Forums > Surfing Longboarding

No Substitute for a bit of volume

Created by obct > 9 months ago, 18 Oct 2009
NSW, 3487 posts
18 Oct 2009 5:31PM
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I’m not talking decibels here, I had another great day on my new 10’ tufelite.

Yesterday in Sydney was just a disaster with dreadful on shore rubbish in the arvo. I completely missed the good stuff in the morning but today just suited it perfectly.

I can’t believe how things have changed for me in just 3 weekends. If the surf is right, I’ve gone from being the slug who sits out the back with his finger in his date and his brain in neutral, not able to catch a thing, to getting my share.

It’s great to be able to pull off manoeuvres you usually only dream of, admittedly I do them very slowly, but that’s still better than not at all.

I’m still hopeless at crossovers, sure I can move up near the nose most times, only problem is, I can’t seem to get back. Maybe that’ll change.

PS.I added a tail pad and block since last week and it seems to help but I think I put it about 2 inches too far back

One thing I noticed it that it seem to foul my rope a bit, it's nothing terminal, just a tad of an annoyance.

I suppose the only way to reposition them is to basically destroy them and buy a new one?

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
19 Oct 2009 10:11AM
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I've found that teh Knee attachement for the leg rope gets fouled a bit more than the ankle one but I'd reather be pulled around by my calf.......

If you can ge the tail pad off in one piece you should be able to stick it back down with something like 3M Super 77 Adhesive. I've got to put something on the tail as I'm not getting far enough back - I get up by the nose and enjoy it too much .

Where'd you surf yesterday? I'm hoping for the goods on Wednesday (if i can shake this cold).

NSW, 3487 posts
19 Oct 2009 11:00AM
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I found a little wave in front of the Collaroy Hogs breath.

I had it all to myself for an hour, I was sure someone was going to see me and come out to pinch my waves but they never did. Up at the rock pool I could clearly see about 3 mals and one sup trying to catch a none existent break with an average ride of about 5 metres but none of them ventured down to my end.

I felt so good afterwards I didn't want it to end so I sat on the wall with a coffee for a while then threw this big old doona on the seat and started driving south still in my wetty.

There was a good wave at Dee Why towards no mans but there was a cast of thousands trying to catch it.

Curly was messy so I ended up at freshwater, there was a mal comp winding up but there was still an excellent right at the southern end but the competition was still a bit too much for me.

I could see the north end was messy but some good sets would come through every 4 minutes or so and they were kinda fat at the bottom so I went in there for another hour and had a ball.

I could see that the competition up there was mostly pommy backpackers, you can spot them a mile off. Occasionally you get a good one but for the most part I have their measure, especially because they usually have boards that don't suit their weight and experience.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
20 Oct 2009 10:39AM
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I've looked at the pool on multiple days but never made it - there was a nice little peak mid last week beside the Queenscliff pool that was a good bit of fun. Anyluck we'll get something good soon - bit lackluster at the moment.

NSW, 3487 posts
20 Oct 2009 11:10AM
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Lacklustre suits my style.

Maybe that will change, I knocked up a balance board yesterday at work, only took me about 30 minutes. Got it home on the bus last night and tried it out, seems to give the legs a good workout.

If I can stick with it each night, I may be in better shape for the weekends.

I may also break my silly looking neck on it

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
20 Oct 2009 2:51PM
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Always good when you can make something at work - last I looked they wanted something like $150 in the store for'em.

I've been sitting on a Bousu Ball at my desk for the last couple months now for better core strength.

NSW, 3487 posts
20 Oct 2009 3:51PM
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That ball thing may be something I should try; I have very poor posture when I sit at work.

The balance board was just too easy not to have a go at because all the gear was already lying around at work beside the triton work bench so it's all recycled stuff. For my weight, the ply would have been better if it was 25mm rather than the 19mm I used but beggars can't be choosers.

This is basically what I did only mine has radiused and rounded corners.

This oval one would have been good but the ply I found had already been cut to 14 inches wide.

The roller is the big problem, buying a piece of that super thick PVC or ABS would have been hard because not many places have it and are not prepared to do off cuts.

At the moment I'm using a piece of 100mm PVC drain with a wall thickness of just over 3mm but you can see it's going oval shaped with my weight and it'll probably shatter soon.

I don't know if it will work but I found a tin of expanding foam, sealed up both ends of another 100mm off cut, drilled a small hole near one end and pumped in the foam until it stared oozing back out the hole.

In 24 hours I'll know if it's set hard to make the PVC rigid enough so it won't distort under the enormity of my lardass.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
20 Oct 2009 4:41PM
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You've got some practice to catch up to this

The balls good if you work at a desk, found I was always slouching - proper monitor height helps as well. Took a month to get used to it back muscles where killing me at the start

NSW, 3487 posts
20 Oct 2009 5:30PM
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Gim'me a coupl'a weeks, I'll woop her narrow ass

who am I kidding I got nuth'n

WA, 24860 posts
20 Oct 2009 6:15PM
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Hey, I have a new indo board in the garage it was a gift from an importer friend
who wants it its free


WA, 24860 posts
20 Oct 2009 6:18PM
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obct said...

Gim'me a coupl'a weeks, I'll woop her narrow ass

who am I kidding I got nuth'n

love ya work obct


NSW, 3487 posts
20 Oct 2009 9:34PM
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I had another go at it tonight and I tried to count how long I went without touching the floor. I reckon I got to 67 one time.

The girls in trouble, I'll soon catch up, just say'n

Did I mention how fast I can count [}:)]

WA, 24860 posts
20 Oct 2009 6:41PM
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obct said...

I had another go at it tonight and I tried to count how long I went without touching the floor. I reckon I got to 67 one time.

The girls in trouble, I'll soon catch up, just say'n

Did I mention how fast I can count [}:)]

PMSL, that's awesome 67. go for 100 mate.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
20 Oct 2009 10:15PM
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62mac said...

Hey, I have a new indo board in the garage it was a gift from an importer friend
who wants it its free


If I was further north I'd jump at it

NSW, 3487 posts
21 Oct 2009 9:53PM
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111 tonight, that biatch is as good as toasted, you just wait and see.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
22 Oct 2009 10:11AM
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You're going to have to take these guys on then

NSW, 3487 posts
22 Oct 2009 12:46PM
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Another bunch of attention whores

WA, 2222 posts
23 Oct 2009 12:01PM
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62mac said...

Hey, I have a new indo board in the garage it was a gift from an importer friend
who wants it its free

Sent you a PM yesterday mac.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"No Substitute for a bit of volume" started by obct