Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas.

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2013
4627 posts
1 Aug 2013 2:59AM
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DaveBasher said..

Any of you larger gents who've lost a **load of weight by cleaning up your diet noticed other benefits such as less joint pain/stiffness etc? (keep it clean.....)

I lost 27kg and maintained it for 5yrs now but still got the joint pain I'm afraid

WA, 2222 posts
1 Aug 2013 7:33AM
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I would've thought better joint health would be a significant and expected side effect, when you think about some of the weights being talked about. Imagine (for regular people) carrying around a bag of cement on your shoulders all day long, how much extra load that is. Why would you voluntarily do that?

WA, 24860 posts
1 Aug 2013 10:39AM
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It depends,I train and an always in pain.Good painNext step is shave my legs,get some serious tatts,buy a kick arse gold chain

QLD, 3954 posts
1 Aug 2013 1:55PM
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Here's one way to eating healthy very easily.

It's our new toy. The mess around it is from my Kale, betroot, Celery, apple, ginger and spinach smoothie for lunch.

Last night I made a Spag Bog sauce from scratch with all ingredients cooked in 20 mins. Everything raw, nothing from can or packet. 1 Bowl to clean, no chopping or stirring, it does it all for you.

For dessert the missus whipped up Strawberry Sorbet in 3 minutes.

Cooks, steams, blends, chops, mills, weighs etc etc etc. All in 1 bowl and in about 1/3 of the time to cook normally. This thing is amazing!!

NSW, 3487 posts
1 Aug 2013 4:43PM
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62mac said..

It depends,I train and an always in pain.Good painNext step is shave my legs,get some serious tatts,buy a kick arse gold chain

And while you have the shaver out, better give that chest a go as well.

2350 posts
1 Aug 2013 3:26PM
Thumbs Up, that contraption looks like something off CSI.
Is that blood on the left ? Dare I ask how much this thing costs ?

QLD, 3954 posts
1 Aug 2013 5:54PM
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NewScotty said.., that contraption looks like something off CSI.
Is that blood on the left ? Dare I ask how much this thing costs ?

Mate, CSI Labs might not be happy with the price.

Think of a beautiful tinted and polished McT longboard, 1 week in Bali or a cheap older car. The price is similar.

It blows me away what it can do though, I'm even cooking. So far i've made a Nice Chicken curry, a Sweet Potato and Leek soup and the Bolognaise last night among some smoothies etc

No cutting, no stirring. Just put it in in the right order and put on the timer.... 20 mins its all ready. Best bit is you no longer need to buy any pre-prepared sauces etc. You just chuck in the seeds, herbs etc and mill them down and then add the rest as you go. It's like traditional cooking done in a super modern machine that does it all for you......

13831 posts
1 Aug 2013 5:08PM
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obct said..

62mac said..

It depends,I train and an always in pain.Good painNext step is shave my legs,get some serious tatts,buy a kick arse gold chain

And while you have the shaver out, better give that chest a go as well.

WA, 24860 posts
1 Aug 2013 5:14PM
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Nice work obct,nah you have to have a hairy chest to pull the whole look together.

WA, 24860 posts
6 Aug 2013 6:01AM
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Scotty I've put on 3 kgs in a weekthe new training program is working a treat

2350 posts
6 Aug 2013 1:19PM
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62mac said...
Scotty I've put on 3 kgs in a weekthe new training program is working a treat

A few sessions on the 666 should sort that out Mac.
Started on Lite N Easy yesterday.
ATM it suits my hectic lifestyle.
3 meals + morning & arvo snacks.
I have used it in the past with good results.
1800 cals per day I am on.
It's amazing how little food you need to satisfy your hunger for a few hours.
Next weigh in is this Monday.
Had a good chat with my 'Life Coach' last week.
The guy who lives down in Mexico and summarises Ted's long posts for me.
Apparently he has a sexy neighbour.

WA, 6913 posts
6 Aug 2013 2:08PM
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NewScotty said..

62mac said...
Scotty I've put on 3 kgs in a weekthe new training program is working a treat

A few sessions on the 666 should sort that out Mac.
Started on Lite N Easy yesterday.
ATM it suits my hectic lifestyle.
3 meals + morning & arvo snacks.
I have used it in the past with good results.
1800 cals per day I am on.
It's amazing how little food you need to satisfy your hunger for a few hours.
Next weigh in is this Monday.
Had a good chat with my 'Life Coach' last week.
The guy who lives down in Mexico and summarises Ted's long posts for me.
Apparently he has a sexy neighbour.

Apparently, but we've never seen a photo so it could be just all hot air

2350 posts
11 Aug 2013 10:04AM
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Jumped on the 666 this morning for a cruisy 4-5K up the Cooks River.
I forget how good it feels afterwards - just love that feeling that you have done something.
Kids sports are wrapping up so looking forward to more time on the 666.
Haven't posted for a while but still focused to reach my goal.

WA, 24860 posts
11 Aug 2013 10:09AM
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Good on you Scotty,I knew you wouldn't let me down no pressure mate we are all hear for you

2350 posts
11 Aug 2013 10:15AM
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Cheers Mac.
I'll be sweet.
Next time I will stick a GoPro on my head and post a 7min video of my adventure. Wouldn't that be exciting ?

WA, 24860 posts
11 Aug 2013 10:17AM
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That would be all time Scotty we like to share in here 6 hours of surfing over two days has me stuffed now go get a 10 foot longboard and see what happens

WA, 9675 posts
11 Aug 2013 2:43PM
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The ****ing cooks river,It would be safer to paddle at ****ishima and Chernobyl than that place. You are one hardcore mofo young man

NSW, 7269 posts
11 Aug 2013 9:19PM
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chrispy said..

The ****ing cooks river,It would be safer to paddle at ****ishima and Chernobyl than that place. You are one hardcore mofo young man

I always thought the Cooks river to be a lifeless filthy patch of water until I saw a clip on Youtube of a bloke dragging a 15kg jewfish out of a hole right near Tempe railway bridge.
I still wouldn't want to fall in there though.

2350 posts
11 Aug 2013 7:43PM
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Mac, I was being sarcastic about the GoPro.
Chrispy, The Cooks is sweet - just don't fall in. Mate it's disgusting and it blows me away how blokes fish in it. I saw 3 boats with a line over the side.
What's a bit of mercury with the Omega.

2350 posts
12 Aug 2013 10:14AM
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Another 4K 666 paddle this morning on the harbour from Lane Cove.
Top morning with glassy on the water and sun out.
The 666 is permanently on my work van roof now (as per instructions from my Life Coach from Mexico).
Just need those tie down locks to work.

VIC, 3829 posts
12 Aug 2013 12:29PM
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62mac said..
Good on you Scotty,I knew you wouldn't let me down no pressure mate we are all hear for you

No pressure...thats bull****...pumps those weights...lift those legs and move it!!
nah just kidding keep up the good work bro!!!

NSW, 3487 posts
12 Aug 2013 12:50PM
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NewScotty said..

Another 4K 666 paddle this morning on the harbour from Lane Cove.
Top morning with glassy on the water and sun out.
The 666 is permanently on my work van roof now (as per instructions from my Life Coach from Mexico).
Just need those tie down locks to work.

If you have a fin box with about 30mm of free space, I could lend you my spare slik-lok.

I don't use it because I only have one key for it and I'm such a lazy prick, I can't be bothered getting a spare.

Then just use your lockable tie downs as tie downs and the slik-lok as you main security.

4627 posts
12 Aug 2013 10:52AM
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Scotty it's Monday can't see any weight posted no pressure

2350 posts
14 Aug 2013 10:46AM
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TB, I missed the weigh in on Monday.
I use the local Chemist scales but couldn't get there in the a.m.
A smart man doesn't weigh himself at end of the day.
I am not really focusing on weight atm.
I have paddled the 666 3 days in a row and aiming to make it 4 today.
I am in my second week of lite N easy and doing it easy as it suits my hectic schedule of having 3 meals + snacks ready to go.
My clothes are feeling better on me already and feel great from my 666 and lighter eating.
Healthy body healthy mind as they say and I am feeling that atm.

OB, thanks for the offer but I will pick up the so called more improved lockable straps for my 666. Until then they look locked and hope nobody tests them.

4627 posts
14 Aug 2013 11:23AM
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Keep paddling mate I used to think it didn't do much but since I've not been surfing mine much these days I really feel it after session now
I always weighed in the morn after pee &sheit

WA, 6913 posts
14 Aug 2013 4:19PM
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towball said..

I always weighed in the morn after pee &sheit

And with out clothes on

2350 posts
14 Aug 2013 4:55PM
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4 consecutive days on the 666 now.
Today was a quick 25 min paddle this arvo between jobs.
You may be thinking was it worth it for just 25 mins.
Answer: Fark yeh, worth every minute.
No mobile phone and at peace with the world.
Locking the 666 on the roof is the key - cuts out the logistics.

WA, 6913 posts
14 Aug 2013 5:22PM
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NewScotty said..

4 consecutive days on the 666 now.
Today was a quick 25 min paddle this arvo between jobs.
You may be thinking was it worth it for just 25 mins.
Answer: Fark yeh, worth every minute.
No mobile phone and at peace with the world.
Locking the 666 on the roof is the key - cuts out the logistics.

Mate they do say find 30 every day, they don't say on what so you've now only got to knock out 5 more minutes and you done

2350 posts
14 Aug 2013 5:30PM
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jbshack said..

NewScotty said..

4 consecutive days on the 666 now.
Today was a quick 25 min paddle this arvo between jobs.
You may be thinking was it worth it for just 25 mins.
Answer: Fark yeh, worth every minute.
No mobile phone and at peace with the world.
Locking the 666 on the roof is the key - cuts out the logistics.

Mate they do say find 30 every day, they don't say on what so you've now only got to knock out 5 more minutes and you done

JB, I'm sure I will find something to fill in for 5 mins - if I haven't already today.

VIC, 16 posts
14 Aug 2013 9:06PM
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Congrats on your quest to get healthier. One thing I have learnt is that most doctors and nutritionists are WAY behind the latest research. I won't bang on about the long term effectiveness of dieting, so much info makes things confusing, but PLEASE watch last weeks Catalyst about sugar and insulin at

Good luck!!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My goal to lose 34 kg's by Xmas." started by NewScotty