmmm couple boogie boards
can i start on the skateboards ?? yew
now let me see
9'2 Action local shaper (went ok)sold
9'1 Flex lite herbie fletcher sold
9'6 Ray Dalton (slug)sold
9' FlexLite sold
GSI Mctavish Fire Ball yeehare sold
South Point 11'6 666 (dark days )sold
StarBoard 10'5 666 sold
Mctavish Redline Keeper
Starboard 9'8 Element 666 sold
Mayerhoffyer 9'6 stuck with it (rush of blood to the head )
Surftech 12' Micky Munoz keeper ride it a lot
Jimmy Lewis 9'9 Manu 666 sold
Naish Hokua 9'5 sold
McTavish Fire Ball EVOII
Naish Hokua 9'5 666 (not a misprint wore the first one out)
McTavish 10' Cruiser
Forgot one Takayma 10'2 Noserider
I couldn't tell you how many but 2,723 images at an average of around 10 photo's each board so it's well over 250.
Wow can you send me a jpeg file of that lot so I can steal some artwork ideas truly an amazing collection past and present.
SupAnimal you are stuff of Legend ..... my god I've spent ages just droooooling at your work .... respect big time brother cheers for the smorgasbord of Porn post .... bravo as chrispy would sagely say !
Thanks boys;
It's been fun, made a lot of friends buying and selling but also lost a wife in the process partly due to surfing / surfboards and our lifestyle.
Got me thinking about the best and the worst so I made a list based on my experiences on them all;
Best Longboard - McTavish 9'4 Redline (2205 build) - I had a few but this was the first and by far the best - was made for Bob Mc himself and seemed slightly different to the rack models.
Best 'Traditional' Longboard - McTavish Noosa 66 (2006 build) - super smooth and worked in overhead conditions just as well as peelers.
Surprise Package - South Coast Stylemaster (2004 build) - expected it to be fun but it was an absolute delight on north coast point breaks.
One Board Quiver - Surftech 10'6 Munoz - If I could only have one board this is the one I'd choose....silky smooth in 1-6 foot and a delight to paddle.
Best 'Big Wave' Longboard - MC 9'3 'Mal Gun' - Just at home on 3 foot walls but bring on the juice and the MC carved.
Super Fun - 10' Surftech Bear Waikiki Special - Moments on this I'll never forget.
Legend - Wegener 10' Crusader - Absolute Quality in every aspect of build and performance - the one I regret selling !