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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Need a board

Created by Adapt > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2012
QLD, 723 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:54PM
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I've ridden all types of boards but there is one style that keeps dragging me back like a bad addiction that I just can't give up. Yes its longboarding. The question for you guys is I'm after a board thats not going to break the bank but will perform pretty well for times when I'm over the SUP or the paddle breaks. I'd like to use it at places like Kingy, Talle, Coolie if I can get my head around the crowd and the occasional beach break. Cheers for the board advice guys

WA, 24860 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:00PM
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Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

6657 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:02PM
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Didn't daneli have his green machine up for grabs mac
PM daneli adapt

Late Edito - mac you might have to set up a "Player Draft" so that DJ doesn't accuse us of illegal poaching mate

WA, 24860 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:10PM
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BulldogPup said...

Didn't daneli have his green machine up for grabs mac
PM daneli adapt

Late Edito - mac you might have to set up a "Player Draft" so that DJ doesn't accuse us of illegal poaching mate

Daneli has a great board for sale which would be perfect for your weight Pup Not knowing Adapt,if he is a light weight I'd be contacting Daneli for sure or my old FB on the McT site.

Pup are you surfing Wed' if so I'll sort one out for you.

6657 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:23PM
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62mac said...

BulldogPup said...

Didn't daneli have his green machine up for grabs mac
PM daneli adapt

Late Edito - mac you might have to set up a "Player Draft" so that DJ doesn't accuse us of illegal poaching mate

Daneli has a great board for sale which would be perfect for your weight Pup Not knowing Adapt,if he is a light weight I'd be contacting Daneli for sure or my old FB on the McT site.

Pup are you surfing Wed' if so I'll sort one out for you.

Yes - Do that please mate

WA, 24860 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:26PM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Mar 2012 11:33PM
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62mac said...

Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

haha, nah, he just wants to hop of the higher plane to see why you knuckle draggers are doing

WA, 24860 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:35PM
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hello Lacey matemate of yours is he

6657 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:36PM
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laceys lane said...

62mac said...

Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

haha, nah, he just wants to hop of the higher plane to see why you knuckle draggers are doing

(you are "dropping in" this week aren't you mate?)

WA, 24860 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:38PM
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Wednesday Lacey come on ,will be driving past your place can pick up

NSW, 2110 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:33AM
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I am on the lookout for you

4214 posts
27 Mar 2012 5:50AM
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62mac said...

Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

Sh1t mac, we're dropping like flies. I hear ya about the costs of you know what. My last paddle cost $588 and my next you know what would have cost $2450. Let's just say the the DC is off the list.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Mar 2012 8:16AM
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sorry boys last post before bed- didn't get the grammer right

i would be looking to spend a touch more for a mal- second hand thou.

but i need to not spend any money on boards for a few months.

gee the mal and sup caper is expensive, even shorties are hitting the $900 mark in some shops.

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Mar 2012 9:55AM
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Welcome aboard Adapt! Yes Mac, quite a few of the boys are venturing across !! There's 2 more Vicco Sup blokes who will no doubt drift across shortly. Getting into Longboards.

WA, 24860 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:19AM
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I wonder why

6657 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:20AM
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Come on lacey are you coming

10980 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:30AM
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62mac said...

I wonder why

Maybe they found out what there hands are for

The same thing happened with the goat boaters in the 80s around here, they all bought skis got back into it and then rode LBs. it was a shame cause nothing funnier as a teenager than seeing a older gentlemen strapped in having a good solid beachies unload in front of him, or the real gem was when they went backwards over the falls strapped in but I do remember a few guys around here that we're pretty good on them, airs etc. I think surfest even had a wave ski division for a few years.

10980 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:51AM
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Just for old times sake here are some ski rider wipeouts.

and it does become boring but there are some good ones in it.

NSW, 3487 posts
27 Mar 2012 1:56PM
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Geezuz that's crap camera work.

I've seen better footage of bigfoot.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Mar 2012 2:00PM
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62mac said...

I wonder why

i reckon sometimes you've got to take a backward step, that would be long boarding, to realise and fully enoy a superior style of surfing, what would be supping

WA, 24860 posts
27 Mar 2012 12:09PM
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haha funny paddle stick man

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Mar 2012 2:37PM
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62mac said...

haha funny paddle stick man

i love this forum. where else can you have some fun and everybody takes it for what it is

here, i'll bag myself

WA, 24860 posts
27 Mar 2012 12:39PM
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Well said Lacey,notice we don't go in the sup room much anymore.

4214 posts
27 Mar 2012 1:03PM
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62mac said...

Well said Lacey,notice we don't go in the sup room much anymore.

Not the only one mac.
I love SUPing - just don't want to talk about it all the time.
Just don't care what the new Glide looks like or who won what contest somewhere. No disrespect to that room - just not into it much.
Sorry I mentioned that 'S' word again.

10980 posts
27 Mar 2012 1:17PM
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laceys lane said...

62mac said...

Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

haha, nah, he just wants to hop of the higher plane to see why you knuckle draggers are doing

Can't be a longboarder, he has a paddle in his hand. Looks a bit short though

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Mar 2012 5:44PM
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SP said...

laceys lane said...

62mac said...

Geez another sweeper dropout

First up your happy to folk out 500 for your extended arm/paddle and another 15 to 1800 for a piece of plastic and you want a cheap longboard ffs your smarter than that adapt.

1 to 1500 and you can order a custom whatever board you want whatever colour you like.

Welcome and good to see your eyes are wide open

haha, nah, he just wants to hop of the higher plane to see why you knuckle draggers are doing

Can't be a longboarder, he has a paddle in his hand. Looks a bit short though

no, it's a club, standard issue for the coolie gate keepers- hey mac

QLD, 723 posts
27 Mar 2012 9:31PM
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Yeah I know 62Mac, nothing good is cheap. I'm not jumping ship completely just know how much Longboarding helped my short boarding and was curious on whether it would do the same for SUP. But its also great to diversify and not get trapped in a single style of surfing. Plus I like the more relaxed style that comes with Longboarding at times.

WA, 24860 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:39PM
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Adapt you live like five minutes from me,grab one of my boards one day,rules are ding it,you own it

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Mar 2012 8:14PM
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62mac said...

Adapt you live like five minutes from me,grab one of my boards one day,rules are ding it,you own it

how good a deal is that, just ding a board and its yours

most would make you pay for it- not mac

WA, 24860 posts
28 Mar 2012 6:56PM
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Lacey saw this awesome board today and it will cost you just another 100 than if you got in earlier

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Mar 2012 9:08PM
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62mac said...

Lacey saw this awesome board today and it will cost you just another 100 than if you got in earlier

mate, had to do some fancy sell and buy last week or so, didn't end up losing and got a better faster board, an old model that still flies

but i'm out of the board buying game for a while. consolidation time


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Need a board" started by Adapt