Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Leg ropes can stretch a really long way

Created by obct > 9 months ago, 12 Mar 2012
NSW, 3487 posts
12 Mar 2012 9:29AM
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I was reminded of this yesterday arvo.

Had a great weekend down here, starting as early as Thursday arvo, good LB waves in a few places, heaps of fun with the old fart crew.

Even Sunday morning was good, I got to my local about 45mins before daybreak and thought, “oh well, it had to end sometime”. Just for the heck of it, I paddled out before sunrise and still had a top surf. The rest of the crew saw me getting a few, changed their minds and came out anyway, everyone got a wave.

Went to Nth Styne at noon yesterday to buy a pair of softracks and it was still pump'n out good ones, they actually closed the beach to swimmers. So naturally I though it would hold up for the rest of the day, no luck, by 2pm my local had turned into a lumpy mess.

So I went down to my desperation location, Manly at the southern end, it was still very bad but just surfable.

I know I've mentioned before the once in a life time surfers down there, you known? Back packers & tourists from all over the world, they buy some piece of crap with zero volume and think, “well if it's good enough for Kelly Slaters, then it will do me just fine” . The smart ones get a soft top to hone their skills on, but they're few and far between.

Now on a good day, they're no problem because you can see them easily and the wave zone is clearly defined, as a bonus, the young ladies are usually smoking hot and always keep their knees well apart when they paddle.

But yesterday, the surf was all over the place like a mad woman's poop, and so were they, I've never see so many hits and near misses. To make matters worse, I almost copped it twice. And both for the same reason, they just love to bail and let the leggy do all the work.

That's when you realise just how far those mothers can really stretch.

WA, 2520 posts
12 Mar 2012 7:47AM
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Hey obct...

Mrs was out, and I stumbled upon Endless Summer II on the media player... anyways, the LBér 'Wingnut' came out of a session with his leggie stretched (permanently) 10ft longer than his 9ft board

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 Mar 2012 12:56PM
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I hear ya loud and clear obct....its a dangerous place at the best of times let alone on a Sunday morning. Joel from Saltmotion took this snap of it and its looking pretty busy. Hot sunny day and on a Sunday after all the crap weather this summer one would expect a very busy day down the beach. Not good if you are a surfer

NSW, 855 posts
12 Mar 2012 1:02PM
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I hear you OBCT, Manly, especially south of the pipe can be really quite something during the summer. On the occasions I go there for a session, it's more to get some paddling exercise and some eyball muscle toning.....

The local seemed to hold up well until well into Saturday, but once the easterly came in it soon deteriorated...


WA, 2520 posts
12 Mar 2012 11:47AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

I hear ya loud and clear obct....its a dangerous place at the best of times let alone on a Sunday morning. Joel from Saltmotion took this snap of it and its looking pretty busy. Hot sunny day and on a Sunday after all the crap weather this summer one would expect a very busy day down the beach. Not good if you are a surfer

Man - we've got a 4km stretch that pretty much looks like that every weekend - Trigg to Scarborough

It's hard to get motivated when you see that sort of crowd... worse when half of them are numpties who abandon their board

NSW, 639 posts
12 Mar 2012 5:10PM
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I opened a small surf shop at maroubra beach a long long time ago..and layed on a few cartons for the mates that helped me fit it out(and a few ring ins)...we were all pretty well primed when a guy aproached me with what he called an unbreakable leg rope that he was just releasing...two mates (both over 100 kgs)said unbreakable eh?....took the sample and tied the rail saver around a sign post out front of the shop...they then proceeded to strech the leggy down the street...this thing was as taught as a guitar one was game enough to go anywhere near it...I swear they were what seemed like 50mtrs down the street when it tore away from the recoiled past the crew with the sound and speed of a low flying fighter then belted the mate that was closest right in the side of the stomach....knocking him over him like a ten his credit he got up and walked away mumbling unbreakeable eh?...we didnt see him for days after...your right obct they strech a long way.

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Mar 2012 4:27PM
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I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

NSW, 7269 posts
12 Mar 2012 5:35PM
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Manly's always packed.

WA, 15849 posts
12 Mar 2012 2:38PM
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weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

VIC, 8020 posts
12 Mar 2012 5:59PM
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As they say, 8 foot of board, plus 8 foot of mini mal, gives about a 16 foot kill radius !!

I bail my boards quite a bit on the bigger days. But I always have a look first, and worst case push it sideways and swim sideways, to give a little buffer for the poor bloke behind... I recall two recent "thank-you" moments... Keep in mind that you need nice etiquette at Bells & Winki, especially with the gentlemen in the 9ish-12ish shift... I let the industry froffers go first, 7-8:30.

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Mar 2012 5:00PM
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doggie said...

weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

yep they got scary when it was big , before that it was the old surf aids leg rope that was basically rope and in big surf it tried its hardest to tear your leg off[}:)]

WA, 24860 posts
12 Mar 2012 3:06PM
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doggie said...

weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

wow you must be old doggie

NSW, 3487 posts
12 Mar 2012 6:08PM
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Has anyone had that situation where the rope gets looped around your fingers or pinky toe as the board is being dragged back behind you with the force of 10 locomotives?

Hell that hurts

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Mar 2012 5:10PM
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when its big i NEVER follow anybody out the back, i have seen guys picked up by a wave taken 25m then lose there board to have it stretch out another 10. why would you follow them.

WA, 15849 posts
12 Mar 2012 3:11PM
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obct said...

Has anyone had that situation where the rope gets looped around your fingers or pinky toe as the board is being dragged back behind you with the force of 10 locomotives?

Hell that hurts

Yep, hurts like all f#%@K

WA, 15849 posts
12 Mar 2012 3:11PM
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62mac said...

doggie said...

weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

wow you must be old doggie

I was 7

6657 posts
12 Mar 2012 3:13PM
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obct said...

Has anyone had that situation where the rope gets looped around your fingers or pinky toe as the board is being dragged back behind you with the force of 10 locomotives?

Hell that hurts

Yes mate - my left big toe still grieves (Footy didn't help either) fark that Twanged

QLD, 515 posts
12 Mar 2012 6:15PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

PFFTTT! Call that crowded
Guys wait till you see 3 foot national's at noosa during a holiday season.
You get a bit of everything, 100 or so locals sitting so close to the rocks you can hear their fins being dragged across the bottom like fingernails being dragged down a chalkboard.
50 or so groms scrambling around with a crap load of energy like little pirranha's, punching each other in the head for dropping in ( while still on the wave ).
50 or so Longboarders getting there fair share , only to watch them try and pick a good line, but end up looking like they are in training for the down hill slalem at the next winter olympics.
EVERY backpacker on the eastern sea board fresh off there 1st surf lesson waxed up and ready to go
A dozen or so sweepers doing laps of the line up until dropping in on everyone untill one of them falls off and beheads about 20 guys in the line up..........
Just typing all this garbage is getting me excited for the next time

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 Mar 2012 7:56PM
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Stop showing off Locky its not fair. I only got to surf with 3 others on Sat and Sun at my favourite right hand reef break just down the road from home. It sucked

QLD, 515 posts
12 Mar 2012 7:01PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Stop showing off Locky its not fair. I only got to surf with 3 others on Sat and Sun at my favourite right hand reef break just down the road from home. It sucked

ONLY 3!!! Bastard,Who's showing off?

NSW, 7269 posts
12 Mar 2012 9:18PM
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weiry said...

doggie said...

weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

yep they got scary when it was big , before that it was the old surf aids leg rope that was basically rope and in big surf it tried its hardest to tear your leg off[}:)]

Those original Surf Aids leggies were shockers. They stretched a bit but beyond the stretch there was no give in them at all. Glad to see the back of them.

QLD, 5396 posts
12 Mar 2012 8:31PM
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smh said...

weiry said...

doggie said...

weiry said...

I remember one of the first urethane leg ropes called hot spaghetti ( i think from Balin )man would they stretch, the board would come back like a bullet

Yes I remember them, I have a scar in the side of my head from one of them 8 stiches later

yep they got scary when it was big , before that it was the old surf aids leg rope that was basically rope and in big surf it tried its hardest to tear your leg off[}:)]

Those original Surf Aids leggies were shockers. They stretched a bit but beyond the stretch there was no give in them at all. Glad to see the back of them.

Too right mate , they never went on the Log[}:)]

WA, 24860 posts
12 Mar 2012 6:35PM
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And those Noosa locals give nothing to the blow ins I can tell you.

Noosa is a beautiful place but lacks waves otherwise I would have been living there years ago.

Some say snapper is hard to get a wave but I find it harder to get one up there.

QLD, 7932 posts
12 Mar 2012 8:37PM
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62mac said...

And those Noosa locals give nothing to the blow ins I can tell you.

Noosa is a beautiful place but lacks waves otherwise I would have been living there years ago.

Some say snapper is hard to get a wave but I find it harder to get one up there.

i agree on that one

QLD, 515 posts
12 Mar 2012 9:45PM
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chrispychru said...

62mac said...

And those Noosa locals give nothing to the blow ins I can tell you.

Noosa is a beautiful place but lacks waves otherwise I would have been living there years ago.

Some say snapper is hard to get a wave but I find it harder to get one up there.

i agree on that one

I agree with you both on that and I live up here,
Thats why I holiday at snapper every year,
The set up down there ( snapper ) spaces out the crowd out a bit more IMO


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Leg ropes can stretch a really long way" started by obct