Very average wave quality here today.... Waiting for some improvement tomorrow....
So in my travels this morning near home, I snapped some pics for ya' all.
1st up - a grey/black Donald Takayama Scorpion in 7'6. Round nose, and rounded pin tail, but finishes in a pin.
2nd up - a lovely South Coast 7'4 double ender. Twin Stringers, with a green tint bleed down the middle, volan glass, clear, but it has that old school green tinge through it.
Last - Rincon Stylemaster Logo from South Coast (Hydrophilic). This board has a 2 inch balsa stringer !
Mmmmm 7'6 Scorpion ... very nice mate $$$$
And bonus smiley face on some tiny shoes there, Sweet
Cheers Simondo.